XN City Law Enforcement Bureau.

The man who returned from Qingsong Mountain hurriedly found Huang Changhai with the Tongyin Talisman given by Zhang Qingyuan.

"……Director Huang, this is what happened. Zhang Zhenjun gave me this talisman and told us to burn it ourselves and ask the underworld messenger.

Huang Changhai picked up the yellow talisman with two fingers, and saw a crooked pattern drawn on it with a red pen. It looked as ugly as a child's practice handwriting.

"This... are you sure you didn't just ask a kid to draw it to fool me?" he asked in disbelief.

Zhang Qingyuan: Who are you looking down on? Who hasn't had their first experience drawing a talisman?

The law enforcement officer who brought the talisman back felt aggrieved and said,"Chief, you have to speak with conscience. After all, I have shed blood for the bureau.……"

""Okay, okay, okay... put away your nonsense quickly. I've heard it so many times. Go call Lao Hu and burn the talisman to see if you can really call up a ghost."

A moment later, Hu Tianchuan came over. The three of them closed the office door and took out a clean ashtray.

"It's burning. If a bull-headed or horse-faced demon or the Black and White Impermanence appears, don't be scared and scream, or we will lose face for our bureau." Huang Changhai said, swallowing his saliva, and the word"fear" was almost written on his face.

Chunjiang Community left him with a huge psychological shadow.

"I'm going to retire in three years, so please don't cause any trouble.……"

While praying, he lit the talisman paper. Suddenly, a flame engulfed the talisman paper. The orange-red flame quickly turned into a green ghost fire at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A twisted vortex appeared on the wall in front of him, and a sound similar to that of a chain being dragged came out of it.

Then, a ghost wearing a gray-black robe with the word"bad" written on his chest walked out of the vortex holding an iron chain as thick as a baby's arm.

""Who summoned me?"

It sounded like a voice from the underworld, with a bit of eerie reverberation, which made the people's scalps numb.

The underworld official glanced around and naturally noticed the three people. In addition, he felt a unique aura enveloping this place, with a kind of ability to exorcise evil spirits and avoid filth. This is the luck protection that only the government offices in the world have. He had many experiences of seducing souls from the government offices in the world, so he was naturally not unfamiliar with it.

"Is this the government office in the mortal world? What do you want to summon me for? Who gave you this talisman?" The yin messenger then asked.

"Old... Old Hu, come here, you know this case well." Huang Changhai pushed Hu Tianchuan out.

The leader had spoken, and the latter could only bite the bullet and say,"Sir, the ghost messenger, the matter is like this……"

He spent several minutes describing the four murders.

"Nonsense... I am responsible for summoning souls from the underworld. How can I find souls from the underworld for you?……"

Before he finished speaking, the law enforcement officer who was going to Qingsong Mountain whispered,"But, Master Zhang asked you to do us a favor!"

"What is Zhang Zhenjun, Gou Zhenjun...wait, who is the Zhang Zhenjun you are talking about?"

"It's Zhang Qingyuan, the Great Xia's True Lord of Eliminating Evil!"

The Yinchai's face changed and he fell silent, as if he was thinking about something. Finally, he suddenly sneered and said,"Zhang Qingyuan is just an evil-suppressing general. Can he control our Soul-Suppressing Yamen? It's a joke."

The three of them looked at each other when they heard it.

The law enforcement officer continued unwillingly,"But True Lord Zhang told me……"

"What if he told you? To tell you the truth, even if it was Master Zhang who asked you to come today, even if he came in person, I would still be giving you an answer. Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you have been holding a chicken feather as a token of authority for so long.……"

"Oh? I do whatever I want?"

"……Your chief officer of the Soul Crossing Yamen, if we remember correctly, should be called Miao Ben, and he is under the command of the two ghost emperors Zhao and Wang of the Dangzhong Mountain, right?" A teasing voice came from outside the door, and then Zhang Qingyuan, wearing the robes of the evil-suppressing general, walked in from outside the wall.

"Who are you……"The ghost's face was gloomy. He recognized Zhang Qingyuan the moment he saw him.

After all, almost everyone in the underworld had seen him when he was canonized by the human way, so he was naturally familiar with him.

"I am Zhang Qingyuan. I suspect these four murders are related to some evil spirits in the underworld, so I asked the Daxia government to help investigate the clues. I was the one who gave them the Tong Yin Fu. You are obstructing me like this. Do you know the inside story of this matter?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I know nothing!

"Since you know nothing, why did you obstruct me from handling the case? I was specially ordered by the Heavenly Master's Mansion and supported by the Lord of Mount Tai. How dare you, a small yin messenger, obstruct my work? I think there is someone behind you. Tell me who ordered you to do it. Maybe you can redeem yourself."

The yin messenger spat out a mouthful of blood... Why is he getting more and more outrageous?

"You are slandering me, what can I say? No one ordered me to do it.……"He hurriedly argued.

Zhang Qingyuan was obviously here to fish, so he naturally wouldn't let him go. He immediately stepped forward and shouted,"Humph! You protected the evil spirits and evil spirits from killing people in the world of the living, and you also tried to obstruct me from investigating the underworld. You are guilty of a heinous crime. If you have any excuses, you can save them for later in prison!"

After that, Zhang Qingyuan's gold and silver official robe fluttered in the wind, and a terrifying Yin Qi suddenly erupted. Chains suddenly appeared in the void and entangled the opponent's limbs.

A small evil ghost-level existence naturally couldn't stop him now, and was taken down directly.

"Zhang Qingyuan, do you dare? Our Miao... woo woo……"The iron chain got wrapped around his mouth, holding back the rest of his words.

Watching Zhang Qingyuan's smooth and fluent frame-up, the three members of the Law Enforcement Bureau were dumbfounded... Is the underworld so tricky? Can you just send someone to work on a sewing machine?

Zhang Qingyuan ignored them and took out the soul-collecting gourd to collect the ghost messenger, then turned around and looked at the three people.

"That... excuse me for making fun of you. Xun Tian Wendao, you all know that I am now responsible for investigating the Yin God. There is obviously something wrong with the Yin Cha. Thank you for helping me find it."

"this……"Huang Changhai hesitated for a moment and said,"You are too polite, Master. You are investigating the Yin Spirit for our Great Xia. It is our honor to help you, Master."

Obviously, his skill of seeing through but not speaking out has been maxed out, and he didn't care about the little problem just now.

""Master, why did you come here suddenly?" Hu Tianchuan asked

"It was about my ashes being stolen. I found some clues. I heard that the anchor was detained here by you, so I just went to look for him and confirmed my clues."

"Oh? Then what did the True Lord find out? Can you tell us? We are also responsible for investigating this matter now." Huang Changhai said. Zhang

Qingyuan shook his head and said:"This matter is not easy to handle. The other party is hiding very deeply. I am not sure. But in the recent period of time, if there are people coming from Neon, please help me keep an eye out.……"

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