After returning to the underworld, Zhang Qingyuan quietly returned to his own grave without disturbing anyone.

The grave was very lively, with Zhao Jin and Huang Shuangshuang arguing until their faces turned red and their necks thick. The old Taoist priest rolled up his sleeves, holding a peach wood sword, looking as if he was about to chop someone down.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a daze.

If they were a step late, they would probably have their brains beaten out.

"Humph! A few little brats, with no knowledge and no experience, are looking for trouble with the Wheel-Turning King right away. He is one of the Yama Kings after all. Would he wait for you to kill him?" Zhao Jin cursed.

Zhang Qingyuan gave him a strange look and said,"It seems that you are not the oldest here.……"

Just kidding, Bian Fei and Deng Qigong have been dead for hundreds of years. And Huang Shuangshuang looks like a little girl, and her mind is very immature, but if you really talk about her age, Zhang Qingyuan thinks she is probably a grandchild.

It's not too much to call her an old little girl in the future... Of course, not the old girl like Qiao Biluo.

"Hum... Brother Zhang is right. Some people just don't know how to respect the old and love the young. What's wrong with the Wheel King? He is in charge of the reincarnation judgment, collects money from people, and transfers people who should have been sent to the lower three realms to the upper three realms."

"What's even more outrageous is that the descendants of some of the great families in the underworld will be carefully selected and reborn into wealthy families in the world of the living, and then manipulated so that their good fortune in the world of the living protects their family in the underworld.

This goes on and on.

Almost all of the people from the great families in the underworld are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and their descendants will enjoy wealth forever.

This is really too much.

"Bian Fei said indignantly

"That's right, it's really too much."Huang Shuangshuang nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Qingyuan was dumbfounded... These bastards can do this, no wonder I didn't become a rich second generation back then, my love quota was taken away by the Yin God.

"Investigate, must investigate! These damned things actually did such a wicked thing, they must not be let off."He cursed angrily

"Boy, you have to think carefully. It is not a wise move to attack the Wheel King directly. I think it is safer to start with his subordinates first, reduce his power little by little, and then take action."Zhao Jin said maturely.

"There is no need. If the sky falls, we still have Si Shou to support us. What are we afraid of?"Zhang Qingyuan is a bachelor, and he has offended the Wheel King before, so he naturally has to strike first. The same is true for Zhao Wenhe. The Yinchai caught by the XN Law Enforcement Bureau is to deal with Zhao Wenhe. There is also the confession of the black monk. He has left the name of an unlucky guy unfilled.

To deal with the enemy, you have to strike first. When he read those stupid authors' online articles before his death, he couldn't understand why the protagonist always had to wait for the villain to plot against him before counterattacking?

Wouldn't it be better to be the villain and strike first?

"Well, this time when I went to the Yang world, I not only dealt with the black monk, but also caught a ghost messenger."

After saying that, Zhang Qingyuan led his men into the Yin house, and then released the ghost messenger who was tied up with chains.

"Zhang Qingyuan, what do you want to do? I am a subordinate of Emperor Zhao Gui……"

"Shut up!"Zhang Qingyuan interrupted him directly, slapped him, and asked,"Do you want to die or live?"

"Humph!" The ghost laughed coldly and said,"You want to frame our chief Miao, you have found the wrong person."

"Who is this guy?" Zhao Jin asked curiously.

"The ghost messenger of the Soul Crossing Court released a ghost into the world of the living, killing four people. I caught him, but he refused to admit it. He was the one who took the blame.

Unlike the Wheel King, Zhao Wenhe had not yet caught any evidence against him, so he could only start with his younger brothers. The first target was the Soul Crossing Court.

"Is this true or not?" Zhao Jin was a little suspicious. He knew this kid's character very well. He probably had something bad in mind.

"Ahem... When the Five Senses King sent the Yama Guards to deal with me, it must have been Zhao Wenhe's idea."

The meaning is self-evident. The enemy has already taken action, how should you respond... Naturally, some people will take out weapons, including knives, guns, sticks, electric shocks, water immersion, and tiger chairs.

Zhao Jin understood it immediately and said,"I am proficient in some methods of concocting ghosts.……"

""Team leader, are you trying to force a confession out of me?" Huang Shuangshuang asked with a look of disdain.

"Shuangshuang!" Zhang Qingyuan said kindly,"There is a saying that evil people will be punished by evil people, do you know that? To deal with bad people, you have to be worse than him, for example, the one in front of you, because they released ghosts into the world of the living privately, four people died. In order to punish such people and catch the real culprit behind the scenes, do you still think it is necessary to be kind to him?"

The little Lolita had never experienced the evil of human hearts. She was fooled and nodded ignorantly:"Okay... it seems to make sense?"

Zhao Jin threw a contemptuous look at him... He was already stupid, and you are teasing him.

"Nonsense, you can always find a pretext to accuse me, Zhang Qingyuan, use whatever means you want, light a soul lamp, or throw me into a frying pan, if I say no, I will take your last name."The ghost shouted angrily

"Forget it, I don't have a son as old as you."

"Let me do it! I have met many evil ghosts before, and they all said they didn't mind lighting the soul lamp, but none of them could survive seven days."Zhao Jin volunteered again.

"No need! I appreciate this kind of hard bones, how can the senior be like this."Zhang Qingyuan waved his hands repeatedly, and then said to Brother Hu behind him:"Brother Hu, please go to Yin Food House to buy me two living Yin beasts, the kind of female"

"Yin beast? Female?"Tiger touched his hairless head in confusion.

Although he was puzzled, he still took the Yin money and went. Half an hour later, the servant of Yin Restaurant came back with two iron cages in a carriage.

"Brother, I have bought the Yin Beast, what should I do?"

"Let them move to the small compartment at the back."

Everything was ready, and Zhang Qingyuan came with a rebellious look on his face.���In front of the room.



From inside came the agitated sound of the Yin beast, banging against the wall, very manic

"There are two evil beasts inside!" Zhang Qingyuan pointed to the compartment.

"Humph! Just use whatever means you have! Don't try to slander our Miao Cha chief."

"Slander?"Zhang Qingyuan sneered and said

"As the government office that extradites ghosts, you must have detained many ghosts without backgrounds over the years, right? As far as I know, a ghost can be sold for five taels of ghost money. Many people in the underworld practice evil methods, and even many evil ghosts outside the city need to devour ghosts, and they will buy them from you. Am I right?"

"There is such a thing, you are so hateful."Huang Shuangshuang's sense of justice burst out, and she cursed crisply. The

Yinchai's face changed, but he immediately calmed down and said:"As I said, if you want to accuse someone of a crime, you can always find a pretext. If you have the guts, just show me the evidence, otherwise don't try to trick me."

This kind of thing must not be admitted. If you admit it, the person above may not be in trouble, but he will definitely end up in the mass grave outside the city.

"Don't tell me, it doesn't matter!" Zhang Qingyuan was not surprised.

He took out a yellow talisman and said,"This talisman is called an aphrodisiac talisman. I don't need to say much about the effect. You can tell by the name. What if I take off your pants and throw them in, and then cast a talisman on the two female Yin beasts at the same time? Tsk tsk tsk... The picture is so beautiful that I dare not even think about it!"

The picture has already appeared in his mind.

The Yinchai's face turned pale, and looking at Zhang Qingyuan again, he was so abominable.

Zhao Jin and others behind him even took several steps back.

"Damn, you little bastard. I know you are vicious, but you are too vicious, aren't you?" Zhao Jin cursed.

"I... I say, brother. You asked me to buy the Yin beast for this." Brother Hu said with a disgusted expression.

Huang Shuangshuang looked at everyone in confusion:"What's wrong? What's wrong? Why do you all have such expressions?"

Zhang Qingyuan shook the aphrodisiac in front of his pale face and said,"How is it? It helps you save money, so you don't have to go to the Qunfang Baigui Building and get ripped off. It's very dark here, and you can't see anything. When the desire comes, it won't have much impact."

"you you you you……"The ghost could hardly speak clearly and looked at Zhang Qingyuan as if he were a devil.

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