"Grandpa, look, Zhang Qingyuan is trying to attract business for you."

In a small mountain village in the northeast, Zhao Lingshan ran in again holding a mobile phone.

Zhao Yuanshan said speechlessly,"What are you doing again? Have you memorized the Taoist scriptures I gave you yesterday?"

Zhao Lingshan chose not to hear this and said,"Let's not talk about this for now. Grandpa, look, Zhang Qingyuan has come to the world to catch ghosts and is asking people to burn 10 million yuan to pay him. He must be looking for you."

Zhao Yuanshan almost jumped up when he heard the number of 10 million yuan and cursed,"Damn, that guy is crazy because of poverty. The ancestor will be struck to death by lightning when he hears this."

As he said that, he snatched the phone. The screen was Zhang Qingyuan's live broadcast, which happened to be filming the baby statue carved from locust wood.

"Damn it, who is so bold as to raise a little ghost to harm people!" He saw through the statue's true colors at a glance, and was immediately furious.

Zhao Lingshan came over curiously and asked,"Raising a little ghost, is it the kind in the movies?"

Zhao Yuanshan shook his head and replied,"It's not that simple. The ghosts used to raise little ghosts generally have to be related by blood, so that the ghost's viciousness can be restrained through the blood. It's really like on TV where they just find a baby spirit and raise it, and the first one to die is the person who raises it."

"So that's it!" Zhao Lingshan thought thoughtfully.

"But this is a bit more cruel, putting the little ghost directly in someone's house and cutting off the little ghost's offerings, which means that the whole family will die. The first unlucky person will be the one who has contact with the little ghost, or in other words, one of the family must be the little ghost's biological father or mother, and will be the first person to suffer."Zhao Yuanshan said very confidently.

Zhao Lingshan's eyes lit up and said,"The unlucky person is a man, his name seems to be Wang Chao. I just filmed him in the live broadcast, and I heard from Zhang Qingyuan that he will die in a few days."

"Hmm!" Zhao Yuanshan nodded and said,"Remind that kid to follow the direction I just mentioned and he will be able to find the mastermind behind the scenes. He who harms people with ghosts should not be allowed to go unpunished."



In the Wang family compound, Zhang Qingyuan and Wang Zhengyang agreed on the price and were ready to start.

It was very simple to get the little ghost out, just destroy the locust wood statue it was living in, but this would also completely arouse the little ghost's ferocity, so he asked everyone who was not involved to evacuate to avoid casualties.

""Sir, everything is ready. The servants in the manor have gone out. We are the only ones left. Do you think there is anything we can help you with?" Wang Zhengyang ran over and asked.

"Get some gasoline, pour it on the statue, and light it up."

Wang Zhengyang quickly asked someone to prepare it. Taking advantage of this leisure time, Zhang Qingyuan also paid attention to the live broadcast room. The number of online viewers has exceeded one million. With such a large flow, such high popularity, and live broadcast of catching ghosts, it is like a flying dragon riding on the face of Kuaishou Company. I wonder what Su Qiaoyang would think when he sees this.

Northeast Cute Cat: [Zhang Qingyuan, look at the private message, my grandfather has something to tell you】

【Zhang Qingyuan, read private messages……】

I saw the cute cat from Northeast China posted several comments in a row, pushing down all the other comments.

"Instead of wasting your time, why not give me some gifts? I will definitely see it."

After complaining, Zhang Qingyuan opened the private message and saw a long paragraph from Dongbei Mengmao, which described the origin of the little ghost and Zhao Yuanshan's speculation about the little ghost in front of him.

Seeing this, he showed a playful expression on his face, and imagined a long horror ethical drama in his mind about Wang Chao abandoning her after having sex with her, getting her pregnant but not wanting to take responsibility, and then being retaliated against.

Wang Zhengyang prepared gasoline and had someone pour it on the locust wood statue, and then poured a fire belt along the way.

"Sir, what should we do next? Burn it?" Wang Zhengyang asked

""Well! You guys step back a bit, and light the fire when I gesture."

After giving the instructions, Zhang Qingyuan put away the Evil-Slaying Knife, took out the Ghost-Slaying Evil Sword from the secret library from the Xumi Ring, and directly stuck it into the ground.

According to Hu Wei, after this sword is stuck into the ground, it can create an independent ghost den, trapping the ghosts in it and making them unable to escape.

It is just right to use it to deal with this little ghost now, so that the speed is too fast and Zhang Qingyuan can't keep up.

After the sword was inserted, with the tip of the sword as the center of the circle, wisps of black mist emerged from the ground.

In the area of 30 meters in radius, there was an independent ghost den constructed by the evil sword.

Of course, his current strength was too weak, so he could only create such a large ghost den.

When it was in the hands of the original owner, with one thrust of the sword, ghosts would appear in the area for miles around.

He could also control the sword clones and devour the ghosts that were trapped.

It was very terrifying.

Then, he took out the jade pendant of General Tian Gong.

He wanted to see if any little ghost could withstand the thunder of this old man.

After getting ready, he nodded to the bodyguard in the distance. The latter immediately took out a lighter, threw it on the ground, and then turned around and ran away.


A line of fire quickly spread to the locust wood statue and ignited it. The flames shot up into the sky, and crackling sounds were heard. The whole statue was burned black in an instant.


The infant spirit hiding inside let out a painful wail.

The locust tree is its home, which is equivalent to the flesh of a living person. Setting it on fire is no different from setting it on fire. Its pain can be imagined.

A black shadow rushed out from it and pounced on Zhang Qingyuan. Its home was burned, and the little ghost became more vicious. Its eyes turned completely red, and there were wisps of blood wrapped around it. It was infinitely close to the level of a fierce ghost.

"Humph! God's might is so great, God help me!"

Zhang Qingyuan held the jade pendant of General Tiangong in his hand, and injected the power of his soul into it. He was in a trance for a moment, and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

But at this time, he did not bother to check the abnormality of the jade pendant, and immediately activated the thunder magic left in it.

In an instant���Dark clouds covered the sky, electric snakes danced wildly, and a bright lightning flashed down, accurately hitting the little ghost.


The little ghost didn't even have time to scream before his soul was unstable. The extremely yang and strong power of lightning and thunder ran wildly in his soul. The evil spirit on his body dissipated and fell to the ground, and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly pulled out the plug of the soul-collecting gourd. The suction burst out and collected the half-dead baby spirit into the gourd.

This kind of evil ghost, no matter what the reason for harming people, will bear great cause and effect. If it falls into the hands of Buddhist masters, they may be converted and helped to reincarnate, but if they are caught by the underworld, there is no need to think about it, and they will be thrown into the eighteen levels of hell.

Besides, this is for Zhang Qingyuan to use, and he will count his achievements later. He can't bear to let it be damaged. The thunder method just now deliberately controlled the power.

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