
Back in the underworld, Zhang Qingyuan pushed open the door of the underworld. It was very quiet inside, and Huang Shuangshuang had not returned yet.

However, before Zhang Qingyuan stepped over the threshold, he froze in place as if he had been hit by a spell.

A black and white butterfly quietly landed on the stone table in the courtyard.


The severed hand quickly climbed onto his shoulder, and the eyes in its palm sized up the butterfly, and asked curiously,"This butterfly looks so familiar, I feel like I've seen it somewhere before?"


Zhang Qingyuan called out cautiously.

Flutter, flutter...

The butterfly flapped its delicate wings, fluttering towards him and landing on his other shoulder.

Zhang Qingyuan was stiff all over, and followed closely, walking cautiously into the courtyard, fearing that he would offend the butterfly by stepping into the gate with his left foot first.

He had scolded the butterfly several times last time.

""Sit down!"

A calm and unfamiliar voice came to his ears, and then the butterfly fluttered back to the stone table.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't dare to breathe, and slowly sat on the stone chair, with his back straight, quietly waiting for the butterfly's next words.

""I once wrote an article called"Xiaoyaoyou". Have you read it?" Butterfly asked."


Zhang Qingyuan's eyes suddenly widened... Yes, Butterfly, Zhuang Zhou's Dream of the Butterfly!

"Disciple greets Master!" He reacted immediately, got up from his chair, bowed his head and

"Sit still!"

A gentle force stopped him from kneeling down.

"Answer my question."

Zhang Qingyuan nodded repeatedly and said,"I have read and studied Master's masterpiece. There is a fish in the North Sea, named Kun. Kun is so big that a pot... cough cough, Kun is so big that I don't know how many thousands of miles it is.……"

Relying on this memory, he recited the first few sentences.

Butterfly's tone was still gentle, and he said:"Kun is so big that it will be trapped in shallow water. Peng is so huge that it will fall when the wind stops. Therefore, those who rely on something will inevitably be trapped... You can register as my disciple, but I will not be your reliance. How far you can go is up to you. Otherwise, it will be like raising a Kun in a pond or a Peng in a house. Although it can protect you, it will also put you in trouble. Do you understand?"

Zhang Qingyuan was secretly happy... Now it is finally justified.

But what does that sentence mean? If you rely on something, you will inevitably be trapped... Is this the rhythm of letting it go?

How can the fat meat in your mouth fly away like this?

Zhang Qingyuan said with a big face:"Master, the"Taiping Heavenly Book" was passed down to the disciple by General Zhang Jiao of Tiangong. Do you want it?……"

As he spoke, he rubbed his palms, almost rubbing his fingers.

Flutter, flutter...

The butterfly flapped its wings and flew up, arriving in front of his brow. Zhang Qingyuan did not dodge, only to see the butterfly's antennae touch his brow.

It was as if a ray of light rushed into his brow. Zhang Qingyuan felt his eyes turn white, and a point of light exploded in his mind, instantly sweeping away all the distracting thoughts in his mind. Only that ray of light occupied all his thoughts.

"The Tao follows nature, governs by doing nothing, all things come together, and I watch them return. The Tao is extremely simple, invisible and formless, and it is accomplished by doing nothing, so it is close to the Tao.……"

One after another, grand scriptures flashed through his mind. Every word seemed to contain the truth of heaven and earth. His mind moved with the scriptures, as if the road to heaven appeared under his feet. He couldn't help but want to step on it. Just as

Zhang Qingyuan was about to take action, the vision in his mind disappeared, and the road to heaven under his feet also disappeared instantly, but the scriptures were engraved in his heart.

"This is my way, not yours. If you follow my way, you will be trapped in my way. You can learn it and understand it, but you can't imitate it. Remember it! Remember it!"

A voice sounded in Zhang Qingyuan's heart, with a bit of warning.

""Disciple understands!"

Zhang Qingyuan slowly opened his eyes. The yard was still the Yinzhai courtyard, but the mysterious black and white butterfly had disappeared.

"This... shouldn't be a dream, right? It seems that the master is very good at dreaming. Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly, and the butterfly dreamed of Zhuang Zhou. Who is dreaming?"

The butterfly disappeared, and Nanhua Patriarch naturally left. Zhang Qingyuan was still a little dazed. If it weren't for the scriptures engraved in his mind, he would really think it was a dream. It felt very mysterious and hard to explain.

"《"Nanhua Xianjing", this is the scripture that Zhuangzi used to achieve enlightenment, and"Taiping Tianshu" is just a simplification of it."

Zhang Qingyuan secretly compared the similarities and differences between the two scriptures in his heart. The former is the way to ascend to heaven and be free, while the latter is more focused on the book of troubled times that quells rebellions and makes laws. There is a big difference.


The door of the tomb was pushed open, and Zhang Qingyuan quickly came back to his senses, only to see Huang Shuangshuang walked in excitedly and shouted,"Team leader, I'm back!"

"Is that Shuangshuang? Where have you been? I haven't seen you since I came back." He asked knowingly.

A hint of hesitation flashed across Huang Shuangshuang's face, and she said,"No... I didn't go anywhere. The team leader was not here, and I had nothing to do at home, so I went out for a walk."

The little Loli lied without blinking. If it weren't for the broken hand that figured out her identity, Zhang Qingyuan would still be in the dark.

Huang Shuangshuang came over, looked at him, and whispered,"Team leader, are you okay? You've been gone for so long.

I heard from outside that something big seems to be going to happen in the underworld.

The Yang World's Questioning the Sky and Asking the Way is targeting the underworld.

It seems that after the Ten Kings of Hell and the Five Ghost Emperors came back, they hurriedly summoned the Yin gods and Yin messengers under their command, saying that they wanted to settle the crimes committed by the Yin gods over the years, and they made a big move.


Of course it's a big move. After all, it's the work of this True Lord. If I don't kill him this time, all my efforts will be in vain... Zhang Qingyuan thought silently in his heart.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Huang Shuangshuang ran to open the door very consciously. A middle-aged ghost in servant clothes walked in. It was the servant of Qin Guangwang who came to deliver the invitation last time and took him away.

"Master Zhenjun, my master wants to invite you to his mansion for a chat, please don't refuse."

Here it comes again!

Zhang Qingyuan hesitated for a moment and said,"Please reply to His Royal Highness Qin Guangwang that I am now the deputy of the Exorcist Master Zhong Kui.

The order from the Heavenly Master's Mansion has been issued.

In the coming days, I will work with Master Zhong Kui to investigate the affairs of the gods in the underworld.

This is a request from the Yang world and a word from the Heavenly Court.

This is a serious matter.

Now it is not appropriate for me to see His Royal Highness Qin Guangwang, and His Royal Highness had better not see me, otherwise if something goes wrong, no one can take responsibility.


"this……"The old servant looked hesitant.

"Tell my words to His Royal Highness Qin Guangwang, he knows what's going on."

The old ghost servant nodded and said,"I understand what the True Lord said, and I will certainly convey it to the True Lord. Please forgive me for disturbing you."

The old servant of Qin Guangwang left, but more and more Yin gods heard the news. Not only the Ten Kings of Hell, but also the Yin gods of all sizes in Fengdu City came, carrying local specialties from their hometown. Zhang Qingyuan was not polite and accepted all of them and asked Shuangshuang to move into the house.

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