
"It looks like he's gone!"

"Was I fooled by you so easily?"

"Isn't it said that the IQ of wild ghosts is not online? I don't feel any sense of accomplishment when I fool him."

"Fuck you, you are so ungrateful."

The two of them were still standing there, talking in low voices. After a long while, they dared to move around in a small area only after they were sure that the black monk had left.

Zhao Jin glanced around with a sly look in his eyes, and when he was sure that the black monk was really gone, he heaved a sigh of relief and patted his chest and said,"I was scared to death, I thought I was really going to die here, may the ancestors bless me."

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at him and said teasingly,"Isn't it my blessing?"

Zhao Jin held the sword in his hand and said with a smile,"I feel that since you became a Taoist soldier, you have been a little bit floating, how about I help you loosen your bones"

"Just kidding, just kidding, you are so old, how can you be so weak?" Zhang Qingyuan smiled awkwardly and skipped the topic.

After packing up, Zhang Qingyuan raised his foot and prepared to leave.

"Where are you going?"Zhao Jin called him

"Of course he ran away. The black monk was in such a hurry. What if he remembered something halfway and came back to pack his things?"

"Bullshit, do you think everyone is like you?" Zhao Jin cursed angrily and dragged him back:"Don't leave in a hurry. Although the monk is a little evil, I took a quick look at the Black Temple. There are good things. Let's go back and take a look."

After saying that, he did not allow Zhang Qingyuan to object and dragged him back to the Black Temple.

"Senior, you are old, you have lived enough, but I haven’t lived enough." Zhang Qingyuan now doubted that the old ghost wanted to take him back purely to find someone to take the blame at a critical moment, otherwise why would he call him when there was something good.

When passing by the big tomb with the top dug out, Zhao Jin deliberately stopped for a moment and said,"This evil ghost is also unlucky. He met the black monk and was dug out of the tomb alive."

""What level of ghost is that monk?" Zhang Qingyuan asked puzzledly.

He only knew that it must be above the Li level, otherwise it would not be so fierce.

Zhao Jin said with a sullen face:"At least the Jie level! Infinitely close to the human immortal who has just ascended to the immortal position. I entered the Black Temple and ran out as soon as I realized something was wrong, but I was caught by him. Today I ran away again and happened to meet you."

After passing the lonely grave, a flooded depression appeared in front of them. The black water could not be seen to the bottom, but a large number of bones were exposed on the water surface. Because of the immersion in the accumulated water, dark green moss grew on the bones.

Zhao Jin led him to a dilapidated wooden bridge, which was just built on the water surface and crossed the entire flooded depression.

"In the underworld, you can't enter if you see water. The underworld is originally yin, and water is the yin of yin. It hides great terror, so be careful."

As they said this, the two stepped onto the wooden bridge one after the other. Fortunately, they were both in the state of souls and weighed almost nothing, otherwise the bridge might not be able to accommodate them.

A few minutes later, the Black Temple was in sight. It was built entirely of yin wood, dark and gloomy. The open door was like the mouth of a terrifying yin beast, ready to swallow any ghost that broke in at any time.

There was also a plaque hanging on the door, which read: Black Water Temple. Three twisted characters, crooked, like a poisonous snake.

"Is there really nothing inside?" Zhang Qingyuan asked cautiously. He didn't know why, but he always felt that this black temple was more terrifying than the black monk just now.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on. There's definitely no more."Zhao Jin said very confidently.

Zhang Qingyuan was full of doubts.

This old Taoist priest was not a reliable person.

If he hadn't arrived today, this guy would have died.

Even if he hadn't died, he would have become a traitor to Taoism and joined the Buddhist sect.

He walked into the gate carefully.

The oppressive darkness pierced his body like a steel needle, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

It seemed that there was a pair of eyes in the temple, staring at the two of them.

No matter where they went, the eyes followed them like a shadow.

""Senior, do you feel something is staring at us?" Zhang Qingyuan asked in a low voice.

Zhao Jin waved his hand and told him not to worry, nothing would happen.

In the innermost part of the temple hall, there was a two-meter-high Buddha statue enshrined here. Unlike normal Buddha statues, this Buddha statue was black, exactly the same as the projection of the Buddha statue that appeared behind the black monk just now. The

Buddha statue had its eyes closed, and its expression seemed peaceful, but it was full of evil intentions. Zhang Qingyuan only glanced at it and never dared to look at the Buddha statue again.

""There's nothing here?" Zhang Qingyuan asked suspiciously.

Apart from this strange Buddha statue, this temple was even more bare than Zhang Qingyuan's grave. There was not even an altar.

"What's the hurry? Come with me."

Zhao Jin looked thief-like, dragging Zhang Qingyuan to the left of the Buddha statue, where there was a small door leading to the backyard of the temple.

The moment he passed through the small door, Zhang Qingyuan unconsciously drifted towards the Buddha statue on the right. The scene he saw made him instantly feel great fear, and his pupils shrank unconsciously. If Zhao Jin hadn't dragged him out, he would probably have stood there frozen.

""What's wrong with you, kid?" Zhao Jin asked in confusion.

After leaving the temple hall, Zhang Qingyuan was still filled with fear, and asked tremblingly,"Senior, have you seen the back of that Buddha statue?"

"Behind the Buddha statue?" Zhao Jin was puzzled and turned back to the small door to take a look.

The next second, he was also stiff all over, trembling and shrinking back from the door, with a very ugly face saying:"He... Damn it, there is a ghost behind the Buddha statue."

Zhang Qingyuan swallowed hard and asked:"What should we do, run away now?"

Zhao Jin's face was uncertain, he hesitated for a long time, gritted his teeth and said:"Since we are here, let's catch enough before leaving."

After that, he hurried to the backyard. After a while, a pond of more than ten square meters appeared in front of the two.

The water in the pond was clear and transparent, completely different from the water of the underworld they had seen before. In addition, there was a faint colorful light in the water. If you don't look carefully, you may not notice it. There was a large patch of dark green lotus leaves in the pond, and there were four or five lotus pods. In the center of the pond, there was a blooming black lotus, as big as a washbasin, like a Buddha lotus.

"What is this?" Zhang Qingyuan asked in confusion.

Zhao Jin rubbed his hands and said excitedly:"Nine Yin Soul Lotus, a good thing, can greatly strengthen the soul, you are lucky today, this thing is hard to come by, otherwise, why would I risk my life to come here"

"Nine Yin Soul-Bearing Lotus?" Zhang Qingyuan said that it was beyond the scope of the nine-year compulsory education.

Zhao Jin was a little impatient, patted him and said,"No time to explain, hurry up and work, pick the lotus pods, and the lotus seat……"

He hesitated for a moment and said,"It grows in the Soul Transformation Water, so it's hard to get close to it. Forget about the lotus seat. It will be ruined if it touches the water. Just pick the lotus pods on the side."

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