Quick shake company headquarters.

The door of Su Qiaoyang's office was opened less than an hour after it was closed.

He came out with a sullen face and said to the secretary:"Let Director Yan come in."

The secretary quickly notified Yan Ziyue, and she appeared at the door of the office ten minutes later.

The secretary sitting at the door watched her go in with a strange look in her eyes, closed the door, and became more determined in her heart about the next boss lady.

""Boss, what's wrong?" Yan Ziyue asked as she stood at the door.

The incident just now left a huge shadow in her heart. As an employee who had watched the boss's scandal and his loss of composure, Yan Ziyue had not been able to sleep in the past few days. Su

Qiaoyang sat in the boss's chair, his expression had returned to normal.

"Director Yan, there is no need to block his live broadcast room anymore……"

Before she finished speaking, Yan Ziyue subconsciously asked back:"Ah? Is this true?"

As soon as she said it, she regretted it and wanted to slap herself a few times. She was really mean. Why did she ask this?

Su Qiaoyang glanced at her with a little dissatisfaction and said:"Although it is not blocked, don't give him the flow. Well, if you have nothing to do, just go and get busy."

Leaving Su Qiaoyang's office, Yan Ziyue recalled the conversation just now in her mind and walked past the secretary in a daze.

The secretary looked at her strangely, and the gossip fire in her heart was already burning... It was obvious that she went in to negotiate terms.

Back in the office area, Yan Ziyue announced the news to everyone, and there was an uproar.

As the first person to close Zhang Qingyuan's live broadcast room, Lu Qi immediately stood up and asked:"Boss, if that's the case, then Zhang Dadan is really in the underworld and beat up the boss's father?"

Yan Ziyue wanted to curse when he mentioned this matter, and glared at him fiercely:"What are you asking, what are you asking? The more you know, the faster you die. Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

After being yelled at by the Hedong Lion, the whole office was suddenly silent. Everyone sat down and pretended to be busy as if nothing had happened.


Outside the city of XN, at the foot of Qingyan Mountain, a car was driving on a bumpy dirt road, slowly heading towards the mountainside.

In the car, Zhao Yuanshan laughed and said,"This kid is quite interesting. He went to the underworld and beat up the ancestors of his enemies. He is really wicked and wicked."

"That's it.……"Zhao Lingshan nodded repeatedly.

They watched the live broadcast in the car, and naturally saw Zhang Qingyuan beat up Su Jianguo and then went to find Wang Defu. Such a dramatic thing made Zhao Yuanshan, an old Taoist priest, say that he was beaten by a knife and opened his eyes.

"Girl, after this matter is resolved, come with me to Zaoge Mountain to receive the Taoist ordination, and then I will help you to open the altar and make him your Taoist soldier."

"Does it have to be him? There are so many handsome guys.……"Zhao Lingshan is still upset about Zhang Qingyuan's appearance

"Humph, you know shit.……"Zhao Yuanshan was about to scold, but after thinking about it, he gave up and said,"I'm too lazy to explain to you. Just listen to your grandfather."

The two chatted for a while, and the van stopped. Brother Northwest Tiger in front turned around and said,"Old man, we have arrived at Fengmen Village."

Zhao Yuanshan, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and shouted,"Get off the car and move the things to the village."

Everyone got off the car and saw that the entrance to the village was in front of them. An old boundary marker stood at the entrance of the village. The words"Fengmen" could be vaguely seen. In addition, there was a big willow tree planted next to it, but it was already withered and yellow, and there were no green buds in this season.

As for the village, there were rows of earthen houses, a desolate scene, and loess everywhere, with the style of the rural areas in the northwest.

Zhao Yuanshan looked inside the village entrance with a solemn expression.

Zhao Lingshan came forward and asked,"Grandpa, how are you? You are old and weak, can you still do it? Don't try to be brave."

Zhao Yunshan glared at her and said,"What can a mere evil ghost do to me? Sooner or later, I will be pissed off by you."

After that, he entered Fengmen Village first and found a small open space in the center, which looked like the place where the villagers used to gather.

Brother Northwest Tiger called on his younger brothers to move the things to the open space, and then set up an altar under the command of Zhao Yuanshan.

After they were done, the sun had already set in the west, and the sky was red as if it was burning.

The village was very quiet, with only the sounds of a few people moving around.

Brother Northwest Tiger ran over breathlessly and said,"Grandpa, how are you? Have you found anything? This existence is very famous in our local area. The older people know that half of the population of this village died tragically in less than a month. Later, the government invited a Taoist priest from somewhere and gave the solution of moving, and then it was abandoned."

"In the past few years, not many people remembered this village, but after the story of the bold brother, some people started talking about it."

Listening to Brother Northwest Tiger's story, Zhao Yuanshan walked around the open space without saying a word, looking at the sky, then the ground, and then walked nine steps to the southeast as if measuring with his feet, and stood there.

""Well, Xiao Linzi, bring the hoe over here and dig here." As he said that, he drew a circle with his feet, signaling the other party to dig here. After giving the order, Zhao Yuanshan walked out of the village again. When passing by the willow tree at the entrance of the village, he seemed to have found something and fumbled around the roots of the tree.

The yellow soil piled on the ground was dug up by his feet, and then he saw an iron nail as thick as an arm nailed into the ground. His expression changed slightly, and he walked in other directions. He found the same iron nails nailed into the soil in various directions one after another, buried by the yellow soil.

These iron nails were already covered with rust, and it seemed that they were not made in recent years.

"Maoshan Six Yang Soul Locking Nail……"

He muttered something, and then returned to the open space in the village, where he saw Zhao Lingshan and a few others gathered around a large hole that had just been dug on the ground, discussing something.

"What did you find?"

Zhao Lingshan ran over quickly and said,"Grandpa, it looks like a body-shaking stone. I remember reading about it in your book when I was a child."

Zhao Yuanshan walked in and saw a black stone wrapped in a yellow talisman lying quietly in the half-meter-deep soil. However, the yellow talisman wrapped on the stone seemed to have been eroded by the natural environment, and one corner had decayed, and the originally complete cinnabar rune was also destroyed.

He nodded and said with some approval,"Not bad, reading books does have some effect. It is indeed a body-shaking stone."

"That's right, don't you see who I am?" Zhao Lingshan said quite proudly.

Zhao Yuanshan continued to ask:"Then tell me, where is the body-pressing stone generally used?"

Zhao Lingshan's smile suddenly froze, and she hesitated for a long time without answering.

"Humph, you've read so much that you've lost your mind."

After cursing, Zhao Yuanshan glanced at the sky. The afterglow of the setting sun was still in the sky, but the sunset was no longer visible. He said to them,"Okay, there's nothing for you to do here. Xiao Linzi, take your friends back to the car and wait for us at the foot of the mountain. Come up after seven tomorrow morning.""

"What about me, Grandpa?" Zhao Lingshan asked

"You stay and I'll teach you something."

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