"Brothers, Brother Tiger is here again. I haven't been online for the past two days. The main reason is that I was caught when I was looking for Brother Dare's grave. After I was released, I found the Northeast Cute Cat. I have already finished burning paper for Brother Dare as promised last time."

"……At this point, you brothers should know what happened. Bold brother, he really died young."

Xibeihu brother started the live broadcast again and played a suona piece"The Big Funeral", barely squeezing out two tears.

"The grandfather of the cute girl is a master. The ritual of burning paper is not allowed to be filmed, but I will reveal the inside story. Mr. Zhao summoned the soul of the bold brother. Brother Tiger, I saw it with my own eyes. If there is a lie, Brother Tiger will be stabbed three times and six holes……"

Zhang Qingyuan had seen his live broadcast in the Yinzhai, and decisively chose to connect with him, and then turned off the camera

"Well, welcome back our bold brother. He is in the underworld but his heart is in the world of the living. I look forward to the day when he catches the father of Kuai Dou Su and beats him up."

【The plot is fake, it's over.】

【It's really ridiculous, and they're even calling for spirits. Even dogs won't believe it. 】

There were still stubborn people in the live broadcast room who were singing a different tune.

Northwest Tiger Brother automatically ignored these people who were trying to stir up trouble, and changed the subject:"Okay, brothers. Tiger Brother has returned to the northwest and is on his way to Fengmen Village. As for why he went to Fengmen Village, let's invite Master Zhao to come on stage." The camera switched to the rear, and Zhao Yuanshan and Zhao Lingshan, the grandfather and grandson, were sitting in the back row.

Seeing his phone pointed at him, Zhao Yuanshan's face darkened and he said,"Take it away, don't point it at me."

After being retorted, Brother Northwest Tiger didn't dare to say anything more. He turned to look at Zhao Lingshan and said,"Sister Lingshan, say hello to your brothers."

Zhao Lingshan has the pure personality of a Northeastern girl.

She is carefree and not afraid of strangers.

She said to the camera in a pinched voice,"Hello, brothers.

I am Northeast Mengmao.

If you are interested, you can follow my Kuaishou account.

" She has completely different voices in front of people and behind people.

Her online appearance, cute looks, and most importantly, a"sweet" voice have successfully captured the hearts of a large group of lsps.

Immediately, tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room disappeared and went to search for her account.

"Okay, next we are going to Fengmen Village to catch ghosts live! Brave brother, here is your chance to take revenge. I will live stream the whole process in a while."

"Live broadcast, this is a secret method of our sect, it cannot be leaked to others, I will shut it down in a moment." Zhao Yuanshan's words broke his dream again

【Obviously, the live broadcast will be exposed, so find a reason】

【Not live streaming to catch ghosts? I took off my pants, and you told me this. 】

A large number of people were attracted by the title of the live broadcast room——【Live broadcast of catching ghosts to avenge Zhang Dadan】

"cough���……"After a long silence, Zhang Qingyuan was ready to speak. He had cheated someone out of more than 300,000 yuan, so he had to help him make it back.

"Brothers of Brother Hu in the live broadcast room, don't worry, because I was killed by a fierce ghost. The human soul among the three souls of heaven, earth and man was taken away by the fierce ghost. Without the soul, I am basically useless. I can't enter reincarnation in the future, and there will be other troubles. Fortunately, Brother Hu helped me find Master Zhao, who promised to help get rid of the fierce ghost in Fengmen Village and find the human soul back.……"

"That's roughly what happened. As for whether the content of the live broadcast between Brother Hu and I is true or false, I can't tell now. Wait a couple of days, I'll solve the problem of the live broadcast account being banned, and you will know when I start the live broadcast.……"

Before he could finish his words, the screen in the live broadcast room went black, and then a ban notice popped up, with a time of six hours.

"Hey, hey, hey... Why was my live broadcast room blocked?"Xibeihu was stunned on the spot. He was fine last time, but this time he didn't do anything. Just because Zhang Dadan said two words, he was blocked.

"Hahahaha… What bad luck, I let you show off." Zhao Lingshan laughed like a barbell, and then switched to a throat that had been rasped by a file.


At the Kuaishou headquarters, Yan Ziyue stood with his hands on his hips and shouted in his office:"Keep a close eye on everyone. Block all those related to him and remove the videos. Is that clear? Don't create any problems."

Lu Qi sat in front of the computer and replied:"Don't worry, boss. Northwest Tiger's live broadcast room has just been blocked. There should be no other live broadcast rooms."

"Hehe... Did the boss see the video of that guy trying to cause trouble for the boss's father?" A colleague's snickering could be heard from the side.

"It's for sure. Didn't you see that the boss was called to the office a few days ago? When he came back, he said that he would keep an eye on Zhang Dadan. It must be the boss who gave the order."

The colleagues around were also discussing quietly, one by one, very happy, and some even hoped that the boss's father would be beaten up.


At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan was speechless as he looked at the blocked live broadcast room. He probably guessed that Kuaidou was targeting him. It should be that the previous words about looking for trouble with their boss's father reached Su Qiaoyang's ears.

"Do you really think I can't find your father?"

He put down his phone, not in a hurry at all. It has been a few days since he was summoned to the mortal world by Zhao Yuanshan last time. Bian Fei's duty should be almost over. He has no choice but to wait for him to find him.

"Boom boom boom……"

There was a knock on the door outside the quiet room, which was very abrupt.

Zhang Qingyuan was startled, thinking that Zhao Jin came to see him again, and asked,"Is it Senior Zhao?"

"It's me, Bian Fei!"

A deep voice responded from outside the door, followed by another voice:"And our captain is here too, brother Zhang, open the door quickly."

Here they come!

Zhang Qingyuan instantly became alert, and hurriedly opened the door to the Yin house, only to see two ghosts standing outside. They were not wearing the armor of the Yin soldiers before, but two sets of ancient strongman costumes. They looked strong and powerful, and their arms were as thick as his thighs.

Zhang Qingyuan quickly welcomed the two in and sat down around the table, which was also the only piece of furniture in the Yin house.

"Brother Zhang, this is our captain, Deng Qigong. Captain, you have met Zhang Qingyuan. The thing I told you about before was proposed by Brother Zhang."Bian Fei sat in the middle and introduced the two sides.

"It's Brother Deng. I've heard of you for a long time." Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly complimented him.

The latter had a big beard and a pair of oppressive eyes. He stared at Zhang Qingyuan and said,"Well, I already know about it. Brother Zhang, do you have a channel to get Yin money?"

The other party was so direct, Zhang Qingyuan did not hide it and said,"To be honest, I do have it. It's just that someone in the Yang world is blocking me, so I have to ask you two for help. As long as you can solve this problem, I will reward you handsomely in the future."

Deng Qigong nodded and asked,"What is the problem? Tell me how you plan to solve it first."

"This matter is very simple. The person who is obstructing the world has relatives in the underworld. All he needs to do is……"

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