The next day, when Zhang Qingyuan, Zhao Jin and others arrived in front of the Suppression of Evil Division, Zhong Kui and Yu Xuanji were already waiting there.

"Senior Yu, you are here too.……"

Yu Xuanji only replied with two words:"Not bad!"

The group went straight to the Emperor's Palace in the center of Fengdu City. Unexpectedly, the Ten Kings of Hell and the Five Ghost Kings were all there, waiting at the door of the Emperor's Palace.

Seeing several people coming, they all looked at them with different expressions.

Zhang Qingyuan secretly glanced at Shen Tu and Yu Lei, and found that the two ghost kings were also looking at him, as well as Zhao Jin behind him, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Boy, they won't miss us, right?" Zhao Jin asked in a low voice.

"It shouldn't be. The Shentu and Yulei we saw in the Netherworld were just their images in the historical time and space, and they shouldn't have affected the present world."

Before everyone could greet each other, the gate of the Emperor's Mansion opened, and a god in golden armor walked out and said,"The Lord wants you to come in." As soon as they entered the Emperor's Mansion, a majestic and oppressive atmosphere enveloped everyone. In order to be on the safe side, Zhang Qingyuan didn't even dare to bring his severed hand with him, and threw it in the Yin house.

Soon, everyone came to a hall, which was like the place where the emperor of the world went to court. The Lord of Mount Tai wore a nine-feathered crown and a Yinlong emperor robe, sitting on the Danchi, looking down at the people who walked in slowly.

The atmosphere in the hall was unusually solemn. Whether it was the Ten Kings of Hell or the Five Ghost Emperors, they all lowered their heads slightly, looking at the shiny black tiles under their feet, and did not dare to look up at the sky.

"Well, I called you here today, you should all know what's going on. A few days ago, I asked the Heavenly Master about the accusations made by the living world. The Great Heavenly Master instructed the Heavenly Master's Mansion to investigate the gods in the netherworld. You should have an idea of how much of the evidence in the book is true and how much is false."

"Exorcist, you tell me what to do next."The Lord of Mount Tai handed the initiative to Zhong Kui.

Zhang Qingyuan stood behind him, and at Zhong Kui's signal, he followed him onto the altar, looking down at the ghosts and gods below.




The sound of the sword rang out, followed by the roar of dragons and tigers, which made people's ears ring. The dragon and tiger spirits jumped out of the sword and landed on both sides of Zhong Kui. The majestic gaze made the Yama ghost emperors below feel uneasy.

Zhong Kui's figure expanded rapidly, and soon exceeded the limit of the hall, projecting above Fengdu City. Zhang Qingyuan also sensed a force that brought his soul to the sky. The perspective changed instantly, and the entire Fengdu City stood at his feet.

Zhong Kui held the sword and shouted

"I, Zhong Kui, hold the Dragon-Tiger Sword and am sent by the Heavenly Master to be the special envoy of the Heavenly Master's Mansion to investigate the underworld. Zhang Qingyuan, who is behind me, represents the Xia Dynasty in the Yang world and serves as the deputy envoy. From today on, the two of us will obey the will of heaven and investigate the gods of the underworld."

"Anyone who holds my command flag and walks, all the officials of the underworld, including the Yama King and the Ghost King, shall not hinder them. If anyone dares to disobey, I will kill him with my sword. I hope the gods will not make mistakes."

This majestic announcement foreshadowed the official start of the underworld investigation.

The gods of the underworld who had received the news in advance looked at the two figures in the sky, and they felt like they had lost their parents, and that a disaster was about to happen.

"I, the King of Qin Guang, respect the order of the special envoy.……"

"My Chujiang King……"

The Ten Kings of Hell responded one after another, and no one dared to stand up and sing a different tune.

Then the Five Ghost Emperors also strictly ordered their subordinates to cooperate well, and finally the Taishan Lord appeared with a majestic aura that overwhelmed the entire Fengdu City.

"This Lord has heard about all the things in the underworld.

In the past, I didn't make a fuss because you guys were doing your best.

However, the chaos in the underworld affected the mortal world, causing many casualties.

The Xia Dynasty in the mortal world was furious.

Seven days ago, Taishan asked the heavens about the crimes of the underworld.

The Yellow Emperor Xuanling Huang Lao Yiqi Tianjun of the Central Government was also dissatisfied with the mistakes of the underworld, so he suggested that the Great Heavenly Venerable investigate the underworld.

Today, Zhong Kui and Zhang Qingyuan have been appointed as special envoys by the Tianshi Mansion.

If anyone dares to resist during the investigation, this Lord will kill them without mercy!


The Lord of Mount Tai finally appeared to set the tone and sounded the alarm for all the underworld gods, and made the underworld gods in the various yamen and mansions below feel the foreshadowing of the storm.

The projection dissipated and returned to the hall. All the Yama Ghost Emperors were solemn and dignified, and they dared not look around casually.

The Lord of Mount Tai didn't say much, but said:"I shall not interfere with the actions of the two special envoys. If there is a need in the future, you can report to me directly. If there is nothing else, you can leave"

""Farewell, Emperor!"

Everyone bowed in unison, and then left the Emperor's Palace in a solemn atmosphere.

When Zhao Jin and his men who were waiting outside the palace saw them coming out, they quickly surrounded them and followed Zhong Kui back to the Suppression of Evil Division.

"Okay, now that we have made it clear, we have to start working. Brother, tell me what you are going to do first?" Zhong Kui asked directly. Zhang Qingyuan thought carefully and said,"There is a lot of content in the book of the Yang World. In my opinion, we should start with what can be checked. For example, if someone secretly put the black monk into the Yang World to cause trouble, it should be easy to check. I will ask the Yang World to help collect some information. It is not difficult."

Zhao Jin glanced at him with a strange look... Wasn't the black monk put into the Yang World by you?

Zhang Qingyuan remained calm... This is one of his stains, so naturally he has to get rid of it, and he can also frame him by the way, killing two birds with one stone. After listening, Zhong Kui nodded without thinking too much and said,"As the god appointed by the Xia Dynasty, it is indeed convenient for the Yang World to act, so I will leave it to you. Is there anything else?"

Of course there are others. Zhang Qingyuan wanted to start with the Book of Life and Death, but he remembered what Zhao Jin said. The things in the Book of Life and Death were not only related to the underworld, but also to the bigwigs in the Heavenly Palace. This was a big thunder. Once it was triggered, it would not only affect the underworld, but also the Heavenly Palace.

So even if he thought of it, he didn't dare to mention it, even���It is safest not to think about it at all.

Zhong Kui seemed to be expecting him to give some answer, but Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and said,"That's it for now. I hope the matter of the black monk can lead to more clues." Zhong Kui showed disappointment on his face, and then he said,"In addition to the matter of the black monk in the world, I have thought about it carefully, and perhaps I can get more clues by checking the Book of Life and Death."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was shocked.

Zhang Qingyuan, Zhao Jin and others who knew the inside story looked at Zhong Kui in astonishment.

With his status, it is impossible for him not to know how big the matter involved in the fight of life and death is. If he starts from here, it will be no different from poking a hornet's nest

""Brother, as the deputy envoy, how do you feel?" Zhong Kui asked again.

What's going on?

Zhang Qingyuan was a little shocked... This black-faced man had ulterior motives. He wanted to check the Book of Life and Death. Was he carrying out ulterior motives or was he instructed by someone? In an instant, Zhang Qingyuan thought of a lot of things. He vaguely felt that the people in the Heavenly Court might also be taking the opportunity to fight. He just didn't know who was instructing them?

The Tianshi Mansion, or maybe the Great Tianzun himself.

Before he figured it out, he didn't dare to express his opinion casually, so he could only pretend to be confused:"The book seems to involve the Book of Life and Death, and what the chief said should also be in one direction.……"

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