In Fengdu City, Zhang Qingyuan's grave.

The ghost messenger named Wan Tao trembled as he wrote the last word on the paper, then signed his name and pressed his fingerprint.

Zhang Qingyuan took a look and nodded with satisfaction... He explained in detail the whole process of selling ghosts in the Soul Du Ya. Of course, he also wrote down the things he specifically explained about helping the black monk smuggle and letting evil ghosts into the world of the living to cause chaos.

Of course, he said what the other party wrote.

""Zhen...Zhen Jun, is it ok?" Wan Tao was about to cry.

He thought that he might be tortured and was mentally prepared, but he didn't expect the other party to be so vicious.

No, no, I can't think about it, I can't think about it... Wan Tao hypnotized himself quickly.

Although the incident didn't happen, the picture was like implanted deep in his mind. The less he thought about it, the more it popped out.

"Boy, stay away from me from now on. Damn it, you can come up with such a disgusting trick. Standing with you, I feel that my thoughts have become dirty."Zhao Jin's face was very bad. He read the"Tai Shang Qing Jing Jing" several times, but he didn't become calm at all.

"Senior, you have to speak with conscience. As a frequent visitor to the Qunfang Baigui Tower, aren’t you most familiar with this kind of thing?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word of it?" Huang Shuangshuang was confused from beginning to end.

"You are still young, you will understand when you grow up." Zhang Qingyuan said seriously


Wan Tao was locked up in the soul-collecting gourd again, along with the evidence. Next, it was time to take action against the Soul-Transferring Office.

Although there was a bit of frame-up in it, it was true that this underworld office was harming ordinary ghosts, and they felt no guilt at all.

""Boy, what should we do next?" Zhao Jin asked.

Zhang Qingyuan raised the evidence in his hand and said,"Of course, we should arrest people and search their houses. These ghosts are causing troubles in the underworld, so they should have accumulated a lot of good things."

"Hehehe... this old man likes it," Zhao Jin said with a cunning smile.

The Suppression of Evil Division.

Zhong Kui's face was not very good.

He had expected that a lot of shady things might be uncovered when investigating the underworld, but he never expected so many.

There were also several waves of reports sent by mysterious people, including the crimes of the Yin Gods of the Heavenly Court and the Yin Gods of Buddhism. Obviously, both sides focused their game on him, hoping to use him to attack the other side.

There is also the Book of Life and Death... Although someone asked him to check the Book of Life and Death, as a thousand-year-old Yin God in the underworld, he knew the great cause and effect in the Book of Life and Death, and he has not dared to make up his mind to do it until now.

"Brother Zhang is still too smart. It is safer to have two people take responsibility for this kind of thing.……"

This dark-faced man was obviously not as honest as he seemed, and he had a lot of tricks in his mind.

Speak of the devil, and he will appear.

Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin walked in.

Zhong Kui quickly stood up and said enthusiastically:"Brother Zhang, are you back from the world of the living? How is the situation? Have you caught the black monk?"

"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission. The black monk was indeed released. When I arrived, he had destroyed several Buddhist temples. If it weren't for the joint efforts of many Buddhist masters in the world, I'm afraid the harm he caused would be comparable to that of the ghost boy from Jiangnan University."

Zhang Qingyuan lied with his eyes open while taking out the black monk's confession. He had already filled in Miao Ben's name as the person he identified.

Zhong Kui took it and looked at it, frowned and said,"Soul Crossing Yamen, this is a subordinate of the Ghost Emperor Zhao. The booklet given by the world before said that it was set up by King Yama. It seems that this booklet may not be accurate."

"Chief Si, not only that, when I came back, I happened to catch a ghost from the Soul-Transferring Yamen, and he confessed something even more horrifying."

Then, he took out Wan Tao's confession.

Zhong Kui just glanced at it, and immediately slammed the table in anger, cursing:"Damn it!"

He stared at Zhang Qingyuan with wide eyes and asked:"Is what the above said true? He actually intercepted the ghost and committed such a sinful act, he really deserves to be killed"

"Chief, I have already collected Wan Tao in the gourd, so he dare not talk nonsense."


Zhong Kui's Dragon Tiger Immortal Sword was unsheathed in an instant, and the dragon and tiger spirits leaped out and flew over the evil suppression department. The vast fairy light illuminated Fengdu, and the terrifying sword energy was rampant. All the ghosts felt great fear in their hearts, as if a sharp sword was hanging over their heads and could be cut down at any time. In

Fengdu City, the major ghost gods looked up at the sky with solemn expressions.

The Dragon Tiger Immortal Sword suddenly moved, and a bad feeling came to their hearts.

"Miao Ben, the chief officer of the Soul Crossing Office of the Dangzhong Mountain, holds the divine duty of guiding souls, but he abuses his power for personal gain, intercepts and sells ghosts, which is an unforgivable crime. As a special envoy for investigation, I must execute him."

After saying this, Zhong Kui slashed out with a sword, tearing the space apart, and a tall black Yin Mountain appeared on the other side.

"Zhang Qingyuan, I order you to hold my flag and arrest Miao Ben to rectify the Yin Law."

""Yes, sir!" Zhang Qingyuan bowed to the sky and took the banner that fell from the sky. It was a wisp of sword energy from the Dragon Tiger Immortal Sword.

Although it was only a wisp of sword energy, the power contained in it made him excited.

Zhang Qingyuan had no doubt that if this sword energy was activated, it could easily kill him.

"All the evil suppressors under the command of the Left Deputy Secretary, please listen to my order and follow me to the Dangzhong Mountain."

After saying that, he flew out first and entered the space channel cut by Zhong Kui. The surrounding streams of light slid past rapidly, and the space changed. In an instant, he saw a high mountain standing on the land of the underworld.

On the peak, palaces and tombs were scattered all over the mountain. Just like Youdu, the ghost city was built on the mountain.

In fact, the Five Ghost Emperors each sat in the five most important Yin Mountains in the underworld and ruled a large area outside Fengdu City.

Behind him, the space channel was not closed. After receiving his order, the evil suppressors in Fengdu City followed through the space, and Zhong Kui was in Fengdu City, watching their actions from thousands of miles away. More than a hundred evil suppressors gathered behind him, with Zhong Kui's flag hanging above their heads to protect everyone.

Zhang Qingyuan gave an order:"Everyone follow me to arrest Miao Ben of the Soul-crossing Yamen!"

""Got the order!"

A large group of evil suppressors marched towards the tomb.���Flying over, they could see from a distance the Yin soldiers guarding the city walls, standing in formation and watching them.

"Open the city gates. I am Zhang Qingyuan, carrying the flag of Zhong Kui, the special underworld investigator from the Tianshi Mansion. All the offices of the underworld are not allowed to obstruct me, otherwise I will be punished!" Zhang Qingyuan shouted, and his aura overwhelmed the entire ghost city.

On the city wall, a ghost general looked embarrassed and responded loudly:"Master Zhang, this is under the rule of the two ghost emperors Zhao and Wang. We dare not stop you. Please allow us to report to the two ghost emperors without delay."

"No need, let them into the city!"

"If Miao Ben is really guilty, this emperor will never protect him."

Across the space channel, two figures appeared beside Zhong Kui, their faces were extremely gloomy, like the bottom of a pot, they were the Western Ghost Emperor Zhao Wenhe and Master Wang.

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