"Sir, what's wrong? Where's that ghost thing?" Wang Zhengyang no longer had the attitude of a big boss at this time, and asked impatiently.

Zhang Qingyuan pointed to the room in front of him and said,"Inside, what is this room used for?"

"This house……"Wang Zhengyang fell into deep thought. Obviously, having so many houses also has its troubles. He really couldn't remember what each room was used for.

The assistant hurriedly said:"This is used to store sundries. Not many people come here usually."

Zhang Qingyuan nodded, which was similar to his guess, and said:"You wait here, I'll go in and take a look."

As he said, he walked straight to the door, then passed through the wall and entered the house. It was pitch black inside, and ordinary people couldn't see clearly, but it was not a big problem for him, everything was clear.

The house was not big, only more than 50 square meters, and there were some tables, chairs and various cleaning tools piled up inside, which looked a bit messy.

From the perspective of the ghost, he didn't find anything, and he couldn't even see the Yin energy.

"That doesn't make sense. It definitely didn't come out, but the air disappeared. Could it be that……"Zhang Qingyuan's expression changed, and he thought of a possibility.

After another round of inspection, he still didn't find anything unusual, so he turned around and walked out.

""Sir, what happened?" Wang Zhengyang came up and asked.

Zhang Qingyuan thought for a moment and said,"Call someone to move everything out."

Wang Zhengyang heard this without any doubt. He waved his hand and asked his assistant to make arrangements quickly. The latter hurried to make a phone call.

After a while, a large group of people arrived. They were all bodyguards of the Wang family's mansion. Seeing Zhang Qingyuan's gloomy and mysterious appearance, some of the timid ones were so scared that they almost ran away on all fours.

The assistant comforted them, and then everyone stayed trembling, glancing at Zhang Qingyuan from time to time.

As a celebrity, a big internet celebrity with millions of fans, some of the bodyguards recognized him, but did not dare to come up and say hello.

After all, it is the reasonable way for a keyboard warrior to attack hard online and be submissive offline.

If they had seen Zhang Qingyuan in the live broadcast room, they would definitely have made all kinds of fierce remarks one after another. The bodyguards filed in, and it took nearly an hour to finally clean up.

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan caught a glimpse of a bodyguard holding a basketball-sized object wrapped in red cloth.

"Wait a minute, put this down!"

The bodyguard heard this and put the thing on the ground with a puzzled look on his face, still covering it with a red cloth, without taking it away.

"Where did you find this thing?" Zhang Qingyuan asked

"Um, it's in the cabinet in the corner."

Zhang Qingyuan nodded, motioning him to leave, and also asked the people who were moving things to come out and stay away.

Wang Zhengyang noticed something was wrong and asked,"Sir, is there something wrong with this thing?"

""You'll know if there's any problem after you take a look."

After that, Zhang Qingyuan waved his hand, and a gust of cold wind blew, blowing the red cloth away. Suddenly, a vivid baby statue appeared in front of everyone.

The statue was made of wood, the size of a basketball, and the whole was black. The baby had no expression on his face. It didn't look like the festive style used for praying for a child. Instead, it had an inexplicable evilness that made people feel cold in their hearts after looking at it for a long time.

Combined with the evil spirit they had just seen, the Wang family didn't know what was going on.

""Sir, what is this?" Wang Zhengyang asked with a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Can't you see it? This thing is carved from locust wood. Locust wood is yin, also known as ghost wood. It is most likely to breed all kinds of monsters. Some wandering souls will also live in locust wood, which can protect the soul from dissipating."Zhang Qingyuan explained.

Seeing this thing, combined with the runes he just saw on the baby spirit, he has roughly guessed what's going on.

"Boss Wang, has your family ever offended anyone, or has your son ever offended anyone?" he asked immediately.

Wang Zhengyang was stunned for a moment, and said honestly:"I have offended a lot of people, and the number of people who want me dead is more than enough to fill a football field."

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

This guy is still alive today, his horoscope is harder than titanium alloy

"Sir, do you mean that someone is using this thing to harm me?"

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and said,"I'm not too sure. If they want to harm you, they should go after you. Why would your son be the one who suffers? Of course, it's also possible that they want to destroy your family and kill everyone one by one."

Hearing this, Wang Zhengyang's face turned green and he said fiercely,"Don't let me find out who it is, or I'll kill him."

"Don't be in a hurry to kill him, solve this problem first"

"Yes, yes, sir, you are right. As long as it can be solved, you can ask for anything you want."Wang Zhengyang said quickly.

"cough cough……"Zhang Qingyuan coughed twice and looked around the whole house.

He bought a whole mountain and built a garden of tens of thousands of square meters. To be honest, it would be a lie to say that he was not envious. But now there was an opportunity to fight against the local tyrants, so Zhang Qingyuan naturally could not let it go.

"There are two solutions. One is to help your son exorcise the ghost as mentioned before. The fee is one million.……"

"Only one million?" Wang Zhengyang asked with some surprise.


The offer was too low!

Zhang Qingyuan felt that it was still the poverty in his previous life that limited him.

"Don't worry, I have already exorcised your son's ghost. He will be fine after he is treated in a hospital. Although his life span is greatly reduced, he will still be able to live for several decades. So I have already done the one million thing."Zhang Qingyuan said shamelessly.

"Yes Yes Yes……"Wang Zhengyang naturally wouldn't say no.

"The next step is to help you deal with this, then I will charge you 5 million; of course, if you want to completely eradicate it and find the mastermind behind it, I can also help you, but that will cost 10 million.……"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Zhengyang said,"Sir, don't say anything. It's only 10 million. What's your card number? I'll transfer the money now."


It's still less!

【I'm so fucking numb. One million, five million, ten million, they just come out of my mouth.】

【How dare this dog make money like this?】

【Tsk! Don't you see who our boss is, Wang Group? Go ask around. Ten million is like a hair falling off his body to him. 】

The live broadcast room was full of discussions, and everyone was shocked by Boss Wang's generosity.

"Well, there's no need to send money. You know I'm a deceased person, and money from the living world is useless to me. I'll give you someone later, and you can contact him and use the money to burn paper for me."

"No problem, we'll do whatever the master says, don't worry, as long as we can solve this problem, let alone 10 million, even 100 million is no problem, I'll build a temple and worship you later."Wang Zhengyang said very proudly.

Zhang Qingyuan was delighted... I like you big local tyrants.

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