
After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Qingyuan woke up, holding his head. He turned around and saw that he was lying on the broken wooden bed in his grave.

"Damn, my head is going to explode……"

He hit him hard a few times and was about to curse, but the new memories in his mind made him stunned for a moment.

The next second, a smile appeared on his face:"Ancestor, you are really my ancestor, ha ha ha ha……"

——《"Taiping Heavenly Book"

As long as he pondered for a while, four big characters would appear in his mind, followed by a series of complex and profound scriptures.

The moment he saw these scriptures, he naturally understood their meaning. These were all gifts from General Zhang Jue, who passed on his lifelong practice experience to him.

His head still hurt, but it was slowly easing. At this time, he could do nothing, so Zhang Qingyuan had to take out his mobile phone and wanted to visit a few Internet celebrities. Only the melody of dancing black silk thighs could relieve his current discomfort.

After swiping through several posts, a depressed look appeared on his face.

They were all hot searches about him catching ghosts, and information about Li Zhuxuan's pregnancy before marriage. Secondly, someone had dug up Wang Zhengyang from head to toe. He was the boss of the Wang Group, the helmsman of the Wang family in the northwest, three generations of wealth, and a real Daxia wealthy family. After swiping through the posts for a full half an hour, the scattered posts by the few young ladies did work, and relieved his headache symptoms a lot.

"How many gifts did you receive this time?" He clicked on his information homepage.

【Nickname: Zhang Dadan

Fans: 12.11 million

Followers: 12

Likes: 370 million

Withdrawable balance: 108 taels of Yin money】

"Shit, the number of fans increased by more than 800,000, and the reward income was more than 60 taels of Yin money, plus the ones that have not been taken out from the Support Pavilion, it is close to 200 taels."

Zhang Qingyuan was a little shocked. He didn't expect that this live broadcast would be so powerful, with so many fans and rewards.

Of course, it is also possible that the gimmick of catching ghosts is really enough, and it became the number one hot search later, so it is not surprising that it has increased so much.

The most important thing is that there is still 10 million yuan from Wang Zhengyang. After Zhao Yuanshan burns it down, minus the 500,000 yuan returned to Northwest Tiger Brother, that will be 950 taels of Yin money.



Zhang Qingyuan now only wants to use these two words to describe himself. He is instantly full of confidence and his waist is harder than ever.

After the headache symptoms gradually eased, Zhang Qingyuan had time to check the"Taiping Heavenly Book" in his mind.》

"The Taoist scriptures passed down by Nanhua Patriarch, isn't this Zhuangzi? So I am also the descendant of Zhuangzi... Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in one pot."

After a little complaint, the scriptures began to echo in my mind.

"……Nothingness is something that is solid inside and empty outside, something that exists but seems to be nothing.……"

Every word appeared, like the sound of a huge bell, cleansing the mind, and the dark soul light seemed to be wiped away, becoming clearer and brighter than ever before.

"Huh... As expected of the orthodox Taoist sect, just reciting it has great power. If you can learn the magic spells above, it will be much easier to meet such little ghosts again."

After packing up, Zhang Qingyuan prepared to report to the Evil Suppression Division and hand in the task first.

When he opened the door, the blood moon had already set, the daytime ban was lifted, and Fengdu City was a bit more lively. Although the outer city was desolate, as you walked towards the inner city, the number of ghosts gradually increased. Although most of them looked very different from living people, they felt eerie and terrifying.

But in fact, the ghosts living in Fengdu City are basically ordinary ghosts. To put it bluntly, they are good people and do not pose much harm.

Of course, there are also people like Zhao Jin and Yu Xuanji who have attained the Tao and stayed in the underworld after death and did not reincarnate. I also saw a few along the way, wandering in the city in Taoist robes, but it seems that their Taoism is not as profound as Zhao Jin's.

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't recognize which sect they were from.


"What a handsome brother, come and play"

"Young Master, I think you look a little unfamiliar, I want to get to know you."

There were sweet laughs coming from the Qunfang Baigui Tower next to you, and there was also a charming female ghost waving a veil at him inside the door, just like a demon woman's cave.

Zhang Qingyuan shuddered and hurriedly quickened his pace to leave here.

Last time, Zhao Jin reminded him that the female ghosts here do not suck human bone marrow, but suck ghosts. Although his small body is comparable to evil ghosts, he still can't stand the sucking of hungry female ghosts.

It is said that thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and fifty can suck soil when sitting on the ground. The female ghosts here are hundreds of years old, you can imagine how terrifying they are.

When he came to the inner city, he had the waist badge of the Suppression of Evil Division hanging around his waist and was still wearing the fishtail suit. The ghost soldiers at the city gate did not dare to stop him. Ten minutes later, he arrived at the Suppression of Evil Division Yamen. He happened to see Monk Lingzhi coming out of the door. He met him face to face, so it was not good not to say hello.

"Master of Lingzhi, have you completed your mission?"

"Amitabha, it turned out to be Mr. Zhang. Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission. I happened to meet a vicious ghost and subdued it. Mr. Zhang, are you here to complete the task?"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded and said,"I am lucky. I met a little ghost. Although it took some effort, I still solved it."

"Good, good. I see that your spirit is clear and bright, your soul is bright and clear, and there are incense burning all around you. I believe that ordinary ghosts will not be able to pose a threat to you. In the future, this evil suppression department will definitely give you room to show your strength."Lingzhi spoke very nicely.

If it weren't for the death of the Buddha, the changes in the Pure Land of Buddhism, and the publication of the"Sutra of the Extinction of the Dharma", if he met such a great monk, he would definitely rush to build a relationship with him, but forget it now, so as not to be affected. After the two chatted for a while, monk Lingzhi prepared to do a new task and did not stay long.

Zhang Qingyuan came all the way to Yu Xuanji's office and saw her figure holding a paper umbrella in the yard from a distance.

What a good woman, but she just doesn't like to see people.

After a little complaint, Zhang Qingyuan withdrew his thoughts and went in to report

"Huh? It's finished so quickly?" Yu Xuanji asked in surprise.

"Luckily,……"Zhang Qingyuan spent a few minutes briefly describing the process, of course omitting the information about the Ghostly Evil Sword, and only said that he used the Jade Pendant of the Heavenly Father, and a bolt of lightning struck the little ghost.

"Yes, General Tiangong's thunder method is indeed not difficult to deal with this kind of little ghost. Did you get this from the secret library?" Yu Xuanji asked. Zhang Qingyuan nodded.

"I didn't expect you to be so lucky. There are only a few items of this level in the entire secret library."

That's the power of money..." Zhang Qingyuan replied silently in his heart.

"Since you can deal with evil ghosts now, you are barely qualified to be an evil suppressor. Zhao Jin seems to have some problems. Now that you are back, go out of the city to find him and see if you can help."Yu Xuanji ordered. Zhang Qingyuan hesitated for a moment and asked,"How will the merits be calculated then?"

"I will give it to you from him."

That's great. Zhang Qingyuan couldn't wait to see Zhao Jin's angry face when his achievements were taken away.

After handing the little ghost to Yu Xuanji, he hurriedly left the Suppression of Evil Division, intending to go out of the city to find Zhao Jin.

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