Sir, is there anything we can help you with?"

Zhang Qingyuan waved his hand:"No, just prepare the melon seed benches, and remember to give gifts in the live broadcast room."

The assistant looked back at Wang Zhengyang, and after getting the latter's permission, he said:"Don't worry, in addition to the gifts, we also have generous gifts for you."

"Forget about the generous gifts. Why would a dead person like me need your generous gifts?"

"Of course, if you are interested, I don't mind offering the entire golden statue to me." Zhang Qingyuan said nonsense casually.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and slowly reached towards Wang Chao's forehead. Then, in the shocked eyes of the Wang family and tens of thousands of netizens, his hand went straight through Wang Chao's skin and reached into his head.

【I'm fucking damned……】

【Stupid, the anchor didn't say he was alive】

【Ah, this……】


The sudden and piercing cry was accompanied by a trembling scream, which was extremely shrill, like the movement of a vicious baby spirit in a movie.

Although the Wang family was frightened, they managed to calm down and looked up, only to see Zhang Qing���The hand that reached into Wang Chao's head seemed to have grabbed something and was struggling to pull it out.


The shrill scream turned into a roar, like a warning from a threatened beast, but Zhang Qingyuan remained unmoved. He was curious about what the slippery thing he was holding was.

""Come out!"

Zhang Qingyuan roared, and pulled it out with all his strength. Amid screams, a gray-black baby head the size of a fist was pulled out.

"Wow... wow wow……"

The baby spirit screamed and screamed madly, struggling to escape from Zhang Qingyuan's palm, but he was no longer a weakling, and he firmly grasped the baby spirit's head in his hand to prevent it from escaping.

""This...what is this?" Lin Rong asked stutteringly.

Although it looked a little ugly and a little gloomy, it looked like a baby.

As the baby spirit was gradually dragged out of Wang Chao's body, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes focused and found that there were some strange lines all over the baby spirit. It looked weird, and it seemed that they all converged on the baby spirit's face.

But its face was grabbed, and the lines on it could not be seen. He couldn't tell what was going on for a while.

This made Zhang Qingyuan alert... The lines on the baby spirit meant that this thing was probably not naturally generated, but was artificially refined.

""Come out!"

He yanked again, and Wang Chao began to tremble. Most of the baby spirit's body had been pulled out of Wang Chao's body. Its tiny arms kept struggling, scratching and clawing at Zhang Qingyuan's hands, leaving wounds all over. At the same time, it opened its mouth and kept biting his fingers, ferociously.

"Damn, little brat, can't I cure you?"

Zhang Qingyuan got angry and dragged him out and threw him on the ground.


The infant spirit turned over flexibly, got on all fours and stared at Zhang Qingyuan like a monkey and roared.

Only then did he finally see the infant spirit's face clearly. There was a black talisman painted on it. It was not like the orthodox Taoist talisman, and it had a bit of evil in it.


Zhang Qingyuan felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the infant spirit suddenly pounced on him. Zhang Qingyuan had been nervous and dodged quickly.

However, the infant spirit opened its mouth wide and kept killing Zhang Qingyuan.

Swoosh... a black light flashed, and Zhang Qingyuan pulled out the evil-slaying knife from his waist and chopped at the infant spirit in a somewhat clumsy way. However, he had just become a Yin-suppressing Envoy after all, and he was not very proficient in many things, but it was enough to deal with this evil ghost that had just formed.

The Wang family had already huddled in the corner and trembled, looking at Zhang Qingyuan in horror as he was slashing at the infant spirit with a knife. Suddenly, they felt that this guy didn't seem very reliable.

【Can I be an anchor?】

【Trying to catch ghosts but being caught by them……】

【The biggest car crash of the year. 】

There were also gloating and mocking voices in the live broadcast room.

Zhang Qingyuan calmed down, and recalled the sword skills passed down by Zhiyang Tianshen in his mind, turning them into knife skills, and fixed his eyes on the baby spirit.

The baby spirit had been crouching on top of the cabinet before, and when it saw the opportunity, it pounced on him again. Zhang Qingyuan retreated to the side, then drew his knife and chopped it.


With a shrill scream, the infant spirit was chopped off, and a huge wound appeared on its back. However, the runes on its body produced wisps of black smoke, which flowed towards the wound and healed it instantly. The infant spirit, who had suffered a great loss, seemed to sense that something was wrong and suddenly pounced on Wang Chao, trying to enter his body. Zhang Qingyuan was quick to grab its calf, pulled it back, and smashed it to the ground.

However, this thing turned over again and pounced on the Wang family members hiding in the corner.

"" Be careful!"

Zhang Qingyuan shouted in a hurry, then picked up the gourd on his waist, uncorked it, and shouted,"Collect!"


Yin Qi flowed back and all rushed to the mouth of the gourd, and the infant spirit was also affected by the suction, constantly retreating, about to be taken in.


The infant spirit's sharp claws grabbed the floor, leaving clear marks.


The infant spirit roared, and the runes on its body separated from its body, turning into a ball of sticky liquid, which was sucked into the mouth of the gourd. However, at the moment before entering, the sticky liquid turned into a new plug, blocking the ghost-collecting gourd.

The suction suddenly disappeared, and the infant spirit was also very sensitive. It gave up the idea of occupying the bodies of the Wang family members, and rushed to the window, passed through the wall directly, and escaped from the bedroom.

Zhang Qingyuan would naturally not sit and watch him escape, and hurriedly followed him. He also passed through the wall, which was a feature of ghosts, and he was no exception.

The infant spirit was very fast. Zhang Qingyuan followed it all the way and finally came to a corner of the villa, in front of a very remote house, which looked like a place where the Wang family used to store sundries.

After the infant spirit ran in, it did not come out again. Zhang Qingyuan waited at the door and did not rush in.

"Brothers, don't think the anchor is useless. This little ghost is not an ordinary creature. It is at least an evil ghost, only one level lower than the evil ghost that killed me before. Not to mention that people are entangled by it, even ordinary ghosts will be in trouble if they are entangled by it."

【What does evil ghost mean? 】

A netizen in the comment area asked curiously

"Ghosts are classified into evil, fierce, disaster, and calamity. Generally, you can encounter ordinary ghosts, which are not harmful. However, if you encounter evil and advanced ghosts, you may lose your life. The more powerful ghosts basically only exist in the underworld. It is unlikely to be encountered in the world of the living. As for what to do if you encounter them, I can only say, congratulations, and pray that he kills you cleanly and without pain."

Zhang Qingyuan popularized the daily knowledge of the underworld to all netizens in the live broadcast room, which was a small benefit.

While talking, the Wang family finally arrived late...

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