[Hentianzhen] Sent his father's information over

【Wang Defu, male, born in Dingyuan 17, died……】

He is about the same age as Su Jianguo, and was born during the reign of Emperor Gaozu of Daxia. The information is very specific, so it is much easier to find someone like this.

""Honest boss, wait a moment, I'll go find it, it'll be quick."

After receiving the boss's entrustment, Zhang Qingyuan instantly became interested, and it seemed that he had found another way to make money besides rewarding.

""What's wrong with Brother Zhang? Why are you so happy?" Bian Fei asked in confusion.

From the beginning, Zhang Qingyuan had been saying strange things. He and Deng Qigong were both old ghosts who had been dead for hundreds of years. Naturally, they didn't know what live broadcast was, let alone what he was doing. However, one could still tell something from his expression.

"Um... Brothers, are you busy later? Let's go to the Procuratorate to find someone."

As he said that, Zhang Qingyuan took out two taels of Yin money and stuffed one into each of them. Money can make the devil work... Zhang Qingyuan found that their ancestors had long passed down the rules of survival in the underworld to them.

���As soon as the money came in, Deng Qigong smiled very brightly, his rough face was squeezed into a chrysanthemum shape, which was still a bit scary.

"Hahaha...what are you talking about, brother Zhang? If you have a request, I will accept it even if I die."Deng Qigong patted his chest and said proudly.

Immediately, the three of them rushed to the Procuratorate without stopping. Because this time they were in the inner city, it didn't take long for them to appear in front of the Procuratorate again.

Lin Fu looked at the three people who turned back in confusion and asked,"What's the matter? Didn't you find the person?"

"No, Brother Lin, you are worrying too much. The person has been found. I have to thank Brother Lin for his help."Zhang Qingyuan replied

"So what are you doing?"

Zhang Qingyuan handed him a note and said,"Brother Lin, please help me find someone else.……"

"this……"Lin Fu frowned, a little unhappy, but when he touched the hard object sandwiched between the notes, he immediately smiled.

"So that's how it is, Brother Zhang is so polite, please wait here for a moment, I'll be back soon."

Lin Fu calmly put away the money in the note, then quickly went into the Procuratorate with the note.

He could get one or two taels of money by finding someone once, and a sucker like Zhang Qingyuan... No, there should be more bosses like this.

Lin Fu thought happily.

This time he was more efficient, and he ran out in less than three minutes, handing Zhang Qingyuan a note as usual, and said,"It's great to meet Brother Zhang today, and we really feel like old friends. We need to get to know each other more often in the future. I live at No. 937, Zone B, and Brother Zhang, come over when you're free."

"Definitely, definitely!"

Zhang Qingyuan also responded with a smile.

After leaving the Procuratorate, he glanced at the note and saw that it read"No. 1,271, District B, Wang Defu."

He showed the note in front of the camera and said to the live broadcast room:"Boss Hentianzhen, your father has been found. He is not far away. I will go there soon."

Swish, swish, swish... three sports car special effects suddenly appeared on the screen. The name was exactly given by [Hentianzhen].

The boss doesn't like to talk, but he likes to give gifts. Please give me a dozen of such a boss... Zhang Qingyuan was very happy.

He took the time to take a look at the live broadcast data. The total amount of rewards has reached 400,000+. After conversion, he has at least 20 taels of Yin money, which is almost enough to buy an evil suppressor at the Evil Suppression Bureau.

""We'll go when the souls are replenished."

They left the inner city again without stopping. Although they were both in Area B, Wang Defu's place was bigger than Su Jianguo's, closer to the outer city, and also farther away.

After walking for nearly 20 minutes, the blood moon came to the top of their heads before the three of them found No. 1,271.

"Brother Bian, please call them out."

Their identities as ghost soldiers are more useful, as evidenced by the incident with Su Jianguo.

"Are you going to beat him up again this time?" Bian Fei asked

"No, no, no... This is my benefactor's father, I can't beat him." Zhang Qingyuan explained quickly to avoid misunderstandings and make his next income go down the drain.

Dong, dong, dong...

Bian Fei knocked on the door and reported his identity as a ghost soldier. Soon there was movement inside.

"Ghost soldiers? Wait a minute!"

The speaker was full of energy and imposing, but also revealed a sense of old age.

Creak... the door opened, and a thin old man came out, wearing a navy blue training suit. If it weren't for the deathly look on his face, Zhang Qingyuan would have thought he had met an old man doing morning exercises in the park.

Wang Defu had his hands behind his back, his back straight, with an inexplicable aura, and he was obviously a successful person in the world of the living.

The protagonist had already appeared, and Zhang Qingyuan did not delay. He hurried forward and pointed the camera at him, saying,"Are you Uncle Wang?"

Wang Defu's deep eyes were focused, and he looked at Zhang Qingyuan for a few times and said,"My surname is Wang, but I don't know if this is the Uncle Wang you are looking for. What can I do for you?"

"Uncle Wang, your son asked me to come find you. He said you died in a car accident and left without leaving any time to arrange your affairs. He is here to inherit your estate as your heir, but……"

Zhang Qingyuan briefly introduced the situation to him, and the latter showed a look of sudden realization on his face.

"Did Chengtian ask you to come? How did you get to the underworld? Could you be a Taoist master?"Wang Defu was still quite alert and asked about Zhang Qingyuan's situation.

"I'm dead, but there are some special ways to contact him." Zhang Qingyuan didn't tell him about the live broadcast.

The latter didn't know what he was thinking, but seemed to believe what he said, and nodded and said:"Okay, then you tell him, he knows which account it is, and the password is the day I bought my first car after starting my business, he knows which day it was." He didn't tell him directly, Zhang Qingyuan also understood, after all, this matter involving family property

""Okay, I got it. I'll tell him later. I won't bother you anymore, Mr. Wang."

After that, he took Bian Fei and Deng Qigong out of Area B and headed towards the outer city.

"Brothers, thank you for your help today. If you need any help in the future, please feel free to ask."Brother

Zhang, are you planning to go back? Let us take you back first. After all, it is daytime ban now. If you are seen by the patrol officers on the way, you may be punished."

"Thank you very much."

Returning to his humble grave, Zhang Qingyuan said to the live broadcast room:"Okay, today's live broadcast ends here. If you haven't followed the host yet, please click to follow me, and you will receive a notification for the next live broadcast."

"……In addition, Boss Hentianzhen, you should have heard what your father said just now. The password is the date when he bought his first car. You should know this."

Hentianzhen: [I know. Thank you, host. I will try it now. As long as it is correct, there will be no less than 100 planes next time I broadcast.】


【Is it true?】

There were still doubts in the live broadcast room, but Zhang Qingyuan was too lazy to care. There were no fan light boards, so he didn’t care whether you believed it or not.

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