In the backyard of Zaoge Mountain,

Zhao Yuanshan, who was sitting cross-legged on the altar, seemed to sense something. A strong wind blew in, and the flags and banners fluttered.

""Here it comes!"

He stood up and said to Zhao Lingshan under the altar:"Girl, come up and do as grandpa taught you before. You need to do it yourself this time."

The latter also changed into a slim Taoist robe, looking like a Kun Taoist.

Around the altar were a group of old Taoists from Zaoge Mountain. Looking at the altar where strange phenomena were gradually emerging, each of them showed fear on their faces.

Since Daxia established its rule and ushered in a prosperous era, humanity has been unprecedentedly strong, suppressing the Buddhist and Taoist monks in the world and eliminating all evil spirits and ghosts.

Those of them who worshipped in Zaoge Mountain to practice Taoism after the troubled times, there are almost no people who can practice Taoism, and the strangeness of Zhao Yuanshan's granting of the ordination and the request for the title before, has not been seen for decades.

Many young Taoists just thought that Zaoge Mountain was good or the Taoist sects in the world, It is just like the increasingly commercialized Buddhist temples, a huge profit-making organization with very high salaries, and the key is that it is not involutionary.

But the appearance of Zhao Yuanshan, the great uncle who entered the sect in troubled times and practiced for half his life, completely shattered their three views and told them that the theories of immortals and gods, and the techniques of ghosts and gods, are not just empty words preached in Taoist scriptures.

Zhao Lingshan walked up to the altar, and the classical Taoist robe made her look more otherworldly. With her Taoist bun tied up high, she looked like someone from the old times, with a unique temperament. And because of Zhao Yuanshan's relationship, her status is very high, and she wears a blue and white real person robe, which is second only to the purple robe of the head master.

""Let's get started!"

After saying that, Zhao Yuanshan retreated to the side of the altar. She had to do it herself to make a contracted Taoist soldier. No one could help her.

Zhao Lingshan looked calm, but she was actually very nervous. Although her grandfather had given her intensive training for a while and rehearsed several times in advance, she was still nervous.

"Don't let your mind wander. Be still and concentrate. Uncle Zhao Jin has already registered that kid in the underworld, and Patriarch Zhiyang has also agreed to recruit him into the ranks of Taoist soldiers on Zaoge Mountain. All you need to do is to summon the Taoist soldiers to come, and then make a contract with them. Grandpa has already written the contract, which is the one on the table."

Listening to Zhao Yuanshan's instructions, Zhao Lingshan gradually calmed down. A cool and detached breath between her eyebrows constantly cleared her mind of distracting thoughts.

This was the feeling she had after receiving the talisman.

According to Zhao Yuanshan's guidance, this was the door to the Tao opened for her by the Taoist talisman.

In the future, if she practiced diligently, she would be able to gradually strengthen it and be promoted step by step until she reached the first rank, and could become a heavenly master on earth.

If the heaven and earth were connected, she would also be qualified to ascend.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Lingshan said in a deep voice:"Disciple Qingling, respectfully ask for permission from Patriarch Zhiyang.

This disciple has just entered the Tao path, and needs a general to protect the Tao.


She followed the spell Zhao Yuanshan taught her and it took her a full minute to finish it. The gist of it was to ask the guardian deity of Master Ge Xuan, Zhiyang, to arrange a Taoist soldier for her.


At the same time, inside Zhao Jin's Yin residence, Zhang Qingyuan put on the bronze armor and turned around leisurely. It must be said that clothes make the man, and he felt much more handsome than before.

Especially the sword at his waist. When he pulled it out, it was full of cold light and a faint divine light. It was more than one level better than the sword issued by the Suppression of Evil Division.

Moreover, this armor was probably made by the Taoists. He felt a warm power nourishing his Yin body all the time, and it even gave him the illusion of being reborn as a human again.

"Okay, stop being so conceited.

Although this Taoist armor is the standard armor of our sect, it is also from the heavens, and it is enough for you to use for a long time.

In addition, the Zhiyang Patriarch should have also passed down a set of sword techniques to slay evil spirits.

Go back and get familiar with it.

Finally, with the identity of a Taoist soldier of our sect, you can stay in Fengdu City for a long time in the future.

At least you don’t have to pay rent in the future, which is also a benefit.


"……Is there anything else besides these? I heard from my senior's nephew that after I became a Taoist soldier, I would receive Taoist incense and offerings. What is the use of this?"With how rich Zhang Qingyuan is now, how could he take the mere one penny of rent seriously?

He danced a sword flower casually, and a set of sword moves naturally emerged in his mind. It was the method passed down by the Zhiyang Patriarch when he became a Taoist soldier. He made up his mind to practice it well when he returned. After all, he is now an evil suppressor. If he does not want to be bitten by powerful evil spirits in the future, his skills must not fall behind.

"After you become that girl's Taoist soldier, according to the rules, she needs to burn incense for you every day when she burns incense to the ancestor, as an offering.

This is the incense that belongs exclusively to you.

In addition, all the incense of Zaoge Mountain Gate will be distributed to the Taoist soldiers and guardians of this sect according to the rules.

It will be distributed according to the level of your Taoist soldiers.

However, with your current level, it is estimated that there will not be much left for you.

It's better than nothing.

"Zhao Jin explained to him.

While the two were talking, a golden divine light suddenly descended and enveloped Zhang Qingyuan, shining on his bronze armor.

"It seems like someone is calling me?" He frowned and asked.

Zhao Jin was not surprised and said,"Well, it was Zhao Lingshan who formally asked the Zhengyang Patriarch to send a general to protect the law. The resources of the Taoist soldiers are already tight, and most of them have been allocated. You are a new Taoist soldier, and the girl asked for it at the right time, so the Patriarch directly assigned you."

"Go ahead, concentrate your heart and feel the call, the ancestor will send you to her altar, and once the Dao contract is signed, you will be one yin and one yang, supporting each other, her honor is your honor, her loss is your loss, and vice versa. But don't worry, when the girl's soul returns to the netherworld, she will cancel your contract and pass it on to the next successor, just like when I passed Liu Fuwei to the boy from Yuanshan."

"So that's it!"Zhang Qingyuan felt relieved instantly, and immediately let go of his mind, obeyed the summoning power, and his body turned into a stream of light and left the underworld.

A bright and radiant passage, like a time and space tunnel, appeared in his eyes, and he was moving rapidly along this passage. At the end of the passage, he saw a woman standing on the altar, praying devoutly. It was Zhao Lingshan.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at both sides of the passage, and he seemed to be in a magnificent world, like a meteor, passing through this world quickly.

In a trance, he saw a majestic and powerful god, sitting cross-legged on the ground, his head touching the sky, emitting a strong divine light, like the sun hanging in the sky. Just a glance at it, he felt it was dazzling and subconsciously looked away. This god was none other than the Zhiyang God General who had descended to the underworld and recruited him as a soldier on Zaoge Mountain. Looking at his vast divine power, he was worthy of the title of Zhiyang.

Around Zhiyang God General, there were these equally powerful gods sitting cross-legged. Although they could not compete with him, they were equally powerful.

"Is this the domain of the Heavenly Master Ge Xuan? The place where his Taoist soldiers and generals practiced.……"

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