【Face! Anchor, take a picture of his face!】

【You don't need to take pictures, this figure, these legs, this temperament... Turning off the lights has no effect】

【It's bad, it's bad! You are so bold, there is something wrong with you, you are obviously a mystery anchor, why are you selling sex?

The camera took a picture of Yu Xuanji, and the live broadcast room immediately exploded. Hundreds of thousands of netizens kept clamoring, insisting that Zhang Qingyuan take a picture of Yu Xuanji's face. Some rich people even bought several sports cars, urging Zhang Qingyuan to take a picture showing his face.

Zhang Qingyuan would not dare to do such a request even if he had a hundred courage.

"Zhao Jin, what do you want me for? And you brought him here?"Yu Xuanji stood under the tree and turned her back to them.

Seeing this action, the netizens in the live broadcast room became even more excited. She showed her perfect figure from head to toe and from front to back.

Although she was wearing an ancient long skirt, she still couldn't stop the hundreds of thousands of"perspective eyes" in the live broadcast room from peeping.

"You are such a strange person, why do you keep your hands up?"The little brat lit a stick of incense, inhaled it and approached Zhang Qingyuan, asking curiously.

Zhang Qingyuan was naturally holding up his mobile phone to broadcast live, but others could not see it.

【Who is this little brat? He is so old but still showing his butt.】

【The idiot above, didn't you see that the kid's face was as pale as Zhang Dadan's, and he was still inhaling the incense candles】

【Hiss...this is a fucking ghost!】

【Nonsense, Zhang Dabing is in the underworld, who else could he be but a ghost?】

Zhang Qingyuan ignored the comments in the live broadcast room and just said to the kid,"Nothing, just holding it up for fun."

On the other side, Zhao Jin stepped forward and asked Yu Xuanji,"Senior, do you know what happened today?"

"Um……"Yu Xuanji gave an unclear answer,"I am just a ghost in the underworld, how can I know what happened in Buddhism? Besides, didn't the Buddha say it very clearly?"

"The dharma is extinguished, all dharmas are extinguished, one thought is Buddha, one thought is devil, do you think the difference between Buddha and devil is clear?"

Yu Xuanji's words were mysterious, as if he had said it, but also as if he hadn't said it, but Zhao Jin nodded thoughtfully.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at him suspiciously, wanting to ask if he really understood or was he just pretending to understand.

"Ahem... Then, senior, what will happen after the dharma is completely destroyed? As far as I know, the Buddha statues in the world shed tears of blood and then collapsed."Zhang Qingyuan interrupted and asked. Zhao

Jin quickly winked at him, telling him not to speak nonsense.

However, Yu Xuanji suddenly turned around, and the copper bell on the umbrella made a pleasant sound.

It was seen that it slowly walked forward, and its body was gradually printed on the screen of the live broadcast room. A group of lsp in the live broadcast room couldn't help holding their breath, and a series of action movies had emerged in their minds.

It's just that the umbrella is very strange, and the angle is very tricky. No matter how it moves, in which direction, it can just block Yu Xuanji's face. Even Zhang Qingyuan put the mobile phone on his chest and shot from the bottom up, but couldn't take a picture of her face.

This situation is extremely strange and does not conform to common sense at all.

The water friends who were broadcasting the live broadcast naturally discovered this situation, but when they thought that Zhang Qingyuan was in the underworld, it was not surprising to encounter some supernatural things.

"How do you know the situation in the world of the living? I wouldn't be surprised if you knew it after a while, but this incident just happened today, and even I don't know about it. How do you know about it?" Yu Xuanji asked.

Zhang Qingyuan hesitated and naturally refused to tell the reason. He could only pretend to be mysterious and said,"I naturally have my own channels, but it's not convenient to tell."

Yu Xuanji didn't seem to want to delve into it. He just snorted and turned his back again, walked under the locust tree, and still looked aloof.

However, Zhang Qing's purpose of following Zhao Jin here was obviously not just about today's strange phenomenon. He gave Zhao Jin several looks, indicating that he should speak, but the latter was calm and looked as if he had not seen it.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly. You don't have to do these things behind my back."Yu Xuanji seemed to have eyes behind his head and saw his little movements.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't waste any words and said directly:"Senior, I want to buy an official position in the Evil Suppression Department, but I don't have the channel. Master Zhao said you can help me"

"Help you? Why should I help you?"Yu Xuanji said with a sneer

"The cloud peaks are full of spring sunshine, and the silver hooks are clearly visible under my fingers. I hate that my silk clothes cover my poems, and I look up to envy the names on the list... As a woman, I once had a lot of ambitions. I was mediocre in my life and died unexpectedly. Now I still have 30 years of life left. I don’t want to waste these 30 years in the underworld. I want to make a career."Zhang Qingyuan said very respectfully, and quoted Yu Xuanji's poems.

Zhao Jin's eyes almost popped out... I didn't expect that this kid actually had two taels of ink in his stomach.

Zhang Qingyuan was secretly proud... I didn't expect it, the nine-year compulsory education was not in vain.

"I hate that my silk clothes cover my poems, and I look up to envy the names on the list……"Yu Xuanji murmured to herself, her past memories evoked, and she said,"I almost forgot that I wrote this."

Then she waved her hand and said,"Xiao Qiu, come here."

""Mom, what's wrong?" The little brat ran to Yu Xuanji and asked

"Go to the Suppression of Evil Division and invite Zhong Kui here, because I need to find him for something."

When the kid heard this, he was unwilling and said,"Ah? That dark-faced uncle... why do you have to find him?"

Yu Xuanji touched his head and said with a smile,"Don't worry, you have seen him before. Although his face is a little dark and he looks a little ugly, he is still a good person. Go quickly.""

""Oh!" The little brat looked reluctant, and walked out slowly with his head down.

Zhang Qingyuan was numb... What did I just hear? Yu Xuanji asked the little brat to call Zhong Kui over? Is Zhong Kui so low-class? Can he call him just by saying so?

Zhao Jin shook his head vigorously at him, telling him not to commit suicide and not to ask. Zhang Qingyuan had to suppress this idea in his heart.

""Zhong Kui and I served in the same dynasty, and later met in the underworld.

We can still get along well.

If you want to enter the Suppression of Evil Division through him, I advise you not to mention the matter of selling official positions, otherwise it will only backfire.

" Yu Xuanji advised.

Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly said,"Junior knows.

Junior has also heard the legend of Lord Zhong Kui in the world of the living.

He sacrificed his life for justice and died by hitting the pillar of the palace in anger.

He is a first-class upright person in the world.

Junior admires him very much.


"It's good for you to know that although he doesn't look good, he is still a very good person, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people in the world who believe in him. After he has seen you, if he thinks you are capable, he will let you enter the Suppression of Evil Division."

"Thank you for your help, senior. I have no way to repay you. If you need me in the future, I will do my best."Zhang Qingyuan kept saying nice things.

"Really? If you want to repay me, then tell me how you know about the world of the living."

Zhao Jin was also listening at the side, he was also very curious.

Zhang Qingyuan looked embarrassed and stammered:"……Um, senior, I just missed a word. Apart from this matter, everything else is fine."


A disdainful shout came, making Zhang Qingyuan almost dig out a three-bedroom apartment on the ground.

He forgot that the person in front of him was abandoned by a scumbag.

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