
In the courtyard of the underworld, the Five Senses King was furious and smashed the courtyard to pieces without caring about his image.

"How dare he? Dare to kill the commander of my guards?" He was wearing the robe of King Yama, his eyes were red, and he looked like he wanted to chop people. On the side, a group of ghosts wearing various kinds of Yin Shen official robes trembled in fear, looking at the angry ancestor, no one dared to say a word.

Huff huff...

King Wuguan panted, gradually calmed down, tilted his head and asked:"Where is that kid now?"

"Back to the old ancestor, according to the news from the inspector Lu Pan, he went to the mortal world and has not returned yet."

""Have you visited the place where he disappeared in the wild Yintu?" King Wuguan continued to ask.

At this moment, a middle-aged ghost wearing the robe of an evil-suppressing general hurried in and said in a panic:"My king, it's bad! All the evil-suppressing envoys sent to the Yintu wilderness have been killed!"

"What?"The King of Five Senses was completely shocked and asked impatiently,"What's going on? Did that Zhong Kui do it?"

The evil-suppressing general shook his head and said,"It's not Zhong Kui. I don't know who did it. In just a moment, the soul tablets of the evil-suppressing envoys sent out were all broken. The person who did it is very powerful."


The King of Five Senses seemed to have lost all his strength and sat down on the chair.

If he was just angry when the Imperial Guards were destroyed by Zhang Qingyuan, then the destruction of the evil-suppressing envoys would bring fear.

Did they do it?

The Heavenly Court started to do it?

Why did they start to do it before the Questioning Heaven and the Way began?

A huge doubt shrouded his heart, and the King of Five Senses felt that a huge crisis was approaching.

He hurriedly stood up and said,"You stay here. No one is allowed to leave the underworld without my permission. Recall those who are outside. I will go out for a while."

After that, he left the underworld in a hurry without waiting for everyone's reaction.

At the same time, in Yu Xuanji's underworld, Zhong Kui came here

"The evil suppressors sent by Yan Xu are dead!"

Yu Xuanji was a little uneasy, and the copper bell on the umbrella made a tinkling sound.

"Go after Zhang Qingyuan's evil-suppressing messengers?" Yu Xuanji asked.

Zhong Kui nodded:"Yes! My brother is really a hidden talent. He can deal with robbery-level ghosts alone. It is not a big problem for him to deal with those evil-suppressing messengers. I just didn't expect him to be so cruel. I'm afraid some people will panic."

Yu Xuanji said calmly:"Zhang Qingyuan actually guessed it right!"

"My brother was quite smart and went straight to the mortal world. I heard from the Sun God that he killed the Five Senses King's guards at the Qingyuan Temple. He probably won't come back before asking the Heavenly Dao."

Zhong Kui knew everything that happened in the mortal world just now. It would be easy for someone who could climb to his position to find out about the situation in the mortal world.

"Qingyuan Temple?" Yu Xuanji was somewhat puzzled.

"Hehe... Speaking of this, I really have to admire Brother Zhang. It hasn't been long since he was deified, but the temple has already been built. And according to the investigation of the gods in the world, it seems that he has a great reputation in the world. When he killed the leader of the Five Senses King's Guards, I don't know how he actually aroused the long river of human thoughts, otherwise he might have capsized."

Yu Xuanji was a little absent-minded, muttering:"So, his temple should be very popular."

"Not only good, it's like a true god.……"Halfway through his speech, Zhong Kui’s smile froze, and he suddenly realized:"Junior sister, do you want to… that guy is just a newly promoted deity in the human world. You want to establish a golden statue. Someone has incense and offerings in the world of the living. It’s the same if you establish it in someone’s shrine."

Yu Xuanji gently shook the paper umbrella in her hand, as if shaking her head:"No need for that. Your shrine has been around for a thousand years. It will have a bad influence if you rashly add me to it, and I’m afraid it will be difficult to have believers to worship me. As a newly promoted deity in the human world, everything about Zhang Qingyuan is not yet fixed. It’s better to join now to gain an advantage."

Yu Xuanji was still not confident in herself. If she established her golden statue in Zhong Kui’s shrine, there would be a bunch of lsp rushing there. As for whether it was for worship or something else, it was hard to say.

Zhong Kui was a little unwilling, but he had no way to refute, so he had to say:"It’s up to you. Anyway, I’m here anytime."


At the same time, in the Yintu wilderness,

Zhang Qingyuan appeared again in the cramped and narrow earthen mound in the wild.

The severed hand jumped excitedly, and the fingers danced wildly, as if asking for credit.

Zhang Qingyuan looked suspicious... What did this guy do?

【Just now a bunch of people came and tried to launch a sneak attack, but I slapped them all away. Isn’t that awesome?】

【I don't know what happened, but suddenly a surge of power came out, and then I became the size of a small mountain. I slapped them with my palm, and they all turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared. 】

Zhang Qingyuan was skeptical and got out of the tomb. Outside, the wilderness that was originally full of tombs was now only the tomb he had robbed standing alone in the dark land. The surroundings became extremely flat, as if it had been run over by a steamroller.

On the ground, you can still see a few tattered black robes and the familiar uniforms of the evil-suppressing envoys.

"You killed the Suppression of Evil?"Zhang Qingyuan was completely stunned.

He didn't know the situation and thought they were friendly forces.

Even if they were not friendly forces, he was still a member of the Suppression of Evil Division. How would the leaders feel if he killed his colleagues so blatantly?

"Forget it, forget it, I can’t take care of this. Come with me to the world of the living first. I guess they won’t care about these little things when I come back."

After saying that, Zhang Qingyuan took the severed hand and passed through the statue buried in the grave again, crossed the Yin and Yang worlds, and returned to the Qingyuan Temple.

However, as soon as he appeared among the statues, he saw Lao Wang hurriedly rushing in, lighting a stick of incense, and then shouting:"True Lord, True Lord, are you there?"

"What happened?"

Zhang Qingyuan walked out of the statue.

Lao Wang bowed respectfully, and then said:"True Lord, just now there was a message from the Prime Minister's Mansion that they want to invite you to attend the day of asking the heavens and asking the way. They said that you are the deity of the people of Daxia, and you should be present for such a big event."

"I should be there?" Zhang Qingyuan looked puzzled.

He said this as if he was very important.

But after thinking about it carefully, he knew what the official meant. This meant that he didn't want him to watch the fire from the other side.

In recent days, he opened the temple and sent evidence of the Yin God's crimes. Just now, he used the live broadcast to incite public opinion on the Internet, and completely beat the Yin God of the underworld to the opposite side of all the people of Daxia.

The official is not a fool. These people in high positions have such rich experience in struggle. How could they not see what he meant.

After thinking about this, Zhang Qingyuan nodded and said,"Okay, I know. Boss Wang, thank you for replying to them. I will definitely be there that day, and I will appear as the Great Xia Evil Master."

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