Yan Ziyue listened to the boss's confident words and didn't know whether she should hit his self-confidence.

She said with a stiff upper lip:"Boss, I don't know what to say. Why don't you take a look at his live broadcast room and then decide what to do. After all, he is also an account with tens of millions of fans on our platform, and his weight is still relatively large."

""Okay!" Su Qiaoyang didn't think much about it.

He logged into the backend management account skillfully, found Zhang Dadan's live broadcast room, and then projected the live broadcast content onto the screen opposite the desk.

"……Don't be anxious, brothers. Good things come slowly. Today, the anchor is taking a big risk to start the live broadcast. I don't know how many staff members of Kuaishou are staring at me. But I declare again that this is not feudal superstition. This is a real-life film and television base. What will happen later is also part of the filming content.……"

Zhang Qingyuan's pale face filled the entire projection screen. Only the corners could reveal some of the surrounding scenery, which were the dark outlines of the graves. Some of them had���With paper lanterns, the atmosphere was very uncomfortable.

Su Qiaoyang frowned and said,"This is a false pretense. It's noon outside. Which film and television base would be so dark? It must be a large-screen projection."

As a social elite and the CEO of an Internet technology company, he never believed in ghosts and gods. He thought that Zhang Dadan's live broadcast and the popularity about him were just the result of Internet celebrities' unscrupulous efforts to hype themselves up.

Yan Ziyue also said helplessly,"He appeared on the screen today. Because there was no violation of the rules, the ghosts and gods from the underworld were not mentioned again. He also emphasized that it was at the film and television base, so it has not been blocked."

"Humph... just a little cleverness. Since he has admitted his mistake and is willing to follow the platform's rules, why not let him go? After all, we are a company and we still need influential people like him to output content."Su Qiaoyang felt that he was still tolerant. He thought that Zhang Qingyuan's so-called beating up his father was just a young man who didn't know the world.

"Then boss, let's just ignore him for now, on the premise that he doesn't violate the rules?"

Su Qiaoyang nodded:"Okay! You sit down too, and take a look at his live broadcast content today. A small exploration anchor has become a million-dollar Internet celebrity in a short period of time, and his popularity continues. Looking at the data of today's live broadcast room, it is also okay. It has nearly 200,000 rewards. It can be used as a case. Since users are interested, it can be used as a direction for future promotion and cultivation."

"Yes!" Yan Ziyue sat down calmly and watched the live broadcast with Su Qiaoyang.


In the underworld, Fengdu City, Zhang Qingyuan kept interacting with the audience. Today, he couldn't show them the underworld live, so he could only keep saying that there would be exciting dramas next to attract people to stay.

【Hurry up, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and show us what's going on! 】

A local tycoon urged impatiently, and then swiped a big plane. Zhang Qingyuan naturally thanked him repeatedly. It had been nearly 20 minutes since the show started, and the audience had almost gathered. Some people's patience was almost exhausted. Zhang Qingyuan knew that he couldn't waste any more time. He had to find Su Qiaoyang's father Su Jianguo quickly, otherwise everyone would run away soon.

""Brother Deng, how long will it take to get there?" he asked to the side

"We are now at No. 700, Area B. We are only two steps away." Deng Qigong replied.

"All right, brothers, we are almost there. Next, everyone open your eyes and watch carefully. Don't blink, because after today, the ban on this live broadcast room will be lifted. From now on, you can broadcast live. Everyone knows it!" Zhang Qingyuan instantly became energetic and shouted loudly in the live broadcast room.

【What's going on? So mysterious.】

【He said so 20 minutes ago. I'll give you five more minutes. If there's still no movement, I'll go watch the young lady dance. 】

In Su Qiaoyang's office, he looked at the live broadcast room without saying a word, his brows furrowed, and he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he could only ask Yan Ziyue next to him

"What is the content of his live broadcast today?"

Yan Ziyue was a little restless. She also felt that the content of the next live broadcast might be very"explosive", to the extent that it could blow up the entire Internet.

"Boss, I don’t know either. He hasn’t revealed what he will broadcast live today. He just keeps saying it here."

Su Qiaoyang frowned even deeper and threw out only three words:"Keep watching!"

Soon, three minutes later, Deng Qigong stopped and looked at a two-entry cemetery on the left side of the road, and said:"Brother Zhang, this is it. Brother Lin Fu found that Su Jianguo lives here."

"Damn, he is indeed the father of the big boss. He lives much better than me, a poor bastard."Zhang Qingyuan complained.

Su Qiaoyang, who was watching the live broadcast, froze when she heard the conversation between the two... What? Su Jianguo? Why does this name sound so familiar?

As a professional in the workplace, Yan Ziyue knew her boss's situation by heart. When she heard the three words"Su Jianguo", she almost jumped up as if she had been electrocuted, but she forced herself to hold back at the last moment. She glanced at the opposite side quietly, and then saw a black face like Bao Gong.

"" Save me, save me...someone save me!" She screamed wildly in her heart. The office was like a low-pressure storm area, making her feel a little breathless.

After struggling for two seconds, she gritted her teeth and whispered,"Boss...how about I ask my employees to ban him?"

"Keep watching!"Su Qiaoyang threw these three words at her, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Some netizens in the live broadcast room who didn't know what was going on asked curiously.

【Who is Su Jianguo?】

【Looking for actors to make up the numbers?】

【Su Jianguo? Why does he sound so much like the father of Kuaishou boss Su Qiaoyang? But hasn’t he been dead for more than a year?】

【I COA...Su Jianguo is the father of the boss of Kuaishou. Does the anchor really want to beat up the father of the boss of Kuaishou?】

【Looking forward to it! Hurry up! 】

The live broadcast room suddenly became noisy, and all kinds of spectators had already brought their stools.

Seeing that the emotions were almost brewing, Zhang Qingyuan said to the two ghosts Deng and Bian next to him:"Please trouble the two brothers to get Su Jianguo out, beat him up first, and then take him to Tongyang Palace to dream."

""Let me do it!"

Bian Fei volunteered, stepped forward and knocked on the door of the Yin residence twice, shouting:"Su Jianguo, come out! Yin soldiers patrol! Come out quickly!" The advantage of having an official identity is that you can have a legitimate reason for doing anything, such as now.

If Zhang Qingyuan came to knock on the door himself, it doesn't matter whether the other party would pay attention to him or not. Without a soul, he may not be able to beat Su Jianguo.

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