"The disciple is pure and soulless, offering incense, asking the ancestors and guardians for blessings……"

A familiar prayer sounded in his ears, and then Zhang Qingyuan felt the power of the incense floating from the dark void, and was inhaled into his body.

This was the incense that Zhao Lingshan offered to him, one stick a day, and he had never stopped since he became a Taoist soldier.

Although it was only her offering, every time the power of the incense entered his body, he could feel a warm force nourishing his body, which was a kind of comfort that was difficult to describe in words.

"Taoist soldiers will gradually become stronger with the passage of time and the accumulation of offerings."

"The immortals are formed through the practice of all living things, and the gods are formed through the souls of the sun, ascending to the nine heavens. The current gods in heaven are all created in ancient times, but the way in which the Taoists feed the Taoist soldiers and gradually evolve them into gods is also a great supplement to the gods in heaven."

"Guan Yu, the Martial Saint, Zhong Kui, the Demon-Subduing Lord, etc., all achieved great success in their lifetime, and were worshipped by mortals and Taoists before ascending to the throne of God."

"According to the information passed down by the God of Zhengyang, incense is the most important thing for the growth of Taoist soldiers, and to truly become a god, you need... merit!"

In the past few days, Zhang Qingyuan stayed at home, constantly studying his own changes, and at the same time sorting out the information in his mind, and gradually had a clear understanding of his own existence.

Of course, the most important thing is that his mobile phone can swipe the videos on the Kuaishou platform. Through searching, he learned a lot of information about Taoism.

Although there has been no live broadcast recently, the last live broadcast when he became the evil suppressor made him a lot of income, plus the Yin money he saved, he doesn't have to be so anxious for the time being.

But the most important thing is that there is no content. You can't hold your mobile phone and shoot at the blood moon every day. It won't be long before the audience will get tired of it.

【Nickname: Zhang Dadan

Fans: 11.34 million

Followers: 12 Likes

: 350 million

Withdrawable balance: 41 taels of Yin money]

Although there was no live broadcast, the previous live broadcast was screenshotted and spread wildly on the Internet. Kuaishou couldn't block it, but it attracted a lot of attention to him. In just a few days, he added 90,000 fans. The rewards from the last two live broadcasts were not reflected, and he had accumulated 41 taels.

Adding the money Zhao Yuanshan and Northwest Tiger burned for him, Zhang Qingyuan found that he already had a huge sum of 107 taels of Yin money, a number that could make countless ghosts envious and shed tears.

Zhang Qingyuan said... money is just a number to him, just like Ma Dad said he doesn't love money, and Dong Ge said he doesn't know his wife is beautiful.



The evil-suppressing waist card on his waist made a sound, pulling his thoughts back.

Picking up the waist card, he saw that it showed: Gather at the evil-suppressing yamen in two quarters of an hour.

Zhang Qingyuan was startled and quickly turned over and climbed up from the broken wooden bed... This was a message from Yu Xuanji.

After becoming the Evil Suppression Envoy, he basically had nothing to do, because Yu Xuanji said that she needed to recruit a few more people to her, so she asked him and Zhao Jin to go back and wait for notification.

"So, have you recruited all the people? Are you going to start assigning tasks?"

With a nervous mood, Zhang Qingyuan put on his fishtail suit, hung the ghost-collecting gourd and the evil-slaying knife on his waist, and prepared to go out.

As for the Taoist soldier's set, he put it into the Xumi Ring and kept it as a trump card for the time being.

When he opened the door, Zhao Jin, who was opposite him, also came out. He was just wearing a Taoist robe and carrying his symbolic magic sword, and he didn't wear the evil-suppressing set.

"Tsk, why don't you wear the uniform of our sect's Taoist soldiers?"

Zhang Qingyuan laughed and said,"Senior, you don't understand this, how can you easily take out the trump card?"

"Damn it, he is young but has many strange minds. Don’t let him be swallowed by evil spirits before he has a chance to put on his clothes."Zhao Jin's mouth was very poisonous.

The two of them rushed all the way to the inner city. Along the way, they met the patrolling ghost soldiers. However, when they saw their badges, their faces changed and they quickly made way. Not to mention stopping them for inspection, they looked like they had met the plague god.

However, it is also true that because of Zhong Kui, the Evil Suppression Division is equivalent to a direct yamen of the Tianshi Mansion. Not to mention the small ghost soldiers, even the Ten Kings of Hell and the Five Ghost Emperors have to give some face.

More than 20 minutes later, the two arrived at the yamen of the Evil Suppression Division. Under the tall black gate, Yu Xuanji was already waiting there, holding her red oil-paper umbrella and holding the little brat in her hand. In addition to her, there were two unknown ghosts waiting here.

A bald man, wearing a yellow tattered monk's robe, holding a rosary in his hand and chanting Buddhist scriptures, his face was holy and gloomy, looking very strange. Knowing the great changes in Buddhism, Zhang Qingyuan did not dare to approach this monk and subconsciously moved away from him.

As for the monk, there was a big man more than two meters tall, holding a machete as wide as a door panel, wearing chain mail, with black tattoos on his face, and a huge wound across his face, showing rotten white flesh. Before getting close, you can feel the pressing murderous aura. He is a ruthless man.

""Senior!" Zhao Jin saluted to Yu Xuanji.

Zhang Qingyuan followed suit and was about to push him aside.

Ding-ling-ling... the copper bell rang softly, a pair of eyes fell on him, and Yu Xuanji asked,"Have you become a Taoist soldier?"

"Back to the predecessors, I just became"

"Well, it's good that I have some ability to save my life. Wait here for a while, we still need two more."

Six people in total!

Zhang Qingyuan calculated secretly in his mind. In the Suppression of Evil Division, compared with other teams, their number is not large. It is said that the most senior left and right heads of the division have more than a hundred Suppression of Evil Envoys under their command.

However, the team is just being established, quality is more important than quantity, so it is normal to have fewer people.

The message said two quarters of an hour, and it was still half an hour. It took him and Zhao Jin twenty minutes to get here. Who knew that after they came, they waited for more than twenty minutes before they saw two ghosts wearing black, high-quality armor, and five or six people walking from the end of the street.

When they came closer, Zhang Qingyuan took a glance, but he couldn't see their faces clearly because they were blocked by the helmets, but judging from their attire, they were probably from a prominent family, possibly from a family in the inner city. No wonder they dared to be so arrogant.

"Thank you Jiang/Fan Jian, I have met the Left Deputy Chief."

The two of them saluted Yu Xuanji, but judging from their attitude, they seemed a little mournful and didn't take Yu Xuanji seriously.

Zhang Qingyuan secretly glanced at Yu Xuanji, thinking that she would get angry. After all, she was late first and now she had this attitude. If it were him, he would definitely chop her twice with his knife first.

"One is surnamed Xie, the other surnamed Fan... kind of interesting!" Zhao Jin muttered quietly beside him.

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly realized... Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu!

The legendary Black and White Impermanence, could these two be the descendants of Black and White Impermanence?

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