Fengdu City was very quiet. The streets were dark and the tombs were dark. Not to mention people, not even ghosts could be seen. With a crisp sound, the wooden door of a tomb along the street slowly opened, and Zhang Qingyuan squeezed out from the crack of the door holding his cell phone.

"Friends, I have left the haunted house. Next I will switch to the rear camera. Please open your eyes and don't blink."

【I bet a hundred bucks that this will be exposed soon】

【Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, if there is no female ghost today, I will go to your grave to dance. 】

The boss who commented was extremely impatient and kept urging him to turn the camera over quickly.

As for the question of going to his grave to dance, Zhang Qingyuan just wanted to say: Hurry up, my friend, I just don’t know where my grave is!

"Okay, to prove that I am in the underworld, let me show you the symbol of the underworld.……"

As he spoke, Zhang Qingyuan raised his phone upwards and switched to the rear camera.

In an instant... a blood moon appeared on the screen.

The sky was dark and cloudy, without a single ray of light. There were no stars in the sky, only a strange blood moon, like the pupil of some giant beast, hanging alone in the air, emitting a faint blood light.

Under the blood moon in the distance, dark and rugged ridgelines rose and fell, and from time to time, black smoke could be seen rising, and around the black smoke, there were terrifying ghosts wandering.

Dead silence, horror, gloomy...

A horrifying picture was printed on the screen of the live broadcast room, and countless netizens who were watching the show paused, and even the comment section was quiet for a moment.

"The blood moon is in the sky, and the underworld is as beautiful as flowers... My friends, this is the symbol of the underworld. If you see this blood moon one day, it means that you are dead. As for the brother who said he wanted to go to my grave to dance, hurry up and go. I just don’t know where my grave is. If you find it, please tell me."Zhang Qingyuan said with a smile

【Oh my god, is this true? Is this really a blood moon?】

【It's fake, it must be made by special effects……】

【It's confirmed that the blood moon is just a normal astronomical phenomenon that happened frequently in the past.】

【I don't believe it unless I find Nie Xiaoqian……】

A large number of comments began to appear. Zhang Qingyuan was about to adjust the angle and take a picture of Fengdu City, but the live broadcast room suddenly went dark and displayed [You are banned for 24 hours for violating relevant platform regulations!】

""Damn it! They banned me from broadcasting?" Zhang Qingyuan's pale face suddenly turned black, and he couldn't help cursing.

But then he thought, the purpose of the first live broadcast has been achieved. Although it was only about ten minutes, it at least proved that his mobile phone can really connect to the Kuaishou platform in the world of the living, and can also receive rewards. I just don't know how much Yin money it can be exchanged for.

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't wait to close the live broadcast room and clicked on his personal homepage

【Nickname: Zhang Dadan

Fans: 11.25 million

Followers: 12 Likes

: 340 million

Withdrawable balance: 8.4 taels of Yin money]

The number of fans has increased by nearly 20,000, and the Yin money he cares about most is 8.4 taels.

Zhang Qingyuan clicked on the live broadcast data statistics, the highest number of online users was 1.03 million, and the reward income was 168,000 yuan

"The total is 168,000, and the platform takes half of it, which is 84,000. In other words, the exchange rate between the underworld money and the currency in the world is 1:10,000. This damn Kuaishou platform is really a scam. It took away half of my income without doing anything."Zhang Qingyuan cursed inwardly, and there was nothing he could do about it.

The power of capital is so unreasonable that even in the underworld, you will be exploited by it.

"It's fine if it's half-deducted, but I have to think of a way to deal with the problem of the live broadcast account being blocked. This time it's blocked for 24 hours. If I continue to live broadcast, it may be permanently blocked. After all, I am spreading feudal superstition."

It's difficult!

Zhang Qingyuan didn't know what to do. If this problem is not solved, he will be in more and more danger. Although he can create a new account after being blocked, he is in the underworld now, and he doesn't know if it will work. The most important thing is that his current account has more than 10 million fans. Once it is blocked, the loss will be heavy.

Da da da da da……


A burst of eerie and sharp laughter came from a distance, interrupting Zhang Qingyuan's thoughts. Along with the laughter, there were crisp footsteps, as if someone was not wearing shoes and was stepping directly on the floor.


Zhang Qingyuan was immediately furious, and the terrifying red-clothed ghost he saw at the moment before his death emerged in his mind. Fear surged up in his head, and he subconsciously wanted to run.

"Wait, am I not a ghost too? Why should I be afraid?"

He was stunned for a moment, and turned his head towards the direction where the sound came from. He saw a half-meter-tall little ghost with a gray-black body, wearing a ragged short-sleeved shirt, and a bald head, running towards him while laughing.

"Little devil?"

"Hee hee hee……"

The little ghost's laughter was very sharp, even a little piercing, which made people's scalps numb. Coupled with the eerie environment of Fengdu City, he almost scared people to have a heart attack.

"Damn it, I am also a ghost, and you dare to scare me."

Zhang Qingyuan was immediately furious, and when the little ghost ran in, he kicked the ball with a powerful kick.


After a shrill scream, the kid was kicked out of the curve of a banana ball. No one knew where he landed, but his last scream was still echoing in the air.

""Fuck, you little thing dares to mess with me."

Zhang Qingyuan cursed and spat in a somewhat irritable temper, then locked the door and walked towards the inner city of Fengdu City.

According to the ghost messenger Niutou, the underworld institutions such as the Gongyang Pavilion, Tongyang Hall, various government offices...

are all located in the inner city.

In addition, the tombs of the wealthy families in the underworld are also in the inner city.

The place where he lives is the outer city, which is also the place where most ordinary ghosts settle down.

In simple terms, it is the poor ghost area.

New ghosts and those who don’t have much money live here.

If the ghosts are powerful in the world of the living and their ancestors are also prosperous, their ancestors will usually make a greeting in advance before their death, and the ghost messenger will take them directly to their house, and they will still enjoy happiness in the underworld.

Ghosts are more than ghosts, and ghosts are angry to death.

Walking along the flat streets of Fengdu City, the closer to the ghost city, the more exquisite the tombs on both sides of the road become, from the initial shabby houses to the...

In the middle of the night, two-story buildings gradually appeared in the back, and some of them had a small courtyard, and even had shops with signs hanging on them to do business.

There were funeral clothing shops, ghost restaurants...

just like the world of the living, covering food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Of course, as a huge ghost town that accommodates ghosts, there are also entertainment venues - the Qunfang Baigui Building.

As a dead ghost, it's not too much to play with.

But I don't know what's going on. Now these shops are closed, and only two green lanterns are hung at the door to remind that there is an owner here.

Even if he has become a ghost and can't be deader, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a little cold in his heart when he saw this scene. He could only bury his head and hurried on his way.

It's strange to say that except for the little ghost he met at the beginning, there are no other ghosts. Zhang Qingyuan is a little confused.

This ghost town is too spooky. There is really not a single ghost to be seen.

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