

There was still some distance from the inner city, and a uniform sound came from the quiet street. It was similar to the sound of an army marching in step.

A thin black fog filled the air ahead. As the sound got closer, Zhang Qingyuan saw a team of ghost soldiers walking along the street, wearing uniform black armor, with the word"soldier" branded on their chests.

Ghost soldiers!

Zhang Qingyuan's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that there would be ghost soldiers in Fengdu City. They seemed to be patrolling.

Clang... Clang...

The ghost soldiers gradually approached, ten people in a team, wearing uniform ghost soldier armor, and helmets on their heads. The whole person was hidden in the armor, and his appearance could not be seen. Only through the slits in his eyes could he see a pair of dark green eyes.

A large amount of Yin Qi enveloped Zhang Qingyuan as the ghost soldiers approached. He subconsciously retreated to the side, not daring to block the other party's way. He thought the patrol would go straight over, but he actually stopped right in front of him. The leader of the ghost soldiers stretched out his hand and said in a low and cold voice:"Token!"

Token ? Zhang Qingyuan was confused and asked subconsciously:"What token?" The sound of a sword being unsheathed rang out, and the cold killing intent came over him. Even though he was already a ghost, Zhang Qingyuan still felt the chill rushing to his heart, and his hair stood on end.

"No token... Explain your identity and why you are here?" The captain of the Yin Army had unsheathed his sword, a meter long sword with dried blood on it.

"Well... well, I'm a new ghost. I didn't do anything. I was going to the offering pavilion to get some money burned in the world of the living."Zhang Qingyuan explained the situation very quickly, fearing that if he was a second late, the other party's knife would chop his head.

"New here?" The captain of the ghost soldiers had a suspicious tone, but he still put away his knife and asked,"Didn't the ghost who brought you here tell you? When the blood moon is in the sky, it is a daytime ban, and no ghosts are allowed to go out. They can only come out and wander around when the blood moon sets."

Damn it!

That damn Niutou didn't tell me this at all!

Zhang Qingyuan was stunned for a moment, and then he cursed in his heart

"Captain, it looks like this is another case of not giving money to the shady guy.……"A ghost soldier behind the captain whispered.

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

Damn it, where there are people there are human feelings, and where there are ghosts there are ghost feelings.

No wonder he felt that the bull-headed man was a little cold along the way, and left without saying a word. The emotional problem lies here.

The other ghost soldiers also guessed what was going on. They had encountered many such poor ghosts, and each of them was tricked by the ghost.

The captain of the ghost soldiers said:"The order of the Emperor of Fengdu is that no one is allowed to go out during the day. Those who violate the order will be fined one or two taels of ghost money. Those who resist will be sentenced to one year in the oil pot hell.……"

""Fried in the oil pan hell?" Zhang Qingyuan was immediately shocked. If you owe one or two ghost money, you will be fried in the oil pan hell?

No wonder those poor ghosts would rather live in wild graves outside the city than stay in the city. This price is too horrible. If you owe ten months of rent, you will be fried in the oil pan hell.

""Wait... General, I don't have any money on me, but the donation pavilion has money, and I have to go and get it now. After I get the money, I will pay the fine." Zhang Qingyuan said impatiently. Are you kidding? He doesn't want to go to the oil pot hell. Let alone one or two taels of Yin money, even if it is ten taels of Yin money, he has to bite the bullet and pay it.

The captain of the Yin soldiers didn't say much. He turned his head and looked at a Yin soldier behind him and said,"Bian Fei, you go and get the money from him."

""I understand."

After that, the captain of the ghost soldiers continued patrolling with the remaining nine people. The remaining ghost soldier named Bian Fei came up and took Zhang Qingyuan to the inner city.

"Ahem... hello, soldier brother. My name is Zhang Qingyuan. I just died not long ago and I just arrived in the underworld today. Please give me your guidance."Zhang Qingyuan tried to say hello, but the other party glanced at him through the gap in his helmet with his green eyes and did not answer.

Forget it!

Such a cold face was probably because he didn't give any money, just like the bull head.

Zhang Qingyuan stopped talking, thinking silently in his heart that after taking out the money, he would bribe him and make the acquaintance of a ghost soldier. More friends mean more ways.

After a while, Zhang Qingyuan followed Bian Fei to the gate of the inner city. The gate was guarded by ghost soldiers. There were hideous statues of ghost gods and beasts hanging on the city walls and gates. They didn't look like decorations.

""Stop, it's curfew time, what are you doing in the inner city?" A ghost soldier guarding the gate stopped the two.

At this time, Bian Fei's role was reflected. He took out a token and whispered a few words to the other party. The latter nodded and let the two in.

Zhang Qingyuan was thoughtful. Looking at this, if he hadn't met this team of ghost soldiers, he might not be able to get in even if he came to the gate of the inner city.

Fengdu City has a curfew, which is similar to the curfew in ancient cities. There are soldiers patrolling and no one is allowed to go out. The only thing that is reversed is time. In the underworld, the rising blood moon is daytime and the setting blood moon is night. , it is still very easy to distinguish.

The inner city is basically the gathering place of the underworld ghosts of Fengdu City. Those who can enter the inner city are either officials or rich, and ordinary ghosts don’t even have to think about it.

The Yin houses here are very different from those in the outer city. Not only the style, but also the building area is much larger. The difference is like the difference between the thatched houses of ordinary people and the royal palaces in ancient Blue Star.

They are all wealthy families, and there are paper servants standing guard at the door. They have stiff expressions, weird smiles on their faces, and round blush on their faces, which looks very creepy.

Woo woo woo... the sound of ghosts came to my ears. The sound of whistling and wandering, looking around, ghosts can be seen walking on the street, some are sitting in sedan chairs, carried by several paper figures, the shops on the street are also open, you can see ghosts wearing silk and satin coming in and out, most of the shops also have paper figures standing guard or acting as clerks.

Clank... Clank...

The sound of heavy wheels came from behind, Bian Fei pulled Zhang Qingyuan aside without saying a word, not blocking the other party's way. Not only them, but all the other ghosts on the street also hid in a corner at this moment. When the carriage approached, Zhang Qingyuan found that the horses pulling the carriage were also Yin horses, with half of their skeletons exposed, black muscles attached to the skeletons, and every step they took on the ground would leave a forest of green Yin fire.

This horse not only looks handsome, but its strength is probably not weak either. It is an extremely powerful ghost beast. Just by passing by, Zhang Qingyuan felt an extremely strong sense of oppression.

The carriage passed by, with the three words"Zhen Evil Division" written on it, coupled with the big black roof and the metallic carriage, it looked very oppressive.

"The evil suppression department... the underworld government seems to be responsible for arresting and suppressing the ghosts and evil spirits in the Yin and Yang worlds. The chief officer seems to be called Zhong Kui?"Zhang Qingyuan's mind flashed with the online novels he had read before his death, which introduced the underworld.

As expected, one regrets not having read enough books when one needs them.

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