
The sound of Buddhist chanting came from deep in the temple, like a soul-demanding Buddhist chant that poured into the mind.

The Nine Yin Soul Lotus emitted a faint golden light, isolating all abnormal influences from the soul core.

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head, feeling a little dizzy, but everything else was fine.

"The former rookie has now become a big boss, and you still think you can control me this way?"

The severed hand climbed out of his sleeve and onto his shoulder. From the perspective of Tu Bo's Eye, he could see a large amount of evil spirits gathering in one direction. A black Buddha formed by the gathering of evil spirits was sitting cross-legged in the void, with a compassionate and merciful face. He had the form of a Buddha but not his heart, and that evil spirit made people's scalps numb.

Zhang Qingyuan walked towards the direction of the black Buddha, patted the severed hand, and warned:"If you think the situation is not right later, clap your hands first, and then merge with me." The severed hand jumped twice to show that it understood

"Amitabha, I didn’t expect to see you in the world of the living. Have you thought it through and are you ready to become a monk?" The black monk came over from afar, chanting the Buddha’s name.

"Master, I know you have no hair, you don't have to tell me every day." Zhang Qingyuan walked up calmly and made a joke.

""Master, I didn't lie to you, did I? Has Buddhism in the world fallen?" he asked with a smile.

The black monk's dry face trembled, and he said,"Your Excellency is truly a person who has a connection with Buddha. If you hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have known that Buddhism in the world has fallen to this point."

Sure enough, people with honest minds are easy to deceive. Now the black monk has not reacted to the trap set by Zhang Qingyuan, and he thought that the other party really cared about Buddhism.

"Can you fool him again?"

He had an idea. The best way to deal with this simple-minded and stubborn person is to sell it and let it help count the money.

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and said,"Master is really practicing Buddhism, but things are different now. Although monks in the world have deviated from Buddhism, the problem in the underworld is the biggest. A few days ago, monks in the world asked the heavens to ask the way. Did you know about it?"

The black monk said grimly,"What does asking the heavens to ask the way have to do with me? I am dedicated to promoting Buddhism and don't care what those mortals do."

Zhang Qingyuan smiled and said,"Master, you don't know. This time asking the heavens to ask the way is unusual. The world and the heaven are colluding with each other. They want to clean up the influence of Buddhism in the underworld and not allow Buddhism to save the thousands of ghosts in the underworld.……"

"What did you say?"The black monk exploded instantly, and an evil Buddha appeared behind him.

Roar... Roar...

The evil Buddha behind him roared and seemed very manic.

"No, you are deceiving me. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is in the underworld, saving billions of souls. Who can stop him?"

Zhang Qingyuan said calmly,"Senior, you are confused.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is indeed very powerful, but he is only one person.

If he wants to save all the souls in the underworld, he needs the cooperation of a group of Yin gods under his command.

If the Heavenly Court clears out all the Yin gods, even if you restore order in the Buddhist sect in the world in the future, there will be no souls to save.

Wouldn't it be in vain?" The evil spirit on the black monk became more and more intense, as if countless demons were roaring.

He seemed to have become a little crazy, and his face, which was only a piece of skin attached to his bones, looked extremely hideous.

"Amitabha, I am a merciful demon, but you have stopped me from saving people. You are an enemy of Buddha, so I will go to the underworld."

The black monk was quite straightforward, and he never thought that with his two taels of bones, he would only be beaten in the underworld.

Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly said,"Master, don't be impulsive. If you go to the underworld now, not only will you not be able to save the Buddhist ghosts, but you may also be implicated."

"What do you mean, benefactor?"

Zhang Qingyuan chuckled, took out a piece of paper and said,"Master, if we want to stop the persecution of our Buddhist Yin God by the Heavenly Court, we can only find a way to drag him into the water.

I have a letter of accusation here.

You sign and seal it, and then enter my soul-collecting gourd.

When the time is right, the master will come out to correct them, and then disrupt their plan, giving the Buddhist Yin God a chance to breathe.

" The black monk's face was stiff, and he took the paper in his hand in a daze.

He saw that it was a piece of evidence, accusing xxx of taking ten taels of Yin money from the black monk and then secretly extraditing him to the world of the living.

"Why is the name left blank here? Also, this book is ridiculous. I am a Buddhist monk, how can I speak nonsense?"

""Master, you are obsessed with appearances.

Although this is nonsense, it is said that practicing the rules and regulations thousands of times is not as good as keeping the Buddha in your heart.

Master, think about it.

Once the Yin spirits of Buddhism survive, how many Yin spirits who have fallen into the underworld will be saved and reborn in paradise in the future.

This is a great merit.

" Zhang Qingyuan said earnestly.

The black monk's fleshless face trembled, and he said blankly:"Amitabha, the donor is right.


After that, the black monk stopped struggling and pressed his handprint on the offering paper.

Zhang Qingyuan was afraid that he would regret it, so he quickly put it away, then took out the soul-collecting gourd, and said:"Master, I'm sorry, you come into the gourd first, and then I will let you out to testify against the other party. I will definitely do my best to help the Yin spirits of Buddhism."

"The underworld is in misery, and all souls are in ruins. If there is no Buddhist Dharma to save all living beings, how can they be liberated?……"Zhang Qingyuan said seriously.

The soul-collecting gourd was opened, and a suction force immediately enveloped the black monk. The latter did not resist at all, and bowed and chanted:"Amitabha, I am merciful, so I'll leave it to you."

After that, the black monk's soul was stretched into a long strip and sank into the soul-collecting gourd.


Zhang Qingyuan put the plug on... It's so easy to fool, there is no sense of accomplishment at all.

This kind of upright Buddhist monk is good, please give me a bunch of them in the future.

With the disappearance of the black monk, the evil spirit shrouding the Fuhu Temple began to disappear, and the Buddhist teachings of the monks who were originally in a stalemate with the evil spirit outside began to invade.


The grand Buddhist sound resounded throughout the temple. It was the same as the one chanted by the black monk. The difference was that the pure compassion and salvation in the Buddhist teachings instantly dispersed the evil aura of the entire Buddhist temple.

In the square in front of the main hall, the monks who were killed by the black monk emitted a burst of white light, and then ghosts escaped from them.

They bowed to Zhang Qingyuan, and then bowed to the main hall where the Buddhas were enshrined in the temple, and were led away by rays of light.

When ordinary people die, the land god of their registered place will issue a guide to the underworld, while the disciples of Buddhism and Taoism will go directly to the underworld when they die, without having to pass through the land gates, ghost gates, and the like.

It can be regarded as an invisible benefit, although it is of no use.

After leaving Fuhu Temple, a group of old monks outside the door stood up and saluted Zhang Qingyuan and said,

"Amitabha, the True Lord is truly powerful. He was able to successfully resolve this ghost and restore peace to our Buddhist community. I am extremely grateful."

"Masters, you are too polite. This is what I should do. I have no choice but to do it... Ahem."

Zhang Qingyuan coughed twice awkwardly. He was too much of a role-player and almost forgot that he was the instigator.

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