Lightning flashed, and a layer of black clouds gathered over Fengmen Village, emitting electric snakes.

The next second, countless thunderbolts crashed down, densely packed like raindrops, covering every corner of Fengmen Village.

"Take it easy, don't kill that ghost."

Zhao Jin nodded as he spoke. After not seeing him for many years, his nephew's Taoist cultivation had not fallen behind. His thunder magic was no less powerful than his back then.

The thunder magic weakened a little, and was no longer as dense. However, the Taoist thunder magic was originally very strong and yang, and the gathered evil spirits were quickly purified. His vision suddenly became much wider, and the divine light of the altar also shone out.


The evil spirit dissipated, Zhao Yuanshan withdrew his hand, breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said,"Uncle Master, I'm counting on you."


Zhao Jin nodded, took off the Taoist sword on his back and threw it on the altar. He also wore a Taoist robe, the same color as Zhao Yuanshan's.

""The sun rises in the east, the six Dings and six Jias, the six Yangs calm the souls... rise!"

Zhao Jin looked solemn and recited the spell. He saw strange phenomena appear in six different directions outside Fengmen Village. Six groups of light like the sun rose slowly, and the blazing light illuminated the whole village like daylight. The evil spirits that still remained in some dark corners were dispelled in an instant.

Sizzling... the sound of high temperature scorching existed, accompanied by shrill screams.



Screams came from the dilapidated earthen house, and then ghosts rushed out of the house, burning all over their bodies. They fell to the ground before they took two steps, and were burned to ashes, their souls flying away.

But there was no trace of the red-clothed ghost.

Seeing this, Zhao Jin snorted coldly and said,"Hmph! Six Yang Soul Locking Nail, get out of here!"

Before he finished speaking, the Six Yang Soul Locking Nail, which was originally only blocking the village outside the village, began to move towards the center of the village. The strong light swept through every corner, like the sun scorching the earth, and the ground became cracked and withered.

This is what the soil in the wilderness should look like. Before, the land of the entire village was black, incompatible with the outside world, with a clear dividing line. It is not black soil. For people in the Taoist sect, it is considered Yin soil. Only places where Yin gathers can have such things.

Although Zhao Jin had been dead for many years, his Taoist skills were very impressive. With the help of the Six Yang Soul Locking Nails laid by Maoshan, he transformed into six blazing suns, which suppressed the Yin soil and temporarily evaporated the Yin Qi contained in it.

""Master Yuanshan, watch out for the opportunity. If a ghost appears, suppress it with the stone formation. Don't be careless." Zhao Jin reminded him.

"Uncle Master, rest assured!"

After the two of them finished communicating, Zhao Jin no longer hesitated. As the sun transformed by the Six Yang Soul Locking Nail continued to gather, it also compressed the red ghost's range of activities, gradually forcing it to the square in the center of the village.


The yin and yang energies intertwined and annihilated each other, making bursts of explosions. Zhao Lingshan, who was in the center, only saw the light getting brighter and brighter, even a little dazzling, but the temperature around was getting lower and lower, and even a thin white mist appeared, lingering around.

"What's going on? It's even colder than in Northeast China!"

She was wearing thin clothes, and she rubbed her arms vigorously, shivering.

"Don't worry, Master Zhao is reducing the range of activities of the evil spirits. As she gets closer, the negative energy and resentment are increasing, so it is normal to feel cold."

In less than half a cup of tea, six suns were clearly visible above the open space. The small open space of only 20 to 30 square meters was as bright as day, and it even felt like the ground was reflecting light, which was very dazzling.

The red-clothed evil spirit was pressed into this small open space, but it had not yet appeared, but the impact brought by the evil spirit was already visible to the naked eye. The temperature was lower than before, and Zhao Lingshan was shivering with cold.


A slight airflow blew by. Although the wind was not strong, it felt like a needle prick in this temperature of nearly ten degrees below zero. It was getting colder and colder. Frost appeared on Zhao Lingshan's eyebrows. A pale hand stretched out from the ground and slowly grabbed towards her.

However, General Fu Wei, who was guarding her, seemed not to see it, just like an elephant seeing an ant, and would not pay attention at all.

The pale ghost hand probed a little, and it seemed that no one really noticed it. The next second, half of the body drilled out from the ground and suddenly pounced on Zhao Lingshan, trying to lean over to take over her body.


A roar like thunder rang out, and then a huge golden hand was seen grabbing the red-clothed ghost.

"Bold ghost, dare to harm people, do you really think you can escape?

With General Fu Wei's fierce shout, the red ghost rushing towards Zhao Lingshan was immediately caught in his hand.

"Death...Kill...All must die……"

The red ghost was extremely crazy, constantly speaking crazy words, struggling hard, and occasionally revealing the horrible rotten face hidden under the long hair.

Its seven or eight centimeter long claws frantically scratched the arm of the guarding general, but did not leave any marks.

"Taoist priest, we have caught him, hurry up and use the pressure stone!"

The guard held it in his palm and said to Zhao Yuanshan.

He picked up a black stone on the altar with a yellow talisman tied to it.

"Press the body, press the soul, press the spirit, press!"

Zhao Yuanshan knocked the pressing stone on the brow of the struggling female ghost, and the evil ghost seemed to have its soul taken away and stopped moving.

"All right, General Fu Wei, it can't escape with the body-pressing stone, so put it down." Zhao Yuanshan breathed a sigh of relief and said,

""Yes, Taoist priest!"

General Fu Wei threw it to the ground. The ghost's spirit body, which was originally illusory, now seemed to have a physical body, raising a lot of dust on the ground.

Two Taoists came over and looked down at the ghost. They saw thick black hair and a horrible face. No wonder she always covered her head, just like Sadako.

However, judging from her appearance and slender figure, she could be judged to be a female ghost, and she was probably pretty when she was alive... Ahem, Zhang Qingyuan, who was watching the live broadcast on the ferry, quickly threw away these wrong thoughts.

"Judging from the clothes, it should be quite old. He was also very young when he died. How could he have such a strong grudge that he killed so many people that the village was deserted and he also gathered so many ghosts?"Zhao Jin asked puzzledly

"I don't know, but she has such a big grudge, uncle, what do you think if I help her to be liberated?……"Zhao Yuanshan said with some intention

"Want to take advantage of this merit? Anyway, I won't stop you, but if something goes wrong, I won't care anymore. You and I are separated by the Yin and Yang, and I've been dead for so many years. If I have to come up and clean up your mess, how can I go to reason?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yuanshan hesitated for a while, and finally said:"Forget it, let's help that kid solve the problem of the human soul first."

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