The black monk was unexpectedly easy to deceive, and the problem was solved without much effort.

Zhang Qingyuan did not return to the underworld, but went directly to the Qingyuan Temple.

Today, the Qingyuan Temple is the most popular temple in XN City. It overshadows a group of righteous gods and almost monopolizes all the incense.

A large amount of incense power is not only transmitted to the core of the soul, but also condensed in the Qingyuan Temple, which makes the sacred atmosphere here more prominent. The endless stream of pilgrims is very crowded, but it does not feel noisy at all. Instead, there is a rare sense of tranquility.

In the wing room in the backyard of the Qingyuan Temple, Wang Zhengyang and an official staff member of Daxia were already waiting here.

Seeing him coming, Wang Zhengyang said with some embarrassment:"True Lord, you asked us to investigate the theft of your ashes, but there is no clue. The other party is obviously well prepared. The anchor and several people who pretended to be your family have been caught, but they don’t know anything. They only said that the Taoist priest who performed the ritual asked them to act."

"That fake Taoist priest?"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned, remembering an old man in Taoist robes that he saw in the live broadcast room.

He didn't pay much attention to it at the time, thinking that he was just a swindler who was trying to deceive the rich and foolish. Who knew that he was the mastermind behind the scenes.

On the other side, an official staff member of Daxia from the Law Enforcement Bureau also said with shame:"True Lord, the XN City Law Enforcement Bureau is already investigating outsiders who have entered the city recently, and there should be results soon."

"Hmm!" Zhang Qingyuan nodded and said,"Then I'll trouble you two. If you have any news, you can burn paper and incense, or send a private message on Kuaishou."

"Yes, yes, yes... don't worry, Master." As he said this, Lao Wang quietly winked at the person next to him.

"Is there anything else?"

The latter said somewhat embarrassedly:"Originally, our law enforcement bureau should not find the True Lord for this kind of thing, but this matter is too strange, we suspect that there may be ghosts causing trouble, so we have to ask the True Lord for help."

"Let me tell you, after all, I am a god appointed by Daxia, the only one of his kind. If there are ghosts and spirits, I definitely can't just sit there and watch."

"This is a strange thing. It all started a month ago when we received a murder case in Xigang District. The victim died in a very tragic way. His stomach was cut open and his entire lung was taken out. At first we thought it was an organ crime, but a week later we found another case in Dongcheng District. This time, his liver was taken out.……"

Following the law enforcement officer's narration, two more people were found dead, whose kidneys and hearts were taken away.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned and said,"It's a bit strange. This ghost only eats offal?"

"Um... cough cough……"The two of them were a little bit nervous.

Bullshit, can you be more serious in such a serious occasion?

Zhang Qingyuan pondered,"The lungs, liver, kidneys, and heart correspond to the four elements of gold, wood, water, and fire respectively. And from what you said, these four people died in the four directions of XN City, which also correspond to gold, wood, water, and fire, but lack earth."

He is now considered an unworthy disciple of Nanhua Patriarch. He holds the"Taiping Tianshu" and"Nanhua Xianjing" in his hands, and he is very familiar with the secrets of Taoism.

""Master, have you figured out anything?" asked Lao Wang.

"I didn't see anything, but I thought it might not be a demonic riot. And if nothing unexpected happened, the fifth person would have died in the central area of XN City, losing his spleen, which corresponds to the Earth Element."

"Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth? What does this guy want to do?"The law enforcement officer was in a state of confusion.

He looked at Zhang Qingyuan with a strange look in his eyes... It was this guy. Ever since this guy died and inexplicably jumped out to broadcast live, such weird things have been happening one after another.

Of course, he only dared to criticize him in his heart and never said it out loud.

"If it doesn't work, you can summon the souls of these four people and ask them to see if you can find any clues about the murderer. I suggest you report it to the Xiankui Division. It's probably not something that your law enforcement bureau can solve."Although he couldn't figure it out, Zhang Qingyuan still gave some advice.

"this……"The law enforcement officer looked embarrassed and said,"Can you please help me summon the soul?"

"No need to be so troublesome!"As he said, Zhang Qingyuan took out a yellow talisman and handed it to the other party, saying:"This is a talisman for communicating with the underworld. Go back and burn it. Naturally, a ghost messenger will come from the underworld. When the time comes, just tell me my name and ask it to help bring out the souls of the four people."

After a pause, Zhang Qingyuan said:"If the ghost messenger refuses to help after you tell me my name, just send me a private message."

I want to see which other stubborn people dare to go against me...

After sending the two away, Zhang Qingyuan frowned, feeling a little uneasy, which was related to his dug grave and the lost ashes.

Sure enough, Zhao Jin's crow mouth was right. The other party really had ulterior motives and wanted to deal with him secretly.

If you have the guts, come out and fight with real swords and guns. What's the matter with stealing people's ashes?

"Who could it be? Someone from the underworld? Or someone from the living world?……"

He was puzzled. The account called"Urban Emotional Mediator" had said long ago that it wanted to find his relatives, which only meant that the other party had been planning for a long time.

Before Xuntian asked, he was a small Karami in the underworld, with no influence. If they wanted to deal with him, they would have just killed him. There shouldn't be a ghost who set up such a complicated situation to deal with him. It is very likely that it was a guy from the world of the living.

"Who is the one……"

While thinking in his mind, Zhang Qingyuan's soul sank into his mind, and the"Nanhua Immortal Scripture" manifested as an illusory thread-bound ancient book, automatically opening to one of the pages.

"The Secret of Heaven - Dream Interpretation!"

"Heaven and man are one, dreams can reveal the secrets of heaven, and the mind can be understood. If you observe dreams, you can get the secrets of heaven.……"

As expected, you are the one, the Nanhua Patriarch... The method of deducing the secrets of heaven that he left behind is actually dreaming!

Zhang Qingyuan had heard of various divination methods such as tortoise shells, copper coins, yarrow, plum blossoms, and crape myrtles, but the dream divination method of the Nanhua Patriarch made him a little nervous.

"Forget it, Master, please forgive my disrespect. I will try this dream interpretation method now to see if I can find some clues."

Afraid of being heard saying bad things about Nanhua Patriarch behind his back, Zhang Qingyuan muttered to himself for a while, and then lay down on the bed in the wing room.

Just a moment later, he closed his eyes tightly, and his soul activity gradually decreased, leaving the last obsession before falling asleep - to find the clue of the ashes.

In an instant, Zhang Qingyuan felt weightless, and the surroundings were pitch black, and his body was constantly falling into the darkness, not knowing where to go.

Suddenly, the darkness faded, and the surroundings were dark, the stars were dim, and there was no moon or light.

At this moment, he was in mid-air, looking down, he saw He saw the familiar Qingsong Mountain, and next to Qingsong Mountain, where the XN City should have been, was replaced by a huge corpse.

The corpse was in a very strange state, lying on the ground with its arms and legs spread out, and its head was resting on Qingsong Mountain. In addition, there were five holes in its torso, and one could see the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys.

The face of the corpse was very blurry, as if covered by a layer of mist, but Zhang Qingyuan felt a sense of anger from the clothes he was wearing.

That was a unique costume of the Neon Country to the east of Daxia... It seemed to be worn by Onmyoji, a bit like the Bai Wuchang in the underworld.

"What's going on? How did my ashes become related to the Japanese Onmyoji? And the five internal organs?……"

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