Tianshi Mansion specially appointed the underworld to investigate the deputy envoy!

This is Zhang Qingyuan's new identity.

After returning to the underworld for only three days, he received many underworld gods who came to give gifts. Zhong Kui finally came with the official appointment from the Heavenly Court.

"Brother, according to the order of the Heavenly Master's Mansion, you and I will officially start to take office from tomorrow. Although it is only a temporary position, you are also present on the top of the Jade Emperor. You should know the importance of this matter. I hope you will cooperate with me and do a good job, so as not to be held accountable by the Heavenly Court."Zhong Kui said with a serious face.

Zhang Qingyuan rolled up his sleeves and said excitedly:"Don't worry, Chief, I know the severity of the matter and will investigate it carefully."

I can't wait to confiscate the family... He thought to himself.

Zhong Kui nodded and said:"In this case, brother, remember to go to the Evil Suppression Department tomorrow, bring a few trusted people, and then go with me to pay homage to the Lord of the Mansion. Although there is an order from the Heavenly Master's Mansion, you still have to listen to the instructions of the Lord of the Mansion on this matter, and you can't act without authorization."

Zhang Qingyuan had no objection. After Zhong Kui left, he sent a message directly to the people he knew in the underworld.

Deng Qigong, Bian Fei, Brother Hu, Zhao Jin... There were not many people, but they were enough. It was not like they were asked to fight.

"Shuangshuang, have you had nothing to do in the past two days? He glanced at the little Lolita in the yard.

""No, what's wrong, team leader? Is there anything you want me to do?" Huang Shuangshuang asked excitedly.

""Yes!" Zhang Qingyuan nodded and said seriously:"The news you heard outside on the day you came back was correct. The Heavenly Court is going to investigate the underworld. I, your team leader, was chosen by the Heavenly Court to be the deputy envoy. I will transfer a few people from the Evil Suppression Department to help investigate the case. If you have nothing to do, just follow me."

This little Loli is a talisman. Zhang Qingyuan has decided that in the future, no matter where he goes, he must take her with him, so as to prevent someone from going berserk and making a desperate situation.

With the little Loli around, it is definitely a huge security guarantee. The Lord of Mount Tai is in Fengdu City, so he can't just watch them die.

Huang Shuangshuang nodded and said,"Well, you are my team leader. Of course, I will do whatever you ask me to do. Don't worry, team leader. Shuangshuang also wants to catch those guys in the underworld who have violated the heavenly rules!"

The little girl raised her fist again in a very childish way to cheer herself up.

Soon, Bian Fei and his men arrived. Zhang Qingyuan briefly explained the situation to them. Bian Fei and Deng Qigong's faces turned pale immediately.

"Brother, brother, do you mean to investigate the King of Hell?"

Zhang Qingyuan asked with a smile:"Why? Don't you dare?"

Both of them are old ghosts. They know very well that this is a big event that will shake the underworld, but they didn't expect that they would be involved.

After the panic, the two immediately reacted that this was an opportunity to step onto the big stage of the underworld. They immediately half-knelt and clasped their fists and said in unison:"Lord Meng doesn't abandon us and thinks highly of us brothers.

We should serve you like dogs and horses." Brother Tiger next to him didn't understand anything. He patted his chest like a fool and said:"Brother, don't look at me. Brother Tiger is loyal to his friends. If you ask me, I will definitely not say a word against you."

As for Zhao Jin, this old ghost had already received the news from the mortal world, and stood aside calmly. In this case, even if he was not called, he would probably rush over shamelessly. After a simple reminder, he asked them to come to the Suppression of Evil Division tomorrow, and then asked them to go back and prepare. Not long after Zhao Jin left, he quietly came back.

"Boy, tell me the truth, what are you going to do?"

This old ghost had discovered his plan at the Qingyuan Temple. Now that the storm was coming, although he knew what happened from Zhao Yuanshan, he was not there in person after all, and many things were still unclear to him. He couldn't sleep at night if he didn't ask.

Zhang Qingyuan teased,"You have been dead for so many years, why are you still afraid of this and that, senior?"

"Nonsense, how can you not be afraid of such a big thing? They are all Yin gods, Yan Luo and the Ghost Emperor are not pigs to be slaughtered. If they are really pushed into a corner, what can't they do? If they want to kill you and me, there are plenty of ways."Zhao Jin was timid. Zhang

Qingyuan didn't hide it either, and nodded with his mouth, indicating that he looked at the little girl in the yard who was busy trimming the branches of the ghost tree.

"Her last name is Huang, the same as Huang Feihu. From now on, I will not leave her more than three meters away until the investigation is completed."

Zhao Jin was stunned, his mouth opened and closed, as if he was talking nonsense, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"What do you think, senior? Are you brave enough to do it now? Once you succeed, there will be a lot of vacancies in the underworld. If you can also make some merits during this period, will you still worry about not being able to get in? You know, Master Ge Xuan praised me for being a good boy."

"cough cough……"Zhao Jin suddenly straightened up and said righteously,"We, the generation of cultivators, should obey the laws of heaven, understand the principles of law, and uphold morality. Who else can help me with this matter?"

"but……"He glanced around and said,"Boy, I see your yard is quite big. It's a waste for two people to live here. I have decided to move in tomorrow and teach you a few Taoist techniques. Otherwise, you will become an evil-suppressing general and still know nothing. If you tell others about it, it will only bring shame to our Zaoge Mountain."


This old ghost is really a thief. After discovering the value of Huang Shuangshuang's amulet, he immediately lost all his dignity.

"It’s over, it’s over. Senior, you are so old, and you still have to rely on a little girl for protection. It’s embarrassing to tell others about it!"

"Bullshit... You better watch your words, kid. It's bad for your virtue to defame me for no reason."

Zhao Jin kept talking with a shameless look, refusing to admit it, and turned around and left the yard, saying that he was going back to pack up his things. Judging from his attitude, he couldn't wait until tomorrow and had to move his family here today.

"Team leader, what's wrong? Team leader Zhao looks very angry?"��Loli asked in confusion

"He is so mad, he took advantage of you for nothing... Why is he so angry?" Zhang Qingyuan cursed."By the way, this old Taoist priest will join us in investigating the gods of the underworld. For convenience, he plans to move to my place. You can clean up the small house at the back for him to live in."

"Oh!" Huang Shuangshuang looked unhappy:"He must move here anyway……"

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