"Senior, you are old, died young, and have seen a lot. Do you know what's going on?"

Zhao Jin:"……"

"Boy, I have been enduring you for a long time. I have a Heavenly Damage Talisman that will make you unable to speak for the rest of your life.……"As he spoke, Zhao Jin gave him a death stare.

Zhang Qingyuan laughed awkwardly and didn't dare to continue.

"I think this ghost city must be sealed by some kind of formation, which allows people to enter but not leave. If I try to leave rashly, I'm afraid I'll get into trouble. Let's wait and find out the situation first."

"I see that many ghosts are also queuing to leave the city. They are not affected. Could it be that they have some token or something like that?"Zhang Qingyuan guessed

"How would I know?" Zhao Jin glared and said,"It's all your fault. The underworld is so big, why did you choose to escape to this place instead of going anywhere else?"

"Senior, you have to speak with conscience. Didn't you just urge me to hurry into the city?"

The two of them blamed each other, a real-life version of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, a chicken pecking at each other. The

Yin houses in Youdu are very close together, and apart from the main roads, there are no ghosts in other alleys, so they will not be exposed for the time being.

"Let's find a way to catch a ghost first and see if we can get some information."After saying that, Zhao Jin put his hands behind his back and scanned the surrounding tombs with his eyes, as if he was looking for prey.


The sound of a door opening came from not far away, which was very harsh in the quiet alley.



The two sneaked over and turned the corner to see a ghost in coarse cloth coming out of a simple cemetery. He looked middle-aged and ordinary.

Zhao Jin moved very quickly. In the blink of an eye, he pounced in front of the middle-aged ghost. With a hidden lightning flashing in his hand, he pressed it on the other's forehead.

If such a vigorous move was used to grab a seat on the bus, even Bolt would have to give way... Zhang Qingyuan silently complained.


The shrill screams pierced the tranquility of the alley. People living in the surrounding graves opened their doors to check on the situation.

"Shut up!"

Zhao Jin said in a low voice with a dark face, and the lightning in his hand flashed. The unfortunate ghost was like snow under the sun, and most of its soul was melted away instantly.

"What happened? Who has the evil spirit that has entered his body and gone mad?"

"What happened? Why are you screaming so miserably?"


A few minutes later, the noise outside the house not only did not subside, but became louder and louder.

Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin hid at the door, listening to the noise outside nervously. The ghost who was just caught was lying on the ground, laughing foolishly, looking stupid, and could be taken directly to a mental hospital.

"Damn it, I miscalculated. I didn't expect this guy's soul power to be much purer than that of ordinary ghosts. I couldn't control him in the first place."Zhao Jin explained in a low voice, admitting his mistake.

Zhang Qingyuan was speechless, looked back at the stupid middle-aged man, and asked,"What should I do now? It seems that he is useless. Your brain has been electrocuted."

"cough cough……"Zhao Jin's face turned red and he said,"What are you talking about? Just go catch another one later."

At this moment, shouts came from outside.

"All ghosts must return to their houses immediately and not wander outside. The Nether City Law Enforcement Team will conduct a detailed investigation. All of you must return and not wander outside."

"Go back, go back……"

"Those who don't obey will be driven out of the city directly!"

Although he didn't know what was going on outside, the name of the Nether City Law Enforcement Team was not difficult to associate with the government offices similar to the Evil Suppression Division or the Ghost Soldiers in Fengdu, which should be the force to maintain the order in Nether City.

Not long after, the chaotic sounds outside disappeared, replaced by the sound of most people moving in unison.

Zhang Qingyuan bravely opened a crack in the door and looked out, only to see a group of ghosts in black robes pouring into the alley, knocking on the doors one by one, questioning the ghosts living inside.

"Damn it! They are checking every house." He said with a sullen face.

Zhao Jin cursed:"What's wrong with Youdu? They are so active in trivial matters. Aren't they uncomfortable with being as corrupt as Fengdu?"

Cursing aside, the law enforcement team will soon come to investigate. There is a poor guy who was electrocuted and stunned lying in the house. If he is not dealt with, he will be exposed immediately.

Zhang Qingyuan unplugged the soul-collecting gourd and put it directly into the gourd. Then he took off the evil-slaying knife and gourd from his waist and hid them in the cabinet in the corner.

Zhao Jin did not dare to dawdle and followed suit and took off all his weapons. Otherwise, if he was seen, he would not be able to explain himself even if he had a mouth full of mouths.

The two had just packed up when they heard a knock on the door.

""Come out, the law enforcement team is checking!"

A cold shout came from outside the door.

The two did not dare to neglect and opened the door quickly.

A big man wearing a black robe, over 1.9 meters tall, with a face full of purple flesh appeared in front of them. The fierce and barbaric aura also warned the two that this guy in front of them was not easy to mess with.


Seeing the two men coming out, the other party drew out the knife from his waist and stared at them coldly.

Zhang Qingyuan's body tensed up instantly, not knowing where he had been exposed.

At this moment, a cough was heard nearby. Zhao Jin stood with his hands behind his back, hunched over, and looked like a dying man. He trembled and said,"Master... please spare my life!"

The black-robed man did not speak, and the knife in his hand was still not put down. His cold eyes kept scanning the two men.

The law enforcement officer nearby also heard the noise and came over.

"What's going on between you two? The rules of Youdu state that only one ghost can live in each room, why are you two living together?"Another law enforcement team member of a normal height asked

"Sir, we……"

Just as Zhang Qingyuan was about to speak, Zhao Jin spoke up first:"Sir, this child is my son.���He just died and came to Youdu to seek refuge with me. I will let him stay for a while. After this period of time, he will leave immediately."

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at Zhao Jin without leaving a trace... This old guy, forcibly recognized as his father, has the style of a network keyboard warrior.

However, I have to admit that there is no better reason than this.

""Okay, okay, Li Hu, put away the knife quickly, don't scare them. They don't look like they have been overwhelmed by the evil spirits and have lost their minds. It's not surprising that they are temporarily relying on the ghosts in the underworld." The law enforcement officer who came later advised, and the big man next to him put away the knife, but his eyes were still fixed on the two people.

If there was anything wrong, he would immediately take action to take them down.

"Okay, nothing more to do. Let’s just check what happened. Did you find anything unusual?"


"How dare the old man go out to see, he hid at home until the adults knocked on the door."Zhao Jin fully showed the appearance of a timid old man.

After asking a few questions casually, the two did not reveal anything, and the law enforcement team left here and went to the next house.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at them, and the big man named Li Hu looked back at him several times.

"The ghost must have discovered something." He closed the door and said

"No hurry, wait for them to leave, then we will change places immediately." Zhao Jin was also a little scared. If they were discovered just now, the two of them would definitely be in trouble.

At the same time, after walking away, Li Hu asked in a muffled voice:"Those two ghosts are obviously problematic, Captain, what happened?……"

The captain waved his hand and said,"It doesn't matter, as long as the evil spirits don't enter your body, the rest is nothing serious."

"What if they knew what just happened?" Li Hu continued to ask

"Humph!" The captain sneered:"What if they know, what if they don't know, can they escape?"

As he said that, he reached into his arms and took out a blood-red eye, saying:"Just leave this thing in this area, and deal with it all in half a month, no matter what kind of monsters and demons they are, they will all be dealt with."

When Li Hu saw the eye, a trace of fear flashed across his face, and he quickly lowered his head and said:"Yes, Captain, I understand."

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