Back to the underworld.

Zhang Qingyuan was completely dizzy. It was really because Wang Zhengyang was too good at giving him big cakes. He built a temple for him, and he wanted to give him a good name in the official circles, and he also wanted to build a tourist area?

"Damn it, am I going to be worshipped by others if I’m not careful?"

"It doesn’t seem like a bad thing?"

In a small courtyard in a mountain village in the northeast,

Zhao Yuanshan watched the second half of the live broadcast and naturally heard about Wang Zhengyang’s plan to build a temple for him.

After the live broadcast ended, he put down his phone and said solemnly:"I’m afraid this kid is in trouble."

Zhao Lingshan asked in confusion:"What’s wrong, grandpa? Isn’t it just catching a ghost?"

"What do you know? If this Wang or something really builds a temple to worship this kid, then he will have the foundation to become a god. Moreover, with this live broadcast, so many people have watched him catch ghosts with their own eyes, and his reputation will spread. If he does it a few more times in the future, there will definitely be a large number of blind followers who will worship him. By then, being a small evil-suppressing envoy will definitely not be his end."

As a Taoist who is familiar with the secrets of immortals and even the secrets of gods, when Zhao Yuanshan saw this trend, he could roughly guess the subsequent trend and immediately became serious.

Zhao Lingshan was a little confused and asked,"Then Grandpa, what does this have to do with us?"

"Idiot!" Zhao Yuanshan knocked her head in anger and scolded:"Have you forgotten that he is your Taoist soldier? The two of you have helped each other. If he really reaches that step, can you still miss out on your benefits? The fact that you can meet him is not enough to describe it as the blessing of the ancestors."


In the underworld, Zhang Qingyuan didn't know that Zhao Yuanshan actually thought so highly of him.

After returning to Fengdu City, he didn't rush to the Evil Suppression Division to report immediately, but returned to his own Yin residence.

When he used the Tiangong Jade Pendant just now, he found something unusual and was anxious to go back and take a look.

Taking out the jade pendant, Zhang Qingyuan looked at it carefully. It was crystal clear and could be seen to be made of a piece of top-grade jade, with the three words"Tiangong Order" written on it.

Thinking of the scene when he used the jade pendant in the Wang family before, Zhang Qingyuan still input a trace of soul power into it, and at the same time, his mind followed it into it.

A mysterious talisman was suspended in the ignorant and chaotic space. There was no abnormality on the surface, and the reason why it could activate the thunder method was based on the existence of this talisman.

When dealing with the little ghost before, Zhang Qingyuan also followed the instructions and activated the talisman normally. However, when his consciousness touched the talisman, he found an abnormal change.

He carefully probed his consciousness, carrying a wisp of soul power, and saw that the talisman was like charging, and it lit up. The tiny lightning wrapped around the rune, making his consciousness feel a little uncomfortable.

He forced himself to endure the discomfort and continued to probe deeper. Faintly, a film-like barrier appeared in front of him. When his consciousness touched the film, a strange force probed out and scanned Zhang Qingyuan, who was holding the jade pendant, from head to toe carefully.

"It was the same feeling again. It was the first time I used the jade pendant. My mind probed too deep and accidentally touched the thin membrane barrier."Zhang Qingyuan's heart trembled, and he continued to maintain the existence of his mind, not withdrawing directly like last time.

【Descendants of the Zhang family, allowed to pass! 】


Zhang Qingyuan was stunned, with a strange look on his face... What does this mean? Something that Zhang Jiao left for future generations?

Before he could think about it, a strong suction came from the jade pendant in his hand. Zhang Qingyuan had no time to react, and his entire soul was sucked into it.

A stream of light flashed by his side, and when everything dissipated, he appeared in an unfamiliar space. In front of him was a high wall with a door embedded in the wall, like an ancient city wall and city gate.

Zhang Qingyuan carefully looked around and did not find anything unusual. With some trepidation, he gently pushed the door in front of him. With a rumble, white light rushed in and submerged it.……

"Great and Good Teacher……"

"General God!"

"Great and Good Teacher...General Tiangong……"

There was a roar like a tsunami, tens of thousands of people were shouting in unison, the sound was deafening, and it also made Zhang Qingyuan's ears numb.

When the light in front of him dissipated, a luxurious palace appeared in front of him, and on the steps in front of him was a golden dragon throne, and a middle-aged man in simple clothes sat on the seat, looking at him calmly.

"I am a great and virtuous teacher, called Tiangong, a disciple of the Zhang family. Fortunately, the Nanhua Patriarch gave me the"Taiping Heavenly Book". I am determined to save the people of the world. However, there is an emperor in heaven, and it is impossible for the Zhang family to become emperor on earth. I failed at the last moment."

"I am dead, but the Heavenly Book taught by Nanhua Patriarch cannot be cut off. You and I are of the same sect and surname, so you can inherit the Heavenly Book."

Zhang Jue finished reading a line by himself, and before Zhang Qingyuan could ask, his figure turned into a stream of light and instantly disappeared into his soul.


Zhang Qingyuan's body was emitting brilliant divine light. His illusory soul actually showed some signs of substance. But that was not the key. The most important thing was that the profound and abstruse Taoist scriptures were pouring into his mind like a cramming machine, instantly approaching the limit of his information acquisition.

It only lasted for a moment before he rolled his eyes and fainted on the ground.


At the same time, at Jiangnan University, when the school was about to start at the end of August, the student union came to the school half a month in advance to prepare for the ceremony and activities to welcome the new students.

At 10:30 in the evening, the lights in the school auditorium were still on. Lin Yu, the president of the student union, looked at the program list and only breathed a sigh of relief after the rehearsal of the last singing program was completed.

It was already very good to be able to rehearse such a program in half a month.

"President, is it ok? We think it's pretty good."Yao Jiaqi came over and asked.

She was obviously interested in the student union president, and her eyes were full of stars when she looked at him. It was a pity that he already had a girlfriend, Huang Yiyi, the campus belle of Jiangnan University. Being with Lin Yu, although it aroused the jealousy of countless boys and girls, they had to admit that they were a perfect match.

Lin Xuan nodded and said,"Well, it's ok. Thank you for your hard work. Go back and rest early. The celebration banquet will be held after the welcome party. Also, let me tell you that I will treat you to a meal tomorrow. You must come."

"Don't worry, I've already notified you." Yao Jiaqi replied immediately, and after hesitating for a while, he added:"It's so late, President, you haven't had dinner yet, I know a barbecue restaurant, let's go together."

Lin Xuan thought about it and realized that there really wasn't one, so he nodded and asked Yao Jiaqi to wait for him at the door while he went to the bathroom.

The auditorium was brightly lit, but the corridor next to it was very dim. The auditorium had been built for more than ten years, and many of the facilities were no longer in good condition.

Using the flashlight on his mobile phone, Lin Xuan went straight to the bathroom. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that this corridor was particularly cold today.

As soon as he opened the bathroom door, the cold air hit him in the face, and then a black shadow suddenly rushed out and instantly sank into Lin Xuan's body.


The phone fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and the back of the phone was facing up. The light shone on Lin Xuan who was standing there, and there was a hint of weirdness.

After a moment, a green light flashed in his eyes, and with a somewhat stiff smile on his face, he turned and left.

Ten minutes later, Lin Xuan and Yao Jiaqi appeared on the street near the school.

"Senior, it's just in front. I ate there last time and it tasted good." Yao Jiaqi quietly took his hand and pointed at the sign in front of him excitedly.

Lin Xuan had a blank expression on his face. He suddenly stopped and said word by word,"I'm not very hungry."

"Huh?" Yao Jiaqi's face was filled with dismay.

"We'll eat later, let's go here first." As he said that, Lin Xuan pulled Yao Jiaqi and walked towards the Xinxin Hotel next door.

The latter looked at the red sign at the door, and her originally somewhat discouraged expression instantly became shy. She lowered her head like an ostrich and followed Lin Xuan step by step into the room...

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