The King of Hell told me to die at three o'clock...

Zhang Qingyuan died at two o'clock!

The main point is to be proactive and leave a good impression on the King of Hell.

【A generation of ghost village exploration anchor died unexpectedly】

The last scene of a certain anchor before his death, the evidence of the existence of ghosts. 】 The hot search about Zhang Qingyuan's unfortunate death in the ghost village has been hanging for several days. In the last scene of the live broadcast room, a clear ghost in red flashed by, and then Zhang Qingyuan's face turned pale, his pupils dilated, and he fell to the ground...

Today, with extremely advanced science, the existence of ghosts seems to have been proven for the first time, which immediately brought huge traffic. Even Zhang Qingyuan's live broadcast account has added millions of fans, and he has stepped into the ranks of top tens of millions of Internet celebrities.

It's just that it was a little early, and this overwhelming wealth is destined not to be enjoyed.

Of course, he is not the only one who is unlucky. The release of a new album of a certain leather pants singer failed again, and it was successfully snatched from the hot search.

Leather pants singer: [Fuck the ghost!!】


"……You still have thirty years to live, and you need to stay in Fengdu Ghost City until your life span is exhausted before you can enter reincarnation. During this period, the Yama Kings of the various halls may judge you. Don't run around for no reason, as the underworld is not peaceful. Also, you must not commit crimes, otherwise your crimes will be added to your count, and Yama King may wave his pen and send you to the eighteen levels of hell, and it will be too late to regret then."

Zhang Qingyuan listened to the instructions of the Bull-Headed

Ghost Messenger and nodded repeatedly behind him.

He didn't dare to breathe, and in fact, he didn't have much breath.

As a person born in the era of technological explosion in the 21st century, he didn't believe in gods and ghosts.

But in the last live broadcast, he encountered a red-clothed ghost in Fengmen Village and died directly.

Later, the land god of his registered place took back his soul, took the road pass, and was led by the soul-catching messenger to walk through Huangquan Road, Wangxiangtai, Evil Dog Ridge...

various stations in the underworld, and finally came to Fengdu Ghost City.

Along the way, his worldview was completely shattered. Fortunately, he grew up listening to various myths and legends since he was a child, and he quickly adapted to the situation in front of him.

After a simple instruction, the Bull-Headed said no more, and led him towards Fengdu City.

Zhang Qingyuan carefully observed the surroundings. The city was very dark, the roads were wide, and the road under his feet was a very flat avenue paved with black stones. The overall architectural style was very ancient, giving the feeling of an ancient city..

On both sides of the road are houses built of black stone and wood of the same style. There are no windows, only an arched gate. According to ancient legends, this is a unique architectural style for Yin houses.

Some of the doors are very old, and the white elegiac couplets on the door frames have turned yellow and fallen off. The doors are closed, and I don’t know if there are people living inside... or ghosts.

The entire Fengdu Ghost City is gloomy, and the wind blowing through is extremely cold. From time to time, one or two low hums that make your scalp numb can be heard from certain places.

It has been several days since entering the underworld, and Zhang Qingyuan has almost gotten used to the environment of the underworld.

The thick black cumulus clouds make darkness the main tone of this world.

There is a red blood moon in the sky, but there is no moonlight, like a decoration, and I don’t know what’s going on.

After walking for more than half an hour, Niu Tou finally stopped in front of a Yin house on the side of the road and said,"This is it.

You will live here from now on.

If it is your turn to be judged, a ghost will come to escort you to the Yama Palace in each hall.


"Also, this Fengdu Ghost City allows you to live here for free for half a year, but after that you need to pay one coin of ghost money every month. After you are settled, go to the Offering Pavilion to see if there is anything burned for you in the world of the living, so that you don’t fall behind on paying the rent."

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

Damn it, I'm an orphan, who will burn paper for me?

I have to pay the mortgage when I'm alive, and I have to pay the rent when I die. I can't escape the exploitation of the house wherever I go.

Although he was unhappy, he didn't dare to show it. He tried to ask,"What if I can't pay the rent?"

Niutou glanced at him and said,"Did you see the graves outside Fengdu City when you came? If you don't have money, you can dig a grave to live in. Of course, if you are brave, you can also rob other people's graves."

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but think of the wild graves all over the mountains and fields he saw when he entered the city, and the scene of lonely ghosts wandering in them, and he shuddered.

That place must not be peaceful. He has a deep understanding of the chaos in the underworld in the Wild Ghost Village. After leaving Fengdu City, a new ghost like him will be torn and gnawed by those evil ghosts. The

Niutou Ghost did not stay for too long, and returned the same way with a steel fork.

Zhang Qingyuan pushed open the door of his own Yin house. It was very dark inside, but from the perspective of the soul, he could see through it directly, and it didn't affect it.

He looked around and found that the tomb only had one room. The area was not small, more than 100 square meters. There were no windows or beams, only a bed and a table built casually with a few wooden boards. To say that the house was bare was a bit of an exaggeration.

"Fortunately, at least there is a place to live, free for half a year, the treatment in the underworld is not bad. I just don't know how much one penny of underworld money is, aren't all the money burned in the world of the living ghosts?"

He muttered a few words quietly, sat down at the table, instinctively reached into his trouser pocket, and then touched a square object


"My phone is still here. Luckily I grabbed it before I died, but I don't know if I can use it in the underworld?" When a ghost enters the underworld, nothing from the mortal world can enter. Only the offerings from relatives in the mortal world can be collected in the offering pavilion.

But Zhang Qingyuan, who had just arrived, obviously didn't know this rule. When he first entered the underworld, he found that his phone had been taken down with him. However, the previous Jinji Mountain, Evil Dog Ridge... these places were too dangerous, so he never had the chance to take it out and have a look.

Press and hold the power button, the familiar chrysanthemum icon lights up, and then enters the operation interface without any obstacles.

The wallpaper of the phone is a still from Uncle Jiu's ritual, and the picture is a real person warding off evil spirits. After all,���In the past, I went to various places where urban ghost stories and legends were told to live broadcast every day. Necessary measures must be taken.

In addition, there is a lonely APP icon on the main interface. There is nothing else. Even the function modules such as time and date are gone.

"What's going on? Except for Kuaishou, all other apps are gone?"

I glanced at the function bar at the top. The network connection icon was still there, but there was no 5G icon.

"The three major operators are awesome. Their signals have even reached the underworld. Steve Jobs has been dead for so many years. I wonder if he has developed a mobile phone in the underworld?"

Zhang Qingyuan exclaimed with shining eyes, and then he couldn't wait to open the Kuaishou software.

There was no splash screen advertisement, and he directly entered the simple [My] personal information main interface, which displayed his account.

【Nickname: Zhang Dadan

Fans: 11.23 million

Followers: 12 Likes

: 340 million

Withdrawable balance: 0 taels of Yin money]

Zhang Qingyuan: ? ? ?

A hundred black question marks floated by, the account was still the familiar one, but the interface was different, and the number of fans also skyrocketed

"What the hell is this balance? Can I still live broadcast and receive tips in the underworld?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingyuan clicked the + sign at the bottom. Sure enough, there was only one function inside - live broadcast. The functions of posting videos and photos were gone.

"Can it really be broadcast live?" His fingers were trembling and he subconsciously clicked it.

"Wait...if I start a live broadcast, who will be the audience? Ghosts from the underworld? Or my fans from the world of the living?"

Zhang Qingyuan pointed his finger at the screen, but did not start the live broadcast. Instead, he clicked on the [Home] button next to it.

Familiar music sounded, and then a long-legged lady in black stockings danced youthfully. Sliding down, it was still a lady.

Keep sliding... a lady.

A lady……


"Ahem, why are there only videos of young ladies? It seems that I watched too many of them in the days before my death.……"

Although the videos that came out were strange, Zhang Qingyuan was sure of one thing.

These... were all videos on Q&A in the living world, and judging by the release dates, some were released after his death.

"……In other words, my phone can connect to Kuaishou and Douyin in the real world, so when I start live streaming, the traffic I attract will also be from my fans in the real world."

"Hiss… I’m a dead person broadcasting live in the underworld, damn, the whole Internet will be blown up"

"Einstein, Newton...Is the quality of your coffins good? I wonder if they can hold it down?"

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