After leaving the Procuratorate, Deng Qigong led the two of them all the way to the outer city.

"Captain, is it far away?"Bian Fei asked

"It's OK, at No. 768, Area B. It seems that this guy's relatives in the world of the living are at least very wealthy, otherwise it would be impossible for him to have so much luck and live in such a front position in Area B."

In addition to burning paper offerings directly in the world of the living, the Yin money in the underworld also includes the direct relatives of the deceased who have blood ties with the deceased sharing the wealth in the world of the living. To put it simply, as long as the relatives within three generations get rich, the wealth will turn into blessings for the Yin relatives and bring him Yin money income.

So even if there are almost no people in the world of the living who know how to offer sacrifices to their Yin relatives, because of the wealth, they can still bring a certain amount of Yin money to their relatives in the underworld. As for how much, it depends on how well they do in the world of the living.

And this wealth can only last for three generations, and it will end after three generations. This is why most of the wild ghosts living in the wild tombs outside the city are the dead who have died for many years, because they have no Yang relatives within three generations, and they have also been cut off from sacrifices and offerings, so naturally they are very poor.���Miserable.

As for Su Jianguo, Su Qiaoyang's father, he lives a very comfortable life in the underworld because he has a good son. The share of wealth from Su Qiaoyang, the Internet upstart, is enough for him to live safely in Fengdu City, and he even has a surplus.

This is the information Zhang Qingyuan just learned from Deng Qigong.

It is really true that people are frustrating to compare with others. As an orphan, he had a very miserable life in the world of the living. After his death, he had no relatives to offer sacrifices to him. Therefore, even if he had blood relatives within three generations, the wealth he could share was pitifully small.

If it were not for the mobile phone plug-in that could start live broadcast, Zhang Qingyuan felt that he could slit his throat and die again.

"Wait... I seem to have fallen into a misconception?"Zhang Qingyuan suddenly stopped where he was.

Deng Qigong and Bian Fei, who were traveling with him, saw him suddenly stop and thought something had happened.

""Brother Zhang, what's wrong?" Bian Fei asked.

Zhang Qingyuan came back to his senses and smiled,"Nothing, I just suddenly thought of something."

After that, he followed again, and the three of them continued to move forward, and soon arrived at the outer city area B.

At the same time, he was thinking in his heart... Kuaishou blocked my live broadcast room because I was promoting"feudal superstition", so why don't I just stop promoting it? What reason do they have to block me?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly felt that he was really a little smart. Since the account blocking problem has not been solved, he will never mention anything about ghosts in the underworld and avoid risky words.

Immediately, he took action, took out his mobile phone, clicked on the Kuaishou platform, and then entered the live broadcast preparation page.

Live broadcast room title?

"Hmm...Live broadcast to arrest Boss Su's father! That's it."

He quickly typed in the title, and then Zhang Qingyuan started the live broadcast. Suddenly, the desolate scene of Fengdu City appeared on the mobile phone screen.

Because of the huge number of fans, in just a few seconds, nearly 10,000 people received the live broadcast recommendation and clicked in.


"Huh? Bold Brother is live streaming?"While Brother Northwest Tiger was still feeling sad and angry in his live streaming room and was bored and scrolling through videos, a follow-up prompt popped up on the homepage.

"What's going on? How dare he do that? Let me see.……"Zhao Lingshan also became interested and quickly searched for the three words"Zhang Dabing" and then entered the live broadcast room.

The whole live broadcast room was a little dim, and Zhang Qingyuan's pale face occupied the entire screen, and the surrounding scene could not be seen.

"Okay, okay, don’t ask me where I am. Just think of me as a large-scale film and television live-action base. It’s easy to get blocked. Those who understand will understand." Faced with the constant stream of questions in the comment section

【Hahahaha...if you say one more word you will be blocked】

【I just said it's fake, the anchor said it's a real-life base】

【The person above is an idiot, or else, are you waiting for the sanctions from the big stick? 】

The number of people grew rapidly, with tens of millions of fans. Zhang Qingyuan glanced and saw that the number of people in the live broadcast room was already over 100,000, and the actual number of people online was more than 300,000, which was much less than last time, but compared with other so-called big anchors, it was already an astronomical number.

"I, Zhang Dadan, hereby declare that today's live broadcast is purely for chatting and does not involve any feudal superstition or other illegal content. In addition, I will also broadcast a costume film clip that is being filmed. As for what clip it is, you can guess it yourself."

"Dear friends, please pay attention to me and add the fan group in the upper left corner... Thanks to the boss of '胸不小无脑〥' for the big plane, thank you……"

In just a few minutes of live broadcast, the boss had already appeared and swiped several high-value gifts. Zhang Qingyuan was naturally generous in thanking him, as it was all money.

His strange behavior naturally attracted the attention of Bian Fei and Deng Qigong. They saw him raising his hand as if he was holding something and talking, and it felt like he was crazy.

In the eyes of the two, Zhang Qingyuan had nothing in his hand and could not see the existence of the mobile phone. Zhang Qingyuan knew this a long time ago, otherwise it would have been taken away by the underworld when he entered the underworld.

""Brother Zhang, what are you doing?" Bian Fei asked curiously.

"It's nothing, Brother Bian, don't worry about me."

【Someone is talking next to me】

【Why do you feel so spooky?……】

【As expected of Zhang Dadan's live broadcast room, it is always so shady. 】

At the same time, at the headquarters of Kuaishou, Yan Ziyue was a little troubled. Looking at Zhang Qingyuan's live broadcast room in the background, he couldn't find any illegal content to ban.

"Boss, this guy has become cunning. This time he didn't say he was in the underworld, but said he was live-streaming a movie at a large real-life base."Lu Qi said in embarrassment. There is really no reason to ban this kind of live broadcast room.

"Bullshit, which crew would broadcast live to the public before the filming is completed?"Yan Ziyue didn't believe it at all, but now Zhang Qingyuan was attacking her in the face, and she had no choice.

After thinking for a while, he said,"You stay here and watch. I'll report to the boss and see what to do."

After a while, Yan Ziyue came to the president's office with a nervous mood. After telling the secretary about the situation, Su Qiaoyang called her in.

"It's Director Yan, what's wrong?"Su Qiaoyang still looked as refined as before, a senior elite, and spoke slowly and calmly.

Yan Ziyue looked a little embarrassed, and stammered,"Boss, that Zhang Dadan has started live streaming again……"

"Yes!" Su Qiaoyang nodded and said,"Is it blocked?"

""Um... Boss, I was just about to report this to you. Zhang Dabing didn't violate any rules this time. I wonder if he should be banned?"

Su Qiaoyang smiled disdainfully when he heard this and said,"Why? Did he give in?"

He didn't take Zhang Qingyuan seriously at all. With his status, he didn't have to spend any effort to deal with the anchor of a platform. He even talked about looking for trouble with his dead father. He was simply ignorant of the world.

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