Zhang Qingyuan's mind is very confused now, and some pictures pop up from time to time.

Losing her husband after marriage, losing her husband again after remarriage, being born to be a bad husband... all kinds of strange memories, of course, are not his, but the red ghost's.

Because his human soul was taken away and assimilated by the red ghost, he was unconsciously eroded by the other party's memory, bringing some sporadic fragments. These memories are all the tragic past of the female ghost. Just thinking about it can make his blood boil and make him angry unconsciously.


Zhang Qingyuan thought about it. After becoming a ghost, he seemed to understand some things naturally. This is the resentment that entangles the red ghost. It comes from the heart, so it can also affect the hearts of others.

However, when the latest memory fragment came out, he saw the last memory of the female ghost before she died. A young man, wearing a Taoist bun, looked at her who was about to die with a little excitement.

The woman was wearing a red dress and jumped into the well and died... At that time, she was lying on her back, slowly swallowed by the well water, as if she was about to sink into an endless abyss.

At the mouth of the well, a full moon was facing the mouth of the well, like a beam of light in the darkness, shining on her.

But the next second, the light was blocked, and a face appeared at the mouth of the well... It was him!

The first husband of the red ghost... At that moment, she seemed to understand the origin of her tragic experience. Everything started from marrying this outsider husband.

Anger, resentment, sadness, unwillingness... All kinds of emotions swallowed her up, dragged her into the abyss of death, and then resurrected her.

So the tragedy of Fengmen Village began, until she was sealed in the village by that man again, the resentment that was difficult to relieve continued to erode her ghost, evolving more and more terrifyingly.


""Boy, what's wrong with you? Why are you daydreaming there?" Zhao Jin pushed him and said,"Don't waste time. We have to leave quickly and leave before the sun rises in the world of the living."

Being disturbed like this, Zhang Qingyuan woke up with an abnormal look on his face. He asked,"Master, how should we deal with this evil ghost?"

At this moment, the evil ghost in red had regained his yin body, but was still suppressed under the body-pressing stone and unable to move.

Zhao Yuanshan replied him,"A fellow Taoist from Maoshan performed a ritual here to suppress it but not kill it. I will repair the body-pressing stone formation and suppress it again."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan hesitated slightly and said,"I seem to have seen the memory of the evil ghost in red. That Taoist priest...……"

He told the two Taoists what he had just seen. They both looked very serious, as if they had thought of something.

"Maoshan's ghost-raising technique?" Zhao Yuanshan asked tentatively.

Zhao Jin nodded:"It should be one, right? I didn't expect that this evil technique of Maoshan would be passed down to disciples."

"Uncle Master, what should we do now? Since the other party has raised a ghost here, but has not come to take it away for so many years, it must have happened. If we seal it back, it may be inappropriate.……"

Zhao Jin obviously knew what the other party wanted to say, and just shook his head:"Not appropriate. We are both from the Taoist sect, and we don't know her origins and her status in Maoshan. It's better for us not to deal with this evil ghost. You can ask the evil suppression officer from the evil suppression department to come up and take her away. If there is any trouble in the future, it will be the evil suppression department to deal with it, and it has nothing to do with us."

What a trick to shift the trouble to the east... Zhao Yuanshan gave him a thumbs up in his heart, he was really cunning.

After hearing this, Zhao Yuanshan immediately returned to the altar to start the ritual. Zhao Jin didn't want to care, but Zhang Qingyuan wanted to stay and see the evil suppression officer, maybe he could get in touch with him.

"You are dreaming, kid. As a ghost, you left the underworld without permission and ran to the evil suppressor. Don’t you want to live?"

Zhang Qingyuan looked at Zhao Jin innocently and said,"Old Taoist priest, you must speak with conscience. Wasn’t I kidnapped here?"

Zhao Jin's face suddenly turned black. He grabbed his collar and threw it towards the projection of the Yin River in the sky, cursing,"Get out of here!" Another burst of dazzling light flooded his eyes. Before Zhang Qingyuan could react, he flew out of the water of the Yin River and landed on the boat. Then, Zhao Jin also broke away from the world of the living and appeared on the boat.

"Don't you want to see what the evil suppressor looks like? Just look here."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan walked out of the boat awning. Sure enough, the scene of Fengmen Village was still on the water surface, but there were new changes compared to when the two of them left.

I saw that around the altar, there were Yin objects surging like waves, and the candlelight on the altar turned into Yin fire. A Yin messenger in black uniform walked out of the black fog. He looked a bit like the fishtail uniform of the Jinyiwei. There was a curved bone knife and a black gourd hanging around his waist. The

Yin energy was so thick that even across the Yin and Yang worlds, Zhang Qingyuan felt a sense of oppression, as if a sharp blade was hanging over his head.

Zhao Jin explained on the side:"The Evil Suppression Division is different from other underworld offices.

It is a real underworld violent agency, especially the Evil Suppression Envoy.

Not only do they have to go deep into the underworld to deal with some evil ghosts, but if they are strong and are granted the right to pass through the Yin and Yang worlds, they also need to enter the world of the living to deal with ghosts and monsters...

Generally, only those who have achieved enlightenment and are powerful during their lifetime will be specially recruited by the underworld after their death, but I don’t know what happened in recent years.

I can actually enter by paying money.


"Some special underworld families will pay to enter, such as the Black and White Impermanence family."

When the evil suppressor was summoned by Zhao Yuanshan, he already knew what to do. He just nodded to Zhao Yuanshan without saying anything. He took off the gourd around his waist and was about to take away the red-clothed ghost.

However, at this moment, an accident happened.

The originally calm underworld river suddenly rippled, and the scene was blurred.

"Hmm? Is there a fluctuation in the Yin and Yang worlds?"

Zhao Jin was a little suspicious, and was about to cast a spell to stabilize the mirror image, but the lake surface, which originally had only a few ripples, suddenly seemed to boil, and bubbles of all sizes appeared, and the mirror image was completely blocked.


Countless screams rang out, and countless ghosts and evil spirits emerged from the river. They stretched out their upper bodies, covered their heads and ears, and howled madly. The shrill voices seemed to have suffered great pain.

"Something is wrong!"

Zhao Jin stood up suddenly, his face extremely serious. He looked around and saw that the river was full of pale-skinned, ferocious-looking evil spirits that had been eroded by the Yin Qi and lost their minds. The Yin soil on both sides of the Yin River was like a hornet's nest that had been poked, with evil spirits rampant and evil ghosts wandering around, all of them wailing in pain.

"What happened?"Zhang Qingyuan was disturbed by the evil ghost's wailing and asked stutteringly.

"Something big has happened! I'm afraid……"

Zhao Jin was stunned before he finished speaking.

He saw that the dark, cloudy sky of the underworld was pierced by golden light, accompanied by the grand Buddhist sound, which reached the underworld...

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