"Here they come!" Zhao Yuanshan shouted softly, reminding Zhao Lingshan to pay attention.

The gloomy wind around them gradually subsided, and a divine light like a meteor descended instantly, and Zhang Qingyuan's figure followed closely in front of the altar. At this moment, he was wearing armor, with a divine sword hanging from his waist, his eyes were like torches, and his whole body was emitting a faint divine light, with an inexplicable sense of majesty.

His image was completely different from when Zhao Lingshan met him before, and she was so shocked that she could fit an egg in her mouth.

"You, you, you...are you the Zhang Qingyuan from before?"

"Ahem... be careful with your words! He is now a soldier of our sect, hand-picked by Patriarch Zhiyang, so be careful." Zhao Yuanshan reminded him softly behind him. Zhang Qingyuan was speechless when he saw the girl in front of him. She was a cute girl before, but now she was wearing a Taoist robe, and the dazzling divine light blooming from her eyebrows and spiritual platform made her look a bit out of this world.

As for the people who were wearing Taoist robes of different colors around them, he just glanced at them and automatically passed them by.

They were a group of fake Taoists, whose Taoist skills could not be seen at all. Instead, their eyes were turbid, their breath was chaotic, and they were full of the smell of money, but their wealth was abnormally prosperous.

However, although he looked down on these Taoists, Zhang Qingyuan enjoyed their respectful gazes very much.

Zhao Lingshan collected his mind and said"earnestly":"Disciple Qingling, I am willing to establish a Taoist contract with you and support you on the path of Taoism.……"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded and asked according to the rules:"Are you willing to worship with all your heart and burn incense every day?"

"Disciple is willing!"


As he spoke, the Dao contract on the altar flew up, and Zhang Qingyuan signed his name on it with a finger, and Zhao Lingshan's mind sank into the sea of consciousness, communicating with the Dao Scroll, and then her name also appeared on the Dao contract.

The contract was finalized, and a nameless fire ignited, engulfing the Dao contract, turning into a stream of light and disappearing.

At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan also felt the connection between himself and the girl in front of him. It was not something like telepathy, but he could naturally feel the other person's existence, know her current situation, and have a vague feeling.

This is the most fundamental magical power of Taoism. Even if you cross the Yin and Yang realms, you can't isolate this induction.

At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan understood his own The obligation is to protect Zhao Lingshan’s safety and bless her on her journey. Unless both parties voluntarily terminate the contract, the contract is unbreakable. It is not the unequal contract of selling oneself that he had imagined before.

And the most important thing is that after signing the contract, with the help of Zhao Lingshan, he has the ability to cross the Yin and Yang worlds. Unlike the evil suppressors, if the evil suppressors want to go from the underworld to the world of the living, they need to be tasked with going to the world of the living to kill and capture wronged souls and evil spirits in order to cross the Yin and Yang. Otherwise, they have to stay in the underworld honestly.

This method of Taoism is completely outside the Yin and Yang channel controlled by the underworld. It has opened a road of its own and is not subject to the control of the underworld at all. It can be said to be very overbearing.

"Well, you are a trustworthy person. Today you become the Taoist soldier of the girl. I will never let you down in the future. But I have to remind you that I hope you can do your best. Otherwise, if something happens to the girl, it will be difficult for you to sign a Taoist contract with others and enjoy the incense of the Taoist sect in the future. After all, no one can tolerate their Taoist soldiers failing at a critical moment."Zhao Yuanshan reminded him lightly. Zhang Qingyuan nodded.

He naturally knew this truth. Some information about Taoist soldiers passed down by Zhiyang God had been mentioned.

"Since there is nothing else to do, I will leave first. I will come if you need me in the future. However, I have become an evil suppressor now. I will come to the world to capture wronged souls and evil spirits. If there is something I can't handle, you will have to help me."

"Got it, got it. As long as I am still alive, I will naturally help."Zhao Yuanshan also promised.

After hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan happily turned around and headed back to the passage he came from, returning to the underworld.


At the same time, outside Fengdu City.

The yellow mud road that Zhao Jin and Zhang Qingyuan had walked on before has now turned into a scarlet blood road, which is completely different from the dark and gloomy land around it.

A strange atmosphere shrouded the dirt road, and the soil was like flesh and blood, slowly wriggling, but it was no longer gushing blood like crazy as before.

Perhaps it was the fear of the long-term suppression of Buddhism.

Although the ghosts wandering in the wild have discovered the changes in this road, no ghost dared to set foot in it.

The incident had happened for several days. The sky of the underworld could no longer see the Buddha's light, and the thousands of ghosts no longer howled. It seemed that everything had returned to the previous calm.

But at this moment, a tall ghost, who was three meters tall, rotten and half of his skeleton was exposed, holding a tattered sword, chasing and killing ghosts everywhere in the wilderness of Yintu.


Everywhere you can see ghosts running around frantically looking for a place to hide, and one of them, a ghost wearing a tattered shirt, with dark green skin and full of resentment, ran into the bloody mud road in a panic. When he reacted, he was frightened and stood still, with his hands crossed to cover his face.

However, after waiting for several seconds, the Buddha's light in his memory did not appear. On the contrary, he even felt a more sinister and terrifying breath coming out of the mud under his feet.

"The road... is gone……"

Having lived in the Yintu wilderness for a long time, its mind has been partially dispersed by the chaotic Yin Qi and the omnipresent Yin evil spirit, and only a small part of its consciousness has been retained.

Although it has become half mentally retarded, its remaining reason tells it that the yellow mud pure land under its feet, which has brought great fear to countless ghosts, seems to have really changed.

It couldn't figure out what this change meant, and was about to leave immediately, but when it looked back, the terrifying evil spirit that was chasing them had appeared not far behind it.

The ghost didn't dare to think too much, and ran quickly along the dirt road towards the Yin River. After a while, a calm and dark Yin River appeared in front of it. At the end of the dirt road under its feet, there was a simple dock, and a shabby boat was parked by the river. As soon as it jumped on it, the boat started uncontrollably and sailed downstream along the river.

The speed was getting faster and faster. The ghost quietly glanced at the river surface. From the perspective of the ghost, it saw countless terrifying ghosts entangled and wandering under the river, unable to get out of the water, and suffering endless pain.

It was so scared that it quickly left the edge of the boat.

After an unknown amount of time, the boat gradually slowed down and stopped in the middle of the Yin River. The ghost didn't know why, so he quietly looked towards the river again.

But the scenery in the river made him instantly reveal a greedy look.

"People...living people……"

It became excited, and two balls of dark green flames seemed to be ignited in its eyes. Then, as if it had lost its mind, it jumped into the river.

There were ripples on the river surface, but there was no sound of falling into the water. However, the figure of the ghost had disappeared.

The river surface gradually returned to calm, and the bustling city scene originally reflected was also swallowed up by the black river water.

The boat started slowly as if someone was controlling it, and returned to the place where it came from against the river, quietly waiting for the next ferryman.

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