The red-clothed ghost was suppressed by the stone formation and could not move at all. He stood in front of the altar like a piece of wood.

Zhao Lingshan saw that he was fine, so she quietly came up to look him up and down.

His face was covered with corpse spots and was dark blue. His eyes were also dark, as if his pupils had melted. As for his black hair, it looked as if it was withered and exuded an unpleasant smell.

"Why does this female ghost look like this? I thought she looked like Nie Xiaoqian."

Zhao Yuanshan slapped her head in anger and scolded,"Little girl, watch less of that kind of stuff. They are all evil spirits. It's good that they don't deteriorate into evil. How can they look pretty?"

The grandfather and grandson were muttering around the red-clothed evil spirit, while Zhao Jin on the altar shouted to the river projection in the sky,"Boy, come down too.""

"I go down? How do I go down?"Zhang Qingyuan was a little confused

"Just jump down, just like I did just now."Zhao Jin replied.

In the boat on the unknown river, Zhang Qingyuan looked at the dark black water. Who knows what's in this dark river. It's still a bit timid for him to jump down.

"Hurry up, we're waiting for you. Don't dawdle." Zhao Jin urged.

Zhang Qingyuan looked through the river at the suppressed red ghost below, and remembered that his soul was still missing, so he gritted his teeth and plunged in. A dazzling light burst in front of his eyes, but he didn't feel like he was entering the water. Then, the light disappeared, and after a slight trance, he appeared in front of the altar, next to him was the female ghost who took his life.

Zhao Lingshan ran over, stared at his face for two seconds, and then ran away with a look of disgust.


What does this expression mean?

Zhang Qingyuan was speechless, and silently complained in his heart.

""Okay, kid, the next step is to help you get your soul back. Just do whatever I tell you to do. Just be good." Zhao Jin instructed.

Zhang Qingyuan nodded subconsciously.

Then, Zhao Jin walked up to the altar, picked up the red brush and wrote and drew on the yellow talisman. In just a few seconds, a talisman with a complex pattern appeared in his hand.

"Lingbao Yuqing, Yuanshi Zhenzun……"

He held the yellow talisman between his fingers and muttered for a while, then drew out the magic sword he brought from the underworld and attached the talisman to the sword. The next second, the yellow talisman disappeared, and the sword body, which seemed to be made of ordinary steel, emitted a faint light.

"Boy, listen carefully. The evil ghost will take your soul away, and at this moment, your soul has been devoured by it. If you want to take out your soul, I will break up the ghost's body. You need to seize the opportunity to find your soul among the scattered souls. There is only one chance. If you miss it, even the gods can't save you."Zhao Jin said with a serious face.

" should I find it?" Zhang Qingyuan was confused and quickly stopped his actions.

"What nonsense, that is your human soul, don't you know what you look like? Use your heart to feel it, your human soul has been devoured by it for a short time, and it has not been completely assimilated."

Speaking, Zhao Jin did not give him a chance to think, and directly raised the glowing magic sword to hit the red ghost's forehead.


A terrifying scream was heard, and then the ghost's body instantly disintegrated into a ball of black mist. White light balls emerged from the black mist and fled in all directions.

"Inspire with heart……"

The moment this ball of light appeared, Zhang Qingyuan felt an inexplicable throbbing, and his eyes involuntarily locked onto one of the hundreds of light balls.

"That's me!"

Without a second thought, he reached out to grab the target, but the ball of light was very agile and dodged his palm with just a flash.

"Catch him, the Six Yang Soul Locking Nail is here, he can't run out of this range, but the human soul alone is very fragile and can't withstand the Six Yang's shining."Zhao Yuanshan reminded from the side.


Zhang Qingyuan also turned into a residual image, like a ghost... or he himself is a ghost, chasing the human soul.

Although there are interferences from the souls of other people who died tragically, but the induction is maintained, he can easily lock his own human soul and chase it.

Swish, swish, swish...

The figure kept flashing, both of them were very fast, but he himself was a body of two souls and seven spirits, while the human soul had only one soul, which was much lighter than his and a few points faster than him. After several chases, not only did he not get close to the human soul, but he was pulled away by him.

""Use your brain to catch it, don't just bury your head and force it." Zhao Jin reminded him with some regret.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't bother to reply, his eyes were fixed on the movement trajectory of the human soul, and he began to predict its movement.

Left front... Catch!

It was a moment late.

It doesn't matter, keep going!

He kept attacking, slowly adjusting his strategy, and he bit the human soul tightly with all his might to prevent it from escaping.

Turn right...

As soon as he predicted the movement of the human soul, he grabbed it to the right in advance, about a second in advance.

However, the human soul ran to the left very quickly, and just when everyone thought he was going to fail, a hand suddenly appeared in the direction of the human soul.

"Still want to run? Hit me!"

His left hand grabbed it with lightning speed.

""I caught it!" he shouted excitedly

""Bring it here quickly, don't worry about anything else." Zhao Jin said anxiously.

Zhang Qingyuan rushed to the altar with his soul and handed it to Zhao Jin.

It was a fist-sized thing, like crystal, but in the crystal, there was a little man who looked exactly like Zhang Qingyuan.

Zhao Jin quickly burned another yellow talisman, and then threw it into the bowl of water and white rice next to it. In just a few seconds, the talisman paper was burned to ashes, and all kinds of magic were normally integrated into it.

Zhao Jin walked in front of him with the bowl in one hand and the soul in the other, and then slapped the soul towards Zhang Qingyuan's forehead, and instantly disappeared like a drop in the ocean.

"Okay, drink this resurrection spell quickly, it will be too late to forget it."

Zhang Qingyuan took the bowl, and saw that the water in it was unusually clear, without any impurities, and there was no sign of the talisman paper that had just been burned... It was really strange.

But at this time, he didn't care about the problem of the bowl of water, and immediately took it up and drank it all in one gulp.


It was like something exploded in his head, and then vague memories and pictures appeared in his mind, some of his own, and some very unfamiliar ones.

"These memories... are they from that evil spirit?"

Before Zhang Qingyuan could feel the change carefully, he suddenly felt a gentle force merge into his body, and a perfect sense of pleasure suddenly came to his heart, a feeling he had never had before.

And it was this feeling that made Zhang Qingyuan realize that... he was actually incomplete.

It was really fucking infuriating!

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