Om... Maa... Mi.

The grand Buddhist chanting was as if the entire underworld was speaking, penetrating deep into the soul.

However, the Buddhist sound that symbolized compassion and salvation sounded like a devil's sound to Zhang Qingyuan, making him restless. The memory of the red-clothed ghost kept coming to his mind, and he felt a wisp of resentment in his heart, and his pupils became strange.

Even his normal soul was affected, not to mention the evil spirits active in the wild of the underworld, who were now extremely manic, roaring wildly, as if they wanted to vent the madness in their hearts.

"Senior, what's going on?" Zhang Qingyuan didn't dare to stand by the boat, and had already retreated into the black sail.

Zhao Jin looked around with a gloomy face and said,"I can't say for sure, I've never seen it before. It's a bit like a great Buddhist descending to the underworld.……"

As they were talking, countless ghosts became more frantic, roaring crazily. One could even see ghosts on both sides losing their minds and rushing towards the Yin River where they were, disappearing with only a bubble.

""Okay, it looks like nothing serious.

I'll go back to Fengdu City first.

If the sky falls, there are tall people to hold it up.

What does it have to do with us?" Zhao Jin suddenly calmed down and was not panicked at all.

As soon as he finished speaking, without waiting for Zhang Qingyuan to react, the boat rowed upstream.

Just like when they came, the speed was a bit ridiculous.

The scenes on both sides of the river bank became blurred, and even the ghost howling that was originally entangled in the ears disappeared.

This was the performance of the boat exceeding the speed of sound.

In just a few minutes, the boat stopped again, and a yellow mud road appeared on the shore. Looking along the direction of the yellow mud road, you can see a majestic city standing at the end of the earth.


Zhao Jin was a little anxious now. He jumped down and ran straight on the yellow mud road towards Fengdu City. His movements were so fast that he didn't look like an old man at all. He was an old man who was blackmailing and grabbing a seat on the bus a second ago, but now he left Bolt behind.

The boat stopped and the ghost howling sounded again. Zhang Qingyuan didn't dare to delay. He jumped down and caught up with Zhao Jin, otherwise the old guy would run away if he waited a little longer.

On both sides of the yellow mud, the ghosts and evil spirits wandering in the wilderness of Yintu also fell into madness. The thick dark fog was flying like a hurricane and tsunami. You can imagine how chaotic it is inside.

The Buddha's light in the sky pierced After breaking through the clouds, dazzling beams of light were projected on the ground, like the light of hope and salvation in the abyss, extremely dazzling.

Even from a distance, just a glance seemed to make one feel a sense of transcendence and sublimated pleasure.

The grand Buddhist sound gradually became clear, and even some of the syllables could be heard, but Zhang Qingyuan didn't know much about the Buddhist scriptures and didn't know what was being chanted.

However, Zhao Jin, who was originally running fast in front, suddenly stopped. Zhang Qingyuan couldn't react in time and almost bumped into him. If this happened in the world of the living, or if it happened to another old man, he would probably lie down on the spot. He couldn't leave without 30,000 yuan.

"What happened? Why did you stop suddenly?"

Zhao Jin looked serious, turned around and made a hushing gesture to him, then said,"Listen, what does this Buddhist scripture say?"

"How would I know……"

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly paused. After Zhao Jin's words, the Buddhist scriptures, which he had not heard clearly and did not understand very well, suddenly and strangely flooded into his mind.

【……After my Nirvana, when the Dharma is about to perish, the five evils will turbid the world, and the devil will flourish. The devil will pretend to be a monk and destroy my way. They wear ordinary clothes, like to wear robes and colorful clothes, drink alcohol and eat meat, kill for greed, have no compassion, and hate each other.……】

【When the Dharma is about to perish, women are diligent and constantly make merit. Men are lazy and do not use the Dharma. Seeing a monk is like looking at dirt, and there is no faith in him.……】

Zhang Qingyuan was somewhat absent-minded, muttering:"When the Dharma is about to perish……《Sutta on the Extinction of Dharma》?"

The difficult and obscure Buddhist scriptures fell into his ears word for word, and it was as if he had his own translation, and all of them became plain language, which he understood.

"Yes, it is the"Sutra of the Extinction of Dharma". The Dharma Ending Age... is coming!" Zhao Jin looked at the sky and said with a sigh of worry.

"Amitabha, respectfully send my Buddha to nirvana……"

The infinite Buddha light suddenly illuminated the netherworld, instantly dispelling the haze and ghosts that had lingered in the netherworld for countless years. Even Zhang Qingyuan was bathed in the Buddha light at this moment.

Deep in the netherworld, a peak that reached the sky was illuminated by the Buddha light. On the peak, a huge black Yin stone was carved into the shape of a lotus platform. In the center of the lotus platform, a Buddha sat cross-legged, chanting the Buddha's name with a sad face.

Lotus platform - the dojo of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!

Even though Zhang Qingyuan didn't know much about Buddhism, he knew that this great Bodhisattva of Buddhism who made the great vow of"I will not become a Buddha until the netherworld is empty"

"Buddha's Death……"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva only said one sentence, but it sounded like a thunderclap in Zhang Qingyuan's ears. Even the knowledgeable Zhao Jin couldn't hold it back and couldn't help but blurt out a curse word.

""Shit, Buddha entered Nirvana… does this mean he is dead?" He was shocked, his mouth wide open, and all the wrinkles on his face disappeared.

Zhang Qingyuan nodded and said,"It is most likely true, but it is not polite to use the word death. In Buddhism, it should be called nirvana."


Zhao Jin jumped up and hit him on the head, cursing,"You little bastard, you only know how to talk all day long. Is this the point? The Buddha died… passed away, do you understand what nirvana means?"

Zhang Qingyuan covered his head and dared not say anything more. Can he be blamed for this? It’s been a few years of his career as a host, and he subconsciously lives the whole thing. He can’t control himself.

"The Buddha has passed away. The Buddha has passed away.……"Zhao Jin seemed to be possessed by a demon, mumbling something incessantly, with a dazed look on his face.

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly felt���A gust of cold wind blew behind his head, and he turned his head subconsciously, but there was nothing there, but a look of fear appeared on his face.

""Senior, senior... Old man, stop messing around, run!!!"

He shouted a few times, and rushed out without caring about anything, running past Zhao Jin.

Zhao Jin was awakened by him, and felt a gust of wind blowing past him. Before he could react, Zhang Qingyuan was already dozens of meters away.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

"Behind... the dirt road is bleeding……"

When Zhao Jin heard this, he also looked back, and saw that the yellow mud road behind him, which was originally covered by the Buddha's light and belonged to the paradise, was actually glowing with blood, dyeing the yellow mud red, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.


Zhao Jin took a deep breath, the hair on his body stood up, and he disappeared from the spot in a flash, chasing Zhang Qingyuan.

"Damn... The Land of Bliss is bleeding, doesn't it mean the Pure Land of Buddhism?……"A terrible guess emerged in Zhao Jin's mind.

But he couldn't care about it at the moment, so he hurried back to Fengdu.

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