After listening to Zhang Qingyuan's plan, Bian Fei and Deng Qigong looked at him strangely.

They felt that this guy looked honest and kind, but who knew that he was such a sinister person who didn't even let go of the dead elders of his enemies.

That's right!

The two didn't believe a word of Zhang Qingyuan's words about opening a channel to make money. They simply regarded it as revenge on his enemies in his lifetime.

The two looked at each other, and Bian Fei collected his thoughts and said,"Brother Zhang, you are a bit...……"

"Ahem... If we can really get Yin money, it's not impossible. I know a friend in the Procuratorate, and it's not a problem to find someone." Deng Qigong interrupted Bian Fei before he finished speaking, and winked at him.

The latter immediately understood... Indeed, this kind of moral model thing is useless. If you do it when you are alive, you can accumulate some Yin virtue, but now that you are dead, it is useless. It is better to exchange for some benefits.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't know that they would think so complicated, and hurriedly said:"Don't worry, as long as you can help me solve this matter, I will definitely give you one or two Yin money every month in the future."

Hearing this, Bian Fei and Deng Qigong both subconsciously stopped breathing. Although they were not breathing, their slightly changed shapes still revealed their excitement.

One or two taels of Yin money!

It doesn't sound much, but in the underworld, let alone one or two taels, even one penny is very precious, otherwise Bian Fei would not have saved up enough money for so many years to buy a position as a Yin soldier.

The two looked at each other again, their attitudes were a little ambiguous, and Deng Qigong suppressed his excitement and said:

"In that case, there is no reason for us to refuse. Brother Zhang, do you want to find that person's birth date or something like that?"

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and said,"I don't have his information, but I do have his son's information. His name is Su Qiaoyang, born in the seventh year of Emperor Gaozong of Daxia.……"

As the boss of a newly-established Internet giant in Daxia, Su Qiaoyang's personal information has no privacy at all and can be easily found on the Internet. Zhang Qingyuan has already prepared

"Well, it's fine if we have his information. Let's check Su Qiaoyang first. If we find him, we'll naturally find his father. It's the same thing."

Deng Qigong immediately stood up and hurried out to the Investigation Bureau to look for his good friend.

"Wait a minute, isn't it daytime ban now?" Zhang Qingyuan asked doubtfully.

"Hehehe...Brother Zhang, you don't know, only ordinary ghosts are banned during the day. Didn't you see that the inner city was prosperous the last time you entered it? The captain and I are at least patrolling ghost soldiers, so we still have some face by banning us from going out during the day."Bian Fei said proudly.

Zhang Qingyuan curled his lips when he heard this. It turned out that privileged people are hated everywhere. However, he became more eager to become a privileged class, and he quickly found an opportunity to buy an official position in the Suppression of Evil Division.

However, he was not very familiar with this aspect, and it seemed that it would fall on the two people in front of him.

On the way to the inner city, Zhang Qingyuan casually asked the two about the inside story of buying an official position.

""Brother Zhang, have you saved enough money?" Bian Fei asked in surprise.

" should be soon enough to resolve this matter, so I would like to ask the two big brothers for some advice, so that you can take care of me when I get the identity of a ghost messenger in the future." Zhang Qingyuan asked in a very good manner, and at the same time concealed the fact that he had saved enough money, and was on guard against the two of them.

After all, you can't judge a person by his face, and seventy taels of ghost money is a huge sum of money, and money can move people's hearts.

Deng Qigong said:"Well, selling officials is a delicate job. You have to find the right person and spend the right money. Otherwise, the money may not be spent, and you may be cheated away by others, or even worse, you may die. Brother, which government office do you want to sell an official in? I can help you with some advice."

"Well, I plan to go to the Evil Suppression Department……"

The two people around him staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Deng Qigong quickly stabilized his body and said in shock:"Where? The Suppression of Evil Division? Do you know how much the cheapest official position there is?"

Obviously, Zhang Qingyuan's"generosity" still shocked the two underworld bumpkins.

"Last time I heard from Brother Bian Fei, it seemed to be seventy taels of Yin money."

"hiss……"Bian Fei took a breath of cold air:"Brother, it seems that you are also a big man in the world. You are so confident that you can receive the offering of 70 taels of Yin money."

More than 70 taels!

I am not afraid of scaring you to death. I plan to be the whole evil suppressor.

Zhang Qingyuan secretly complained in his heart, but he must not say this, otherwise he would really become a big piece of fat meat.

He said with a Versailles face:"It's okay, I have a lot of family wealth in the world, but the person who hindered me is too hateful, so I have to ask you two for help. Please rest assured, brothers, when I receive the offerings from the world, you two will definitely be indispensable."

He promised again and painted a big cake for the two.

As the saying goes, when you have a small goal, your relatives and friends hope you die every day, but when you can earn a small goal a year, they will hope you live a long life.

Zhang Qingyuan still understands this truth. It is safest to use bait to hang the people around you for a long time.

After all, everyone knows how to choose when they are full and full every day.

On the following journey, the two explained to him in detail the procedures of selling officials. However, they both bought the positions of ghost soldiers in the patrol city, which was just a reference for Zhang Qingyuan. As for the procedures of the evil suppression department, the two could not explain it clearly.

Soon, the three of them passed through the inner city gate and arrived at the inspection department smoothly.

The tall and majestic gate of the yamen was extremely oppressive. Zhang Qingyuan felt uncomfortable just standing at the door. The underworld beasts on both sides seemed to be ready to pounce on him at any time and swallow him up. The three of them waited outside, and soon, a thin, middle-aged male ghost dressed like a scholar came out from inside.

"Brother Deng, I found it. The person you are looking for is in the outer city. He died a year and a half ago. He should have family members in the world of the living to support him and have money to stay in the city."

Deng Qigong took the note and took a look at it, then quickly put it away and said,"Thank you, Brother Lin Fu, you helped us a lot."

The underworld messenger of the Procuratorate named Lin Fu waved his hand and said,"No, no, it's just a piece of cake. We have many cases of investigating people in our Procuratorate.""

"Hey, this brother looks a little unfamiliar. I don't know……"Lin Fu looked at Zhang Qingyuan and asked.

Deng Qigong hurriedly introduced the two of them. Zhang Qingyuan was also very smart and immediately said,"It turns out to be Brother Lin Fu. I have heard of you for a long time. I am really grateful for your help this time. Please accept this little gift."

As he said that, Zhang Qingyuan took out a Yin money of one tael and stuffed it into his pocket. The latter wanted to refuse, but when he saw the Yin money, he couldn't say anything.

You have to know that the lowest-level Yin messengers like them have no money at all when they work in the underworld. They just have an extra identity and the rent in the city is waived. This is a little benefit. Unless you reach a high level, you will have the opportunity to make money.

So one or two Yin money is a huge sum of money for them.

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