"Who is this old man? Why is he still wearing a costume? Your family is so rich, and you still have someone playing minor roles to make a living?"

Zhang Qingyuan pointed at the old Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain who was frightened to the point of having diabetogenic diarrhea and asked.

Everyone looked embarrassed, and finally the assistant came out to explain:"This is the real person from Longhu Mountain. We invited him here to solve Mr. Wang Chao's problem."

"Taoist priest from Mount Longhu?"

Zhang Qingyuan was stunned. Has Mount Longhu become so degenerate? The people who come out to perform rituals have no Taoist cultivation at all? It's on par with the ones from Mount Zaoge.

He waved his hand impatiently and said,"Get him away. He's so old. If he gets scared and gets sick, it will be my problem."

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhengyang quickly asked his bodyguards to carry the man out. However, the puddle of yellow water left by him had a strong smell. From the smell, it can be judged that there should be something wrong with the two kidneys.

After such a buffer period, everyone let go of their fear and vigilance, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

""Um, Mr. Zhang, the one on the bed is the child. Can you see if he can be saved?" Wang Zhengyang asked nervously.

"Master, you must save my son, no matter how much money you offer."Lin Rong also said with hope.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned and looked at Wang Chao carefully. In addition to what he had just seen, Wang Chao's overall condition was really not optimistic. Not only was his consciousness confused, his body was emaciated, even if he was replaced by an ordinary person, he would be able to see that this guy would not live long.

The most important thing was that a ghost was looming in his bulging and bloodshot eyes. It was obvious that he was possessed by a ghost, but he didn't know what happened to his three souls and seven spirits.

If the ghosts that had entered his body devoured his three souls and seven spirits, then Zhang Qingyuan could basically suggest that his father Wang Zhengyang find a way to build a rocket to see if it could be launched to heaven, and it would be more reliable to invite a Daluo immortal to come down.

"How long has this been going on?"

Wang Zhengyang and Lin Rong looked at each other, neither of them could answer. Finally, the assistant beside him said,"About half a month. Although there were abnormalities before, they were not so serious. Since the last time I went to Nanshan Temple and encountered the blood and tears of the Buddha statue, it has rapidly deteriorated and turned into this."

"Half a month?"Zhang Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief. It would be fine if it didn't exceed forty-nine days.

Normally, it would take forty-nine days for a ghost to devour a living soul. That was what he did at the beginning.

"No more than forty-nine days."

"Mr. Zhang, what will happen if it exceeds forty-nine days?"Wang Zhengyang asked blankly.

"If it exceeds forty-nine days, he will die. But your son won't last that long. When I came up, I asked someone to check. He is in a great disaster this time. He only has a few days left to live."

These words frightened Wang Zhengyang and his wife. Lin Rong subconsciously wanted to grab Zhang Qingyuan's arm, but the cold Yin Qi made her hand touch it, so she shrank back in fear.

"So, sir, what should we do now?"

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at them and said,"Don't panic when something happens, take out your phone first."

As he spoke, he took out his phone, and the others were confused... Why take out the phone first?

"Okay, I've already opened the live broadcast room, you guys hurry in and give me some likes, and give me some gifts to gain popularity."

After hearing this, although they didn't understand where his phone was, they still took out their phones and found the live broadcast room under the guidance of the assistant.

【Live broadcast to exorcise ghosts for boss Wang Zhengyang! 】

The title of the live broadcast room is very simple and crude. At the same time, they also saw that the scene in the live broadcast room was exactly in this bedroom, and they even saw their own figures

"Hello, everyone."Zhang Qingyuan greeted

"You all saw the last live broadcast. The host has become a glorious ghost messenger. Today, the host has come from the underworld to the world of the living. As for what he is doing in the world of the living? You can tell from the title that before the last live broadcast, Wang Zhengyang's boss gave him gifts and then sent a private message saying that his son had encountered a ghost."

"As a public-spirited person, Zhang Dadan couldn't bear to see his fans suffer, so he rushed to Wang Zhengyang's house to exorcise the ghost for his son."Come, I'll point the camera at Boss Wang and say hello to everyone."

As he said this, he switched the rear camera and started filming Wang Zhengyang.

""Ah?" Wang Zhengyang was a little confused. As a middle-aged man, he had never played with such high technology and didn't know what to do.

Finally, after the assistant reminded him, he stuttered to the camera:"Hello everyone, I am Wang Zhengyang from Wang Group."

【Holy shit! This is our boss!】

【Hell, he’s my boss too!】

【Boss, what’s wrong with you? If you’ve been kidnapped by the anchor, just blink! If you give me a raise, I’ll call the police for you.】As soon as

Wang Zhengyang appeared, he was immediately recognized by his own company’s employees, who started to comment in the live broadcast room.

After all, a common and disgusting habit of modern entrepreneurs is to post their posters in every corner of the company, to the extent that employees will recognize them even if they turn to ashes.

Wang Zhengyang also saw those comments, and suddenly he felt a sense of social death, and his face obviously turned from white to red... His own majestic big boss persona! Today is considered a failure.

【Anchor, is it 996 in the underworld? You're still working overtime to exorcise ghosts in the middle of the night? Are you going to give overtime pay?】

【I've been feeling chilly in my bed lately. I think there's something unclean in it. Can I ask Sister Yu Xuanji, holding an umbrella, to come into my bed and help exorcise the ghost?】

【Upstairs, I see that there is no ghost in your bed, but the loneliness of the bed】

【Correct answer! 】

Zhang Qingyuan is too lazy to pay attention to these lsp yellow-brained netizens. Now the right thing to do is to serve the boss who gave gifts first.

"Ahem...Okay, okay, everyone, please concentrate on watching the live broadcast. I'm going to catch ghosts next."

As he said this, he walked past the crowd.

���The camera pointed to Wang Chao and said,"Look everyone, this is Wang Chao.

He looks emaciated, his eyes are bloodshot and bulging, and he has lost his mind.

This is a surface phenomenon, but in the eyes of the host, he exudes a strong yin energy, and there are ghosts in his eyes.

These are obvious signs of being possessed by a fierce ghost.

Fortunately, only half a month has passed, and the fierce ghost has not yet completely devoured and digested his soul.


"If forty-nine days have passed, then even the gods will be unable to save him.

But even so, his life span is only a matter of a few days, and the anchor arrived just in time.

"After briefly introducing the situation, Zhang Qingyuan continued calmly:"If any of you friends or relatives encounter this situation, remember to deal with it in time.

Of course, you have to find the right person to do the right thing.

Some extras in the crew will wear a set of costumes to swindle people.

Boss Wang was just deceived, so everyone must keep their eyes open and don't be fooled.

Losing money is a small matter, but delaying the handling is a big deal.


"Okay, the host is about to start using his power, everyone please move away to avoid getting hurt."

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