I didn't do anything last night. Zhang Qingyuan swore to heaven that the ghost knew what was wrong with him and played the evil trick of luring decent women into the water and persuading prostitutes to become good.

A male ghost and a female ghost, lying under the gauze tent, talked about their hearts all night.

"True Lord, please come again next time. Don’t ask me to invite you every time. This makes Wanwan so sad, thinking that you don’t care about her." Xiang Yuan sent him out the door with another sweet smile on her face.

After watching him walk away, Xiang Yuan turned around and asked,"Wanwan, how is it? Did you find out clearly?"

The latter resumed his cold look and said,"I found out clearly. Just as I guessed, this guy is very smart and will not expose himself."

Xiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, patted her majestic face, and said,"That’s good, otherwise I would really have to run away."

Then, Xiang Yuan took Wanwan’s hand very intimately and said,"Wanwan, this guy is now a special envoy for investigation. The underworld is expected to be in big trouble this time. Many underworld gods may have to step down. This is an opportunity for us.……"

Wanwan said indifferently:"I know, catch him and create opportunities for us. But he doesn't seem to be good at that. He even talked to me all night last night."

Zhang Qingyuan: You are talking nonsense!!!


Zhang Qingyuan, who had already returned to the Yin house, sneezed... It was strange that a ghost like him could sneeze.

In the room, Huang Shuangshuang and Zhao Jin were pulling Brother Hu and the others to sort out the evidence of taking the box. Zhang Qingyuan thought about it, took out his phone and clicked on the live broadcast.

【How is the dog being bold? How many dog heads has the Yin God chopped off? 】

As soon as it was launched, some netizens couldn’t wait to ask

"Don't worry, my friends. This is just the beginning. I am now the deputy envoy of the underworld investigation specially appointed by the Tianshi Mansion. I am the hope of the entire Daxia. I will start the investigation soon."

【I just want to know when these ghosts in the world can be driven away. Last night, I saw a female ghost waving at me on the side of the road. Damn, she was so ugly, but she still had the nerve to wave at me!】

【Quality, quality... Pay attention to quality upstairs】

【Thirty years old, still a virgin! Collecting information from all the friends on the Internet, where are the female ghosts haunting, and they must be good-looking. 】


It turns out that you can't find topics for these late-stage yellow-brain LSPs, otherwise they can easily divert the content of his live broadcast room

"Ahem... Don't worry, my friend above. When you die, you can come to the Qunfang Baigui Tower for a night. This is a legal brothel in Fengdu City. No Buddha will come to catch you. It costs three or two taels of Yin money a night. Don't forget to burn some Yin money in advance. When the time comes, come to find the anchor. If you are a member, you can get a discount."Zhang Qingyuan satisfied the LSPs' fantasy about the underworld.

【Report! I'm going to report this guy, this guy is openly pimping.】

"Okay, okay, everyone, the live broadcast host has something to ask for. Do you remember the question"Xun Tian Wen Dao"? There is a black monk who ran to the mortal world and caused chaos in the Buddhist temple. My goal is to catch this black monk first, and then start with him. Pull out the carrot and the mud. Friends, if you know where the monk is, please send me a private message."

There are millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, from all over Daxia. As soon as this was said, someone immediately responded.

【Host, I heard that Fuhu Temple in Mount Emei was blocked by other temples in Mount Emei. It may be there.】

【If you don’t understand, just ask, who is that black monk?】

【I... I seem to know something. It seems that the black monk was arresting Buddhists who broke the precepts, scolding them for not saving the poor. I heard that he also caught a few monks who secretly ate meat and hung them up to death.】

【Hiss...from what I hear, he's a good monk.】

""Fuhu Temple in Mount Emei?" Zhang Qingyuan frowned.

This black monk was really good at choosing a place, and he went straight to the holy place of Buddhism.

"Okay, thank you all, the anchor will arrest the black monk in the next two days, and must find out which ghost he colluded with to sneak into the world of the living."Zhang Qingyuan said indignantly.

Just as he was about to end the broadcast, someone in the comment area called him

【You are so bold, it’s bad, someone is going to dig your grave live! 】

Zhang Qingyuan: ???


【Shit, I saw it too. That account called"Urban Emotional Mediator" is bringing a dog to scare your family to dig up your grave, saying they want to move your grave back to your hometown.】

【I know that account, it's disgusting, they say it's mediation, but in fact it's easy to talk, moral kidnapping. 】

Fuck your grandma's legs, someone really dares to touch the taboo, just wait and see if I can get under your bed.

Zhang Qingyuan was so angry that his face turned green. He searched on Kuaishou and saw an account named"Urban Emotional Mediator" broadcasting live.

When he opened the live broadcast room, he saw that it was Baolongshan Cemetery. There were several middle-aged men and women next to it, wearing mourning clothes, carrying hoes and shovels, and a fake Taoist priest who was found from nowhere was performing a ritual.

"……Dear netizens, you have seen it, right? After the master has finished the ritual, we can break the ground... Hey, our protagonist Zhang Qingyuan is here. Hello, Mr. Zhang, we are mediators. We have been following your news online. After knowing that you are an orphan, we found your relatives in a mountain village in SC Province and are preparing to move your grave back."

The anchor is a middle-aged man with a half bald head who greeted Zhang Qingyuan in the live broadcast room.

The other party accepted the microphone request in seconds.

"Fuck you, help me find my relatives. I'm from Southwest Province.……"Zhang Qingyuan broke down and cursed in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman holding a portrait frame came over and said in a thick dialect:"Idiot, I am your mother Liu Guifen. When your father and I went out to work, you were kidnapped at home. Now we have finally found you. It's all our fault. You have suffered. Woo woo woo……"

As she spoke, the person named Liu Guifen started to cry.

Zhang Qingyuan's face turned greener and greener. He had seen this person named"Urban Emotional Mediator" comment in his live broadcast room before that he had found his relatives. He didn't pay much attention to it at the time. Who knew that it would pop up now?

【Hahaha… The dog is so bold that he is about to be recognized as a son. 】

A filial son on the Internet followed him to this live broadcast room and commented with gloating:

"……Mr. Zhang, you finally found your relatives. I know you are very excited now, but don't be excited. Calm down first. Although you are dead now, you have been canonized as a god by Daxia and given a public title."

"Now that your relatives have taken you back, they can inherit your public position and improve their lives. Although you have been separated from your parents since childhood, it was your parents who brought you into this world. You can’t deny your parents no matter what, right?"This is the familiar moral kidnapping that comes without any pain.

So it was for this. After watching me die, they coveted my public position under the banner of finding my relatives. If they let them do this, would they go to Kuaishou and"inherit" my Kuaishou account?

Although Kuaishou probably wouldn't dare to do that, this kind of thing is like being spit on by someone. It doesn't hurt, but it's disgusting.

Zhang Qingyuan calmed down, and with a dark face, he warned in a deep voice:"I advise you not to do this. Be careful not to lose your virtue and die young!"

After that, he directly cut off the live broadcast connection.

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