Zhao Lingshan, the Taoist Kun, had to run errands again.

On the evening of January 14, Zhao Lingshan was hurriedly taken to the foot of Mount Tai by official personnel and stayed in a guesthouse.

Zhao Yuanshan was also with them.

This old Taoist priest has now been confirmed to join the newly established Xiankui Division of Daxia, and his status is not low. Not only him, but also people from famous Taoist sects and Buddhist temples in Daxia have been invited.

After all, the matter involves the Heavenly Court and the Underworld, and as the Dharma lineage of the human world, they should be present.

"" Grandpa, what's going on? The authorities actually want Zhang Qingyuan to attend the Heaven Questioning Session?" Zhao Lingshan asked in confusion.

Zhao Yuanshan had already checked with Zhao Jin of the underworld and learned some of the inside story. He was a little worried:"It's hard to say. This kid named Zhang may not be able to pass it easily.""

"What happened?" Zhao Lingshan asked.

Zhao Yuanshan was swayed by her sleeves and said helplessly:"This matter is very complicated. You don't need to know too much. Grandpa will tell you later."

"Humph! It's like this every time"

"Okay, stop messing around. Did you bring the jade book for the seal? This thing should be of some help to that kid."

""I have brought it. You have said it so many times. How could I forget it?" Zhao Lingshan took out a scroll of jade from her bag.

Zhao Yuanshan took the jade book and saw a request to seal it.

【Zhang Qingyuan, a Taoist soldier from Zaoge Mountain, did not avoid danger when faced with ghosts and spirits.

He eliminated evil and violence, settled chaos and brought peace to the people in Chunjiang Community and Jiangnan University, and saved tens of thousands of lives.

His achievements were remarkable and his virtues were well-known.

The Xia Dynasty appreciated his achievements and specially conferred him the title of Great Xia Exorcist.

Qingling, a disciple of Zaoge Mountain, asked for the title on his behalf to show the honor of the master.

In the lower right corner of the jade book, a golden seal appeared on it. A closer look showed the ancient font"Approved!", with the word"Zhi Yang" signed below. In addition, there was a line of small characters"His achievements were very remarkable, so the Taoist soldier Qingyuan was conferred the title of seventh-grade Taoist general, and could command a hundred soldiers".

The content of the jade book was very direct. Zhao Lingshan helped Zhang Qingyuan ask Zhi Yang Tian Shen for the title, and the latter promoted him from the ninth-grade private soldier to the seventh-grade Taoist general, a direct promotion of two levels.

"Tsk tsk tsk……"Zhao Yuanshan made a strange sound, and then said:"This kid's promotion speed is ridiculously fast. General Fu Wei took a hundred years to get to the seventh rank, and he climbed up in just half a year. Later, you can look for ghosts who want to become Taoist soldiers in the underworld or ask him to help you accept them. It can also be regarded as a team for this kid, so that he won't be a bachelor commander."

Zhao Lingshan asked puzzledly:"Is this rank the same as our Taoist talisman?"

"Of course, this kid only needs to be promoted to the next level, and he can be a heavenly soldier, and he can step half a foot into the heaven. But that's all for the future. The most important thing is that he is a Taoist general, and he is also a backbone of the Zaoge Mountain Dharma in the world, and he may be able to provide him with some protection."

As he said, Zhao Yuanshan began to arrange the altar, and at the same time told his granddaughter to prepare to summon Zhang Qingyuan to officially promote him.

After a while, incense was lit, Zhao Lingshan changed into a Taoist robe, and performed a ritual in the house:"Qingling, a disciple of Zaoge Mountain, invites Taoist soldier Qingyuan to come……"

Ripples rose in the void, and a golden light connected the two places. The Qingyuan Temple was projected out, and at the same time, Zhang Qingyuan stepped out of the temple. In two or three steps, he came from Qingsong Mountain to the foot of Mount Tai.

""What's wrong? Doesn't it start tomorrow?" he asked in confusion.

"Of course I've called you here for good reasons. Take this and you'll get promoted." Zhao Yuanshan handed over the jade book.

"Promotion?"Zhang Qingyuan was a little confused and opened the jade book. Suddenly, a divine light shot up into the sky and opened a hole in the roof. A familiar scene appeared, a vast domain of law, countless heavenly soldiers and generals, and even a huge god living in it.

"Daobing Qingyuan……"The voice of Zhiyang God came.

Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly bowed and said,"Greetings, Zhiyang Patriarch"

"Greetings to the Grandmaster Zhiyang!"The grandfather and grandson of the Zhao family also hurriedly saluted.

"I have heard about Qingling's report of your achievements, and I am very satisfied.

It is rare to be able to uphold the spirit of eliminating evil and promoting good, and to promote virtue and legislation.

I want to promote you to the seventh rank of Taoist general.

I hope you can continue to maintain your original intention in the future, and there will be a chance to ascend to heaven in the future.

"Zhiyang Tianshen said more this time, unlike the last time when Zhang Qingyuan became a Taoist soldier.

"Disciple thanks the master"


"Well! This is the weapon of the Taoist general. I will teach you another Zhiyang sword style. I hope you can use it well and not bring shame to my lineage." After that, a set of golden armor and long sword that was similar to General Fu Wei fell from the sky and landed in Zhang Qingyuan's hands.

The new Taoist armor was much more exquisite than before, with some patterns and Taoist patterns engraved on it, which was several blocks away from the previous one.

Zhang Qingyuan happily accepted the equipment and picked up a green jade pendant that fell with it. It was written on it"Order to Invite Soldiers", which was a symbol that he could command the Taoist soldiers.

At the same time, a lot of information emerged in his mind. A figure with an unclear face was holding a sword and demonstrating sword moves over and over again.

At first glance, it seemed unfamiliar, but as the practice progressed, Zhang Qingyuan's soul body moved unconsciously, pinching the sword finger with his hand, and slowly became familiar with the mystery following the movement of the phantom.

After more than ten minutes, the phantom dissipated, but the Zhiyang sword style was firmly engraved in his mind, as if he had suddenly realized the truth.

"Not bad, with this thing, your status in Zaoge Mountain has risen several levels. I am only a sixth-rank Taoist, and you are a seventh-rank Taoist, only one rank lower than me. You are considered a core figure in the human law, and you are also protected by Zaoge Mountain."Zhao Yuanshan said with a smile. Zhang Qingyuan understood and said,"Thank you, Taoist Yuanshan and Taoist Qingling."

Obviously, he guessed that Zhao Yuanshan already knew his current situation and asked for the title at this time in order to add another bargaining chip to him.

The effect may not be great, but it is a good intention after all.

Zhao Yuanshan nodded and asked,"You already know the matter of asking the sky and the way. Are you ready?"

Zhang Qingyuan said half-jokingly,"Of course I am prepared. And let the Taoist tell you a secret. After this incident, there should be a lot of vacancies in the underworld. If the Taoist dies in advance at this time, he may be able to occupy a good position."

Zhao Yuanshan was stunned, then jumped up and cursed:"Bullshit, I am living a good life, do you think everyone is like you, going to see the King of Hell early?"

Zhang Qingyuan spread his hands and said:"Anyway, this is the situation. It depends on the real person whether you listen or not. Anyway, we are all going to die, so the sooner we go, the sooner we can get an identity."

"Don't talk nonsense, Grandpa, don't be so confused as to listen to him. Don't let it get you down." Zhao Lingshan stared at Zhang Qingyuan angrily.

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