[Yu Xuanji, pure and talented woman, I like this kind of】

【Calm down upstairs, according to her age, she can be your grandmother's grandmother……】

【Age is not a problem. My partner recently gave me a Ferrari for his 60th birthday. We are very much in love.】

【I want the contact information of your girlfriend's best friend. If that doesn't work, your granddaughter or daughter's will do.】


"Hey brothers, Zhong Kui is coming soon, I will secretly take a picture of what Zhong Kui looks like for you guys."Zhang Qingyuan said quietly in the live broadcast room.

【Host, please don’t be ungrateful. Is it Zhong Kui that we want to see?】

【I've taken off my pants, and you want to kill Zhong Kui and catch ghosts? 】

The big guys in the live broadcast room expressed their dissatisfaction.

However, at this moment, a plane suddenly appeared on the screen, followed by another one. Zhang Qingyuan was instantly excited and wanted to thank him. When he saw the name, it turned out to be a gift from the last boss [狠狠兲真]

"Thank you boss for your support……"

Hentianzhen: [You're welcome. The password you gave me last time was real. I've already received the inheritance, 30 planes. I'll keep my word.]

The boss replied to Zhang Qingyuan in the comment section

【Oh my god, why don't you look for my dad too? I have always suspected that I am a rich second generation, but my dad died too early and didn't have time to tell me the truth】

【If they only had a bowl of peanuts, the people upstairs wouldn't have to eat so much. 】

Zhang Qingyuan ignored the nonsense of others, but was very happy. This wave of advertising for him was very timely.

"All the bosses have seen that if there is anything that needs to be solved by the deceased, you can ask the anchor. The anchor's requirements are not high, just give some gifts."He took the opportunity to promote himself.

Just as he was bragging to the fans in the live broadcast room, Yu Xuanji under the locust tree said:"Okay, Zhong Kui should be here."


The gate of the courtyard opened, and then a big man with a leopard head, round eyes, iron face, curly beard, strange appearance, wearing a bright red champion robe, and a long sword on his waist came in holding the little kid Xiao Qiu who had just left.

""Junior Sister Xuanji, I heard you were looking for me." Zhong Kui asked with a smile.

Zhang Qingyuan quickly stood up and quietly turned the camera to Zhong Kui. Feeling the aura on Zhong Kui's body that seemed to naturally restrain ghosts, he was tense all over and didn't dare to make any extra movements.

I heard that Zhong Kui also eats ghosts!

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingyuan became even more nervous. Looking at the big mouth with beard on that extremely ugly face, it was just like the huge mouth of a prehistoric beast.

Zhong Kui found Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin as soon as he came in, but he just glanced at them and didn't care. They were just two little ghosts.

""Zhong Kui, a junior came to me today and said he wanted to join the Suppression of Evil Division." Yu Xuanji raised her finger and pointed at Zhang Qingyuan, a slender jade finger with a bright red nail.

"Want to join the Suppression of Evil Division?" Zhong Kui frowned and walked towards Zhang Qingyuan with square steps. With dark skin and a majestic gaze under thick eyebrows, he looked Zhang Qingyuan up and down.

""You lived a long life, why did you die?" Zhong Kui asked in a muffled voice.

Zhang Qingyuan did not dare to neglect him and quickly replied:"I died because of a ghost who wanted to kill me, just a few days ago."

"A fierce ghost demanding life? Although my family often walks in the underworld, I also know that the Yang world was at its peak before that. Evil spirits retreated and ghosts did not come out. Where did the fierce ghost come from?"

Zhang Qingyuan was a little helpless and said,"I don't know either. It was just that in a deserted small mountain village, a fierce ghost in red suddenly appeared, and then I died."

At this time, Zhao Jin next to him said,"I am Zhao Jin from Zaoge Mountain.

I would like to let the Exorcist Master know that the ghost in the mountain village has been dealt with by my nephew, and he also retrieved the human soul for Zhang Qingyuan.

During the process, it was discovered that the ghost was formed during the war.

The younger generation of Maoshan disciples sealed it with the ghost-raising technique.

Because the seal was broken, it escaped and was bumped into by Zhang Qingyuan, so this incident happened.


"Disciple of Zaoge Mountain!" Zhong Kui looked at Zhao Jin, seemed to recognize his identity, nodded, and said:"You also want to join the Suppression of Evil Division?"

Zhao Jin's face flashed a trace of surprise, but he did not answer in a hurry. After obviously hesitating for a while, he said:"If the True Lord does not abandon, I am willing to serve the underworld."

""Zhao Jin, didn't you refuse to enter the underworld before? Why did you change your mind?" Yu Xuanji asked.

Zhong Kui also cast a scrutinizing look at him.

"Senior Yu, things are different now……《The"Law of Extinction" spread throughout the three realms, and the land of bliss outside Fengdu City turned into a bloody mud road. The world is about to change. Previously, we were instructed by our ancestors to stay in the underworld waiting for the opportunity for the immortal gate to open. I think the time has come, so we should enter."


A figure flashed and came, and a pleasant copper bell sounded. Yu Xuanji appeared in front of everyone as if teleporting.

"An opportunity for the Immortal Gate to open?"

Zhao Jin stammered, and said vaguely:"The Emperor of Man has cut off the connection between the earth and the sky, and cut off the road to heaven for future generations. However, the current chaos in the Buddha Land will inevitably shake the three realms. Perhaps there will be a glimmer of opportunity."

"So that's it!" Yu Xuanji seemed to have thought of something and agreed with his statement.

"Zhong Kui, then you should also write me a Yin Shen Ji Lu."

When Zhong Kui heard this, his eyes instantly shone brightly:"Junior Sister Yu, are you willing to enter the Evil Suppression Division?"

"It doesn't matter whether you are willing or not. It is difficult for a ghost to become a saint. I am already dead. Even if I reincarnate, I can't escape the disaster of ignorance. No one will save me in the next life. Why not take a chance and maybe I can become a god and immortal."Yu Xuanji said lightly.

Zhong Kui looked very happy and nodded repeatedly,"Yes, yes, junior sister is right. I will ask someone to do it right away. Don't worry?"

After that, Zhong Kui pointed to the sky, and a bright light pierced the clouds and flew towards the inner city.

Next, the burly man in the champion robe no longer paid attention to Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin, and went to circle around Yu Xuanji.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the two people under the locust tree with suspicion... Why did he feel like he was looking at a dog and a goddess?

""You've seen it, just don't go out and say anything." Zhao Jin's reminder came to his ears.

Zhang Qingyuan turned around and saw Zhao Jin looking up at the sky calmly.

""Senior, what's going on? Why do you want to enter the Suppression of Evil Division?" Zhang Qingyuan asked

"Didn’t I say that? I want to become an immortal." Zhao Jin threw out an irrefutable reason.

At this moment, the live broadcast room was already in an uproar.

【What big secret did I hear?】

【What, what...what Yang Mi, who is talking about my wife?】

【Those who are causing trouble should get out of here, let's get down to business.】

【Pay attention to 'Tianya Jiemi' and start making several special issues about 'Jedi Tiantong' from today.’、‘There are puzzle solving videos of"Legend of Zhong Kui" and"Life of Yu Xuanji". If you are interested, click on my avatar to follow. 】

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