What happened in the underworld was transmitted to the world of the living through the live broadcast room without reservation, and naturally reached Su Qiaoyang's eyes.

Seeing his old father being bullied and having to agree to the other party's request, Su Qiaoyang's face turned green.

After Zhang Qingyuan finished his explanation, he let Su Jianguo enter the Tongyang Hall.

Seeing this scene, Su Qiaoyang's face was uncertain, and it took a long time for him to calm down, then he turned off the live broadcast and said lightly:"Director Yan, you go back first, I have other things to do."


The sudden surprise caught her off guard. After reacting, Yan Ziyue forgot to say polite words and quickly opened the office door and rushed out with her head down.

"Alas, Yan……"The secretary sitting at the door wanted to call her when she came out, but Yan Ziyue ran very fast and got into the elevator in the blink of an eye.

This scene made it more certain that something must have happened in the office. Today's big news... handsome boss, beautiful subordinates, office, movement...

Just these few words, if placed in Japan, it is estimated that several series of love action movies can be made.

"Lin Yun, don't let anyone in for three hours."

Su Qiaoyang came out and gave an order, pulling the secretary back to her senses. The secretary woke up with a start and said quickly,"Okay, Mr. Su."

Before he finished speaking, Su Qiaoyang closed the door of the office, came to the sofa with a sullen face, lay down directly, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Hum... I want to see if it's true or not?"

Until now, Su Qiaoyang didn't quite believe the content of the live broadcast. Zhang Qingyuan just said in the live broadcast room that the next time he fell asleep, Su Jianguo would enter his dream through a dream.

Ten minutes later, a slight sound of snoring came from the office.


"Woof woof woof……"

The barking of dogs outside the house was very loud. Su Qiaoyang suddenly woke up. The mottled ceiling and spider webs were hanging in the corners. He turned around and saw that the furnishings in the house were familiar yet strange. It was clearly the house in his hometown more than 30 years ago.

Looking at this old house that had almost faded in his memory, Su Qiaoyang couldn't help but recall his childhood memories. A warm feeling came to his heart. He hadn't felt this way for many years. He couldn't help but smile.

But the next second, his smile faded, and he remembered the purpose of falling asleep this time.

"Dad, Dad... Dad, are you there?" He called out in dialect

"Ahem…Yangyang? Is that Yangyang?"Su Jianguo's voice came from outside, sounding a little weak and out of breath.

Su Qiaoyang was stunned...I really, really dreamed of my father.

He pushed open the wooden door and walked out doubtfully. It was the familiar yard, the small yard that carried all his childhood memories.

Su Jianguo stood in the yard with a hunched back, the scars on his face were still there, and the small hood on his head was gone.

"Dad, are you okay?"Su Qiaoyang asked anxiously

"Yangyang……"Seeing his son, Su Jianguo suddenly broke down and burst into tears.

While wiping his tears, he cried,"It's so hard for your father. I worked so hard to raise you, but you didn't enjoy a few days of happiness when you were alive, and you will be bullied after you die.……"

Su Qiaoyang was speechless, not knowing how to respond. In the end, it seemed that he had implicated his father.

Su Jianguo thought that he didn't know what happened in the underworld, so he cried and said,"Today, an evil man came with two ghost soldiers and beat your father up. He said that you offended him in the world of the living, and asked me to tell you in a dream that you are not allowed to block his live broadcast room anymore.……"

"Yangyang, what is a live broadcast room? Your father doesn't know either. I've told you since you were little that we are all ordinary people. Don't fight with people like this. We are no match for them.……"


Su Qiaoyang didn't know how to explain to his father that he was now worth hundreds of billions and was a real upper-class person.

But it was useless. His father had to be beaten in the underworld.

Seeing him stunned, Su Jianguo suddenly got angry, wiped his non-existent tears, and scolded:"Yangyang, your father is talking to you, did you hear it?"

"I heard it, Dad, don't worry, I will definitely solve it."

The dream only lasted less than half a minute. The father and son had a simple communication across the boundary between Yin and Yang, and the dream began to collapse. Su Jianguo was forcibly dragged back to the underworld by a force.


"All right, brothers. If nothing unexpected happens, my account ban problem should be solved. Wait for the anchor to come back and take you to find the beautiful female ghost in Fengdu City.……"

【Hehe, if you are stubborn, I will ban you. 】

Zhang Qingyuan:"Banne me, then I will beat Su Qiaoyang again."

The initiative is in his hands. Zhang Qingyuan is not afraid of Su Qiaoyang's stubbornness. He must beat the Su family to make them restless.

"Okay, brothers, today's live broadcast ends here. The anchor is going to go offline. Please pay attention to the next live broadcast. In addition, thank you all for your tips.……"

As he said this, he was about to close the live broadcast room, count today's reward income, and save up the money as soon as possible. Seventy taels could not buy a good official position. According to Zhao Jin, it would cost about one hundred taels.

I have to ask him later if there is any channel to contact the Suppression of Evil Division to buy an official position. If I run there by myself, I will definitely be a fat sheep in the eyes of others.

Hentianzhen: [Wait for the anchor! ]

Someone posted a comment in the comment area. Zhang Qingyuan glanced at it and didn't intend to pay attention... You don't even have a fan light board and you still want to talk to me, are you qualified?

Then, before he closed the live broadcast room, ten sports cars were swiped out one after another, and the whole live broadcast room was suddenly filled with sports car special effects.

Zhang Qingyuan was immediately shocked and responded enthusiastically:"Thank you boss 'Hentianzhen'" for the sports car, thank you, thank you, thank you very much."

Hen Tianzhen: [Connect via microphone!!]

A trace of suspicion flashed across Zhang Qingyuan's face, but for the sake of the ten sports cars, he still clicked on the connection with the other party. The rich are all dads, and as an online anchor, you have to have this awareness.

Hen Tianzhen appeared on the podium, and Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly asked:"Boss, do you have any questions?"

Hen Tianzhen:"Can you hear me? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, yes, yes, boss, you say!"

""Anchor, are you really in the underworld?" Hen Tianzhen asked.

Zhang Qingyuan hesitated for a moment, looked at the number of people online in the live broadcast room, which was close to one million. At this time, Kuaishou had not blocked his account yet, so he should not be blocked. He nodded and said,"Well, yes. Boss, don't you believe it?"

Hen Tianzhen:"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not. If you are really in the underworld, can you help me do something? If you do it, I will give you a hundred planes."

A hundred planes?

Zhang Qingyuan immediately became excited. This is a huge sum of money. A plane in Kuaishou costs three thousand yuan, and a hundred planes means three hundred thousand. In his hands, he can have fifteen taels of Yin money.

"Ahem... money doesn't matter. The anchor mainly looks at people. This boss fits the anchor's temperament. Just tell me what you want. I will never say no to anything I can do."Zhang Qing patted his chest and promised."

The thing is, my father had a car accident last month and died suddenly. He was doing business and saved a lot of money. I know which account it is, but I don't know the password. When I go to the bank to apply for inheritance, I have to prove that I am my father's son, and I have to be present in person, so……"

""I understand, boss. So you want your father to meet the bank president to get this done?" Zhang Qingyuan said without hesitation.

Prove that my father is my father. I have seen this kind of news before. It is not surprising to ask for someone to go to the scene after someone dies. Zhang Qingyuan understands this boss very well.

"No, no, I mean you can help me find my father in the underworld and ask for the password."

Soga, that's even easier.

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