[Nickname: Zhang Dadan

Fans: 40.5 million

Followers: 12 Likes

: 4.8 billion

Withdrawable balance: 507 taels of Yin money]

After closing the live broadcast room, he checked his personal information. Both fans and Yin money have increased, but Yin money is gradually becoming less important to him. After a while, when the Yin God starts to confiscate his property, will Yin money be less?

On the contrary, the influence of the live broadcast platform can bring him huge convenience, which is what he values most.

"Boy, who offended you? Why are you so bitter and resentful?" Zhao Jin came out of the tomb and said jokingly

"My grave has been dug up!" Zhang Qingyuan said with gritted teeth.

It was only ten minutes after he closed the live broadcast room that he realized that the underworld was in turmoil, which directly affected him in the underworld.

"Hehehehe……"Zhao Jin smiled with a gloating look and said,"Is it because you have done too many immoral things that people are jealous of you?"

"Someone brought my so-called biological parents and said they would help me move my grave.……"He suppressed his anger and briefly described the situation to Zhao Jin.

"Hiss...then they are probably really coveting your interests in the world of the living. But you still have to be careful, these things like ashes, remains and debris may be just a pile of dirt in the eyes of ordinary people, but if they fall into the hands of some people with ulterior motives, they can easily mess with you by using your ashes to cast a spell."

Zhang Qingyuan's heart skipped a beat...someone wants to mess with me?

After the anger, a chill surged from his heart.

These guys couldn't be unaware of his identity. He was in the underworld, but could travel back and forth between the two worlds of Yin and Yang. Moreover, the officials of Daxia couldn't be so stupid as to inherit his throne to a group of people of unknown origin for no reason.

He took the risk to do this, but didn't get any benefits. It's even more impossible that they are his so-called relatives...then what the other party's real purpose is, which remains to be discussed.

Zhao Jin noticed that his face was not right, and asked,"What? Is there really someone who wants to mess with you?"

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head:"It's hard to say, let's see what they want to do first."

"Well! You'd better be careful about this matter. Let Yuanshan help you deal with the ashes later, so that you don't have to worry about it."

"I understand. Thank you, senior."


In a small hotel in XN City, a group of people wearing white mourning clothes gathered in a small room.

The mediator anchor and the so-called relatives of Zhang Qingyuan, one of them held a stack of dollars in his hand, his eyes shining.

"This is a good job, I can be a mother and make money. If you need this kind of thing again, remember to find us." The middle-aged woman who called herself Liu Guifen said cheerfully.

Someone nearby said anxiously,"It shouldn't be a problem, right? Zhang Qingyuan is both a god and a ghost messenger, so please don't come to trouble us."

"Don't worry, he doesn't know who we are. Daxia is so big, how can he find us?" Someone said nonchalantly.

"But what did the old Taoist priest want to do with his ashes?"

"Why do you care about other people's business? Just take the money if you have it."

The old Taoist priest who had performed the ritual in front of the tomb disappeared, and everyone talked about it without any scruples.

At the same time, in a private house a few kilometers away, an old man with wrinkles on his face, who looked to be in his sixties or seventies, came into the house with a black bag and locked the door.

All the curtains in the house were drawn, the environment was very dim, and the air seemed to be filled with a faint smell of incense.

The old man, wearing a Taoist robe, opened the locked door of a room inside, and saw talismans hanging on the four walls, a yin-yang diagram painted on the ground, a cushion in the middle, and an offering table inside, with a portrait of a young man wearing a Taoist robe and a peaceful smile. Although he was young, he seemed to have a sense of transcendence of a Taoist.

The Taoist took out a dusty urn from the black bag, placed it on the offering table, then lit incense and candles, and bowed respectfully to the Taoist priest.

"Master, I brought you the ashes of Zhang Qingyuan that you requested, but it seems that Zhang Qingyuan knows about it."

The smoke seemed to be controlled by some power, accumulating in front of the portrait, and then an old voice sounded.

"Very good, you didn't disappoint me. Use the spell to block his senses. Keep an eye on him. I'll come to Daxia soon."

"Yes! Master, I am waiting for your good news."


The sky gradually darkened, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the tiles of the Buddhist temple, creating a layer of red-gold light.

Dong, dong, dong...

The bell rang, and the sacred temple was dead silent. In the square in front of the temple hall, several monks in Buddhist robes sat cross-legged on the ground with their heads lowered. They seemed to be silent, and the air was faintly filled with the stench of dead rats.

The entire Buddhist temple was shrouded in a black mist, and the atmosphere was very strange. Outside the Buddhist temple, a group of old monks sat cross-legged in front of the door, faintly showing a magical force, chanting Buddhist scriptures, which not only suppressed the strange atmosphere in the temple from overflowing, but also seemed to be blocking the things inside from escaping.

"Amitabha, masters, this enemy has occupied Fuhu Temple and brought disaster to our holy land of Buddhism. Simply blocking it here is not a solution. Is it possible to completely subdue it?"

A monk nearby asked worriedly.

"Buddha has mercy on us. This beast is extremely ferocious and distorts the Buddhist teachings. He also has the ability to reach the sky. We can only stalemate with him here. If we want to really solve the problem, perhaps only the monks who have already retired from the world can take action, or wait for the people from the underworld to come."

"Good, good. Earlier, when asking the heavens, the donor Li Chaogang had already revealed the matter of the black monk causing chaos. It seemed that the underworld had sent him to the world of the living. I believe someone will come to deal with them soon.

Before he finished speaking, as the bright moonlight shone on the ground, a shadow of the shimmering waves was also projected.

The Yin Qi instantly increased exponentially, and a small boat with a soul-guiding lantern slowly approached. Then Zhang Qingyuan, wearing a gold and silver evil-suppressing general uniform, jumped down from the Yin River and landed in front of the monks.

"Huh? There are so many people here? Is the Black Monk in there?"

"Amitabha, I have met the True Lord of Exorcism. Are you here to deal with the black monk?" asked an old monk in a red cassock.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the monks chanting Buddhist scriptures and felt a sacred and peaceful force fighting against the evil spirit in the temple. He immediately determined that the black monk must have come here to cause trouble.

"That's right, this monk was released by a ghost messenger under King Yama. I am now the deputy envoy of the underworld investigation of the Tianshi Mansion. I came here to deal with this black monk. I have not found out the fault of the ghost god. This beast is fierce and crazy. Masters, please stay outside the door and let me go in to deal with him. Don't let him run away."He said righteously.

As a true master of Buddhism with cultivation, these monks have never played such a trick before, and they were immediately moved.

"Amitabha, good, good, I really admire your righteous act."

In the admiring eyes of a group of monks, Zhang Qingyuan resolutely entered the Fuhu Temple, and immediately heard the crazy chanting of scriptures, confusing his mind...

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