The two carefully picked the five lotus pods near the shore.

Zhao Jin was a ruthless man. He took three for himself and left only two for Zhang Qingyuan.

There were nine lotus seeds on each lotus pod, which looked like black jade seeds embedded in it, emitting a crystal black light.

"How to use this thing?" He asked puzzled.

Zhao Jin happily stuffed the lotus pod into his arms and said,"It's very simple. Take out the lotus seeds and absorb them slowly with the power of your soul. Don't think I'm taking advantage of you. It's so hard to get one. You are still young. Some things are out of your control. Too much will not do you any good."

What a classic advice from"Panga Zhijiao"!

Zhang Qingyuan complained silently. He was too lazy to argue with this old man about this little gain and loss. After all, it was this guy who discovered it. It was a pleasant surprise to get this thing. I just don't know how effective it is. It sounds quite weird.

"Boy, what's with that expression on your face? Are you dissatisfied with me?"

"I don't have any, please don't think too much."

"Obviously, even if you don't say it, you must be thinking so in your heart. Do you see the black lotus seat in the middle? This is the main branch of the Nine Yin Soul Lotus. Whether it is Taoism or Buddhism, the lotus is a treasure. Take this thing into your body, put the true soul light on it, nourish it with your own soul, and the black lotus can reversely nourish and protect your spiritual light. It is a real treasure."

"……I'll give you this thing, just take it. If I say no, I'll ask the Grandmaster to strike me with thunder and scatter my soul. How about that? Don't say I don't take care of you!" Zhao Jin said very"generously".

Damn it, I just said that I can't touch this Soul Transformation Water at all, and I can't get it myself, and now I'm pretending to be generous!

Zhang Qingyuan cursed him from head to toe in his heart, he is really a cunning old man, a thick-skinned ghost, and a shameless man.……


Zhang Qingyuan seemed to have thought of something and asked hurriedly:"Senior, are you telling the truth?"

"Nonsense, it's more real than real gold. The ancestors have brought it out. Why don't you believe it?……"Halfway through his words, Zhao Jin reacted and looked at him suspiciously, saying,"You kid, are you……"

"Hehe... I won't be polite then."

Zhang Qingyuan laughed evilly, raised his right hand, and pointed the Xumi Realm in his hand at the pool. Suddenly, the power of space appeared, covering half of the pool and covering the black lotus seat.

"" Collect!"

With a light shout from him, the power of space shrank back into the Xumi Ring, and most of the lotus leaves in the pond disappeared, along with the main branch lotus seat of the Nine Yin Soul Lotus.

Zhao Jin's eyes bulged out, and he stammered,"Xushu...Xushu Ring? Damn, you damn evil monster, you are waiting here to plot against me, I must destroy you today."

The furious Zhao Jin drew out the magic sword behind him. The sword rang out, like a clear spring, and the cold light instantly illuminated half of the yard.


The ground beneath his feet shook at this moment, and a terrifying black gas emerged from the hall in the front yard where the Buddha statue was enshrined. Then a Tongtian Buddha statue was projected out, and its tightly closed eyes opened. The blood-red eyes were like two blood moons, spreading a layer of red blood light on the black Yintu ground.

A numbing sound rang out, and the Buddha statue slowly turned around, turning its back, revealing an evil Buddha with a fierce face, also wearing a monk's robe, and sitting on bones.

"Om Mami……"

The deep and deep Buddhist sound resounded through the sky, like a life-threatening Buddhist chant that shook the two souls and bodies to flicker continuously, threatening to collapse at any time.

"You...your uncle...this, the lotus itss." Zhao Jin covered his ears and spoke with difficulty.

"What... should I do? Now, is it too late to release them and go back?"Zhang Qingyuan did the same thing and asked in great pain.

"Fart, run!"

Zhao Jin's face was ferocious, and he turned around and ran to the back, while waving his hand and slashing out a sharp sword light, killing the evil Buddha.

Zhang Qingyuan would naturally not wait to die on the spot, holding the Tiangong jade pendant in his hand, and suddenly the wind and thunder were raging, and lightning flashed towards the evil Buddha, and at the same time he took this opportunity to turn around and run

""Evil... beast!"

The evil Buddha cursed in a deep voice, holding a string of Buddha beads made of skulls in his right hand, and grabbed the two people in the direction they were running.

The world was in turmoil, and the universe was turned upside down.

Zhang Qingyuan glimpsed a huge black shadow under his feet. He turned his head with difficulty and was immediately shocked. He saw a huge black Buddha's hand falling from the sky, like the Five Finger Mountain that the Buddha used to capture Sun Wukong, trying to suppress the two of them under his palm.


With a bronze armor on his body and a magic sword hanging from his waist, dazzling golden light shone in all directions. Zhang Qingyuan directly played his trump card and put on the Taoist armor.

""The ancestor has appeared, Taishang Laojun is as urgent as the law!" Zhao Jin was not idle either. He raised the magic sword in his hand, and turned it into a hundred sword lights to slash at the Buddha's palm. However, the lingering black air only rolled up and submerged all the sword lights.

Zhao Jin's face turned green, and he was so anxious that he even broke out in a few drops of cold sweat. He cursed:"It's over, I was killed by you kid."

Zhang Qingyuan rushed up and grabbed him, shouting:"Don't talk nonsense! Five Elements Earth Escape, go!"


The two of them lowered their bodies and immediately sank into the Yin soil under their feet. Using the earth escape, they rushed forward like lightning.


The earth trembled, the Yin soil surged, and a huge impact came from above. Zhang Qingyuan's soul swayed, and in an instant it became much more transparent, and his face became paler.

Zhao Jin was not having a good time either. Facing this terrifying evil Buddha, although he was stronger than Zhang Qingyuan, it was useless

"Eat one! Refine it quickly, and return it to me after you escape."

Zhang Qingyuan opened his mouth, and Zhao Jin stuffed a lotus seed into his mouth. The medicinal power exploded instantly, and the soul that was about to collapse instantly stabilized, and it was even stronger than before, but a large amount of medicinal power evaporated and was wasted.

At this time, there was no time to care about these gains and losses.

Zhang Qingyuan led Zhao Jin forward and fled deep into the soil, trying to use the Yin soil to block the attack of the evil Buddha.

If it hadn't been for this just now, that palm would have been able to directly slap the two of them to pieces, and there would be no chance at all.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned, and used the escape technique to resist the pressure from the Yin soil and the erosion of the dense Yin evil, just wanting to escape as far and deep as possible.

"You killed me. You killed me.……"Zhao Jin has been muttering non-stop

"Damn you old ghost, stop nagging me, hurry up and think of a way, I'm not strong enough, I can't escape for long, I may not be able to block the next attack……"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a creaking sound, and saw black Yin Qi chasing them like poisonous snakes, much faster than them.

According to this speed, at most ten seconds, the two of them would be submerged by these black snakes, and would also die without a burial place.

The situation was precarious.

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