After the questioning of heaven and the Hades, the Heaven and Hades left one after another, but the people of Daxia who stayed on the Jade Emperor Peak remained where they were.

Today was a grand gathering of the big men from the three realms, a rare scene in thousands of years.

Of course, if there was a chance, the gods of Hades would definitely not want to participate, and they were the only ones who suffered the most.

After the questioning of heaven and the Hades, Zhang Qingyuan also wanted to escape, but was stopped by Li Chaogang.

"Mr. Zhang, please stay. I have something to ask you." Li Chaogang smiled and didn't see anything unusual.

"Mr. Li is too polite. If you have anything to say, just ask. I will tell you everything I know."Zhang Qingyuan was very polite.

To be able to reach the other party's position in the world of the living, it must not be underestimated. His influence is no longer limited to the world of the living.

"Hahaha……"Li Chaogang laughed heartily and said,"Master, don't be nervous. I just want to ask, was this game today your fault?"

Zhang Qingyuan's face changed, he smiled stiffly, and argued,"Why do you say that, Mr. Li?"

Li Chaogang stood on the edge of Yuhuang Peak, looking down at the mountain, and said lightly,"Before, you sent brochures and live-streamed to stir up the emotions of netizens, making me think that you were using us to gain benefits for yourself in the underworld. Originally, this was nothing, because many of us are very old. If we make a good relationship with you in advance, I believe that after a hundred years in the underworld, we should be able to get your feedback."

"Of course, I will remember your help." Zhang Qingyuan said sincerely. Li Chaogang waved his hand and said,"It's just that I realized that things are not that simple. Now that everything has settled, you should be able to clear up my confusion, right?" Zhang Qingyuan hesitated.

At this point, if he continued to conceal it, it would seem that it would cause dissatisfaction among the officials of Daxia.

"Elder Li has a keen eye.

Asking the Heaven and the Way is a black swan event.

The Buddha passed away, and terrible changes occurred in Lingshan Pure Land.

The Heavenly Court wants to clean up the tentacles of Buddhism in the underworld, so they want to use the matter of asking the Heaven and the Way to make trouble.

As the God of Humanity appointed by Daxia, I can help the Buddhists mediate with Daxia and not make trouble when asking the Heaven and the Way.

However, this is not in the interests of the Heavenly Court, so……"

Li Chaogang understood and nodded:"So you are caught in the middle, not daring to offend either side. So you want to muddy the waters and drag all the Yin gods into the water so that they won't have time to bother you, while also gaining huge benefits for yourself." Clap, clap, clap...

Li Chaogang couldn't help but applaud and praised:"It's really a plan that kills two birds with one stone, great! Great! I didn't expect that at your young age, you have such extraordinary strategies. Even if I were in your place, I might not be able to do as well as you."

"Mr. Li, you are too kind. I am just a trapped beast fighting. I have no choice but to do it. Please help me cover it up. Otherwise, if it is exposed, I am afraid it will be very difficult for me to survive in the underworld.……"

Zhang Qingyuan said helplessly...Now Daxia has a handle on him.

Fortunately, the other party kept him here at this time, probably because they have something to ask for, and there is still room for negotiation.

"We will not tell anyone about the True Lord. After all, the True Lord has made contributions to Daxia, and he is the god I have approved to be canonized. Helping you is also helping ourselves."Li Chaogang said meaningfully.

"I understand what Mr. Li means."

"Hmm!" Li Chaogang nodded and said,"I'm afraid the underworld will usher in a wave of reshuffles this time, and there should be a lot of vacancies. Does the True Lord have any ideas?"

Zhang Qingyuan became interested and did not hide it:"Mr. Li, do you mean to help?"

Li Chaogang sighed and said,"The underworld is in such chaos, the world of the living is destined to be unstable in a short time. You are a born in this dynasty and have a huge reputation among the people. Now you are deified. If you sit in a high position, it will be beneficial to Daxia. In the future, whether it is a ghost disaster or a catastrophe of the end of the law, I only ask the True Lord to help to the best of his ability!"

Zhang Qingyuan bowed and said,"Mr. Li is concerned about the country and the people, so I will naturally not refuse."

The latter nodded again, and the two reached a cooperation.


In the underworld, in Fengdu City, the atmosphere was somewhat solemn.

After the big guys came back, the ghosts who were unable to participate in the inquiry of heaven all felt that something was wrong.

Taishan Mansion Lord rarely stayed in the Emperor's Mansion. The Five Ghost Emperors and the Ten Kings of Hell did not leave Fengdu City and quietly returned to their own residences.

At this moment, in the Emperor's Mansion.

Huang Shuangshuang, wearing a gorgeous silk dress, jumped into Taishan Mansion Lord's study.

"Grandfather, grandfather, your most lovely grandchild... your granddaughter is here."

Lord Taishan looked at Huang Shuangshuang, who was as excited as a lark, and couldn't help laughing and said,"It's you, girl. Didn't you run out to play by yourself? How come you were willing to come back?"

Huang Shuangshuang moved a chair and sat next to Lord Taishan very intimately, saying,"Isn't it because I miss you, grandfather?"

"Haha... the ancestor doesn't believe what you said. You must have something to come back for, right?"

Huang Shuangshuang hugged one of his arms, leaned her head on his shoulder, and said coquettishly,"I really can't hide anything from the ancestor."

After that, she said with a little seriousness,"Ancestor, you don't know that the Ten Kings of Hell and the Five Ghost Emperors are really too much. They persecute loyal people, disrupt the laws of the underworld, and are lawless.……"

"Stop, stop, stop... Shuangshuang, who is this loyal person you are talking about?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it must be the recently-canonized True Lord Dangxie by Daxia. Old Ancestor, you don’t know that our team leader is……"

"Your team leader?" Taishan Fujun frowned, the smile on his face disappeared, and his tone became slightly serious, and he asked:"Do you know him?"

Huang Shuangshuang didn't think much and said:"Of course I know him. When I came to the underworld, it happened to be the time when the Suppression of Evil Division was expanding, and then they……"

The little girl spent a few minutes describing her recent experiences, and finally said:"……So, ancestor, our team leader is really amazing. He killed ghosts in the Yang world and saved many people, so he was canonized by Daxia. But even such a good man, the Five Senses King, the Wheel King, Zhao Wen and others just don't like the team leader and want to harm him."

The brows of Taishan Mansion Lord frowned deeper and deeper.

He was not a fool. When he asked the sky and asked the way, he realized that something was wrong. The Yang world Daxia was like crazy, biting the underworld, and almost all the famous Yin gods were involved. There was also a book recording the evidence, which was even more outrageous.

Taishan Mansion Lord knew very well what the Yin gods under his command were like. He also knew that although these guys were bold, they would definitely keep their deeds secret. How did the Yang world get them when they were separated by Yin and Yang?

Now, after hearing what Huang Shuangshuang said, and with Zhang Qingyuan appearing at the scene of asking the sky and asking the way, if he still couldn't guess what was going on, then these thousands of years would really be in vain.

"I see. They say that a cornered dog will jump over the wall and a cornered rabbit will bite. It is absolutely true.……"After figuring out what was going on, Taishan Mansion Lord breathed a sigh of relief.

The most fearful thing was to be in the dark. Now that the situation was clear, he was not worried anymore. Anyway, the underworld was there, and the fall of a few underworld gods would not affect him. At most, he could just replace someone else. It would not have much impact.

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