"Boy, what are you crazy about? You're turning around and around, and I'm dizzy."

Zhang Qingyuan replied casually:"It's okay, the signal is a bit bad, I'm looking for a signal."

At this moment, the signal bar of his mobile phone still has four vertical lines, but the first three are black, and only the shortest one is white. Kuaishou can go up, but the video can't be refreshed, the lady can't watch it, and don't even think about live broadcasting. This kind of signal live broadcast is just a PPT for netizens.

The three major operators are not good, the signal coverage is not thorough

"What signal?"Zhao Jin couldn't see his Juhua brand mobile phone, and he died early, so he had never seen such high technology, so naturally he didn't understand.

"Nothing?" Zhang Qingyuan fiddled with it for a while, but still couldn't figure it out.

He stood up and asked,"What's the situation outside? Has the Youdu Law Enforcement Team withdrawn?"

"They left, but left something behind. I wonder what it was for?"

Zhang Qingyuan opened the door and saw a large eyeball floating above their grave. It seemed to have noticed him coming out, and it turned its eyeball and looked towards him.

"Big eyeballs? What is this?" he asked in confusion.

"I don't know, it might be some kind of reconnaissance method to monitor this area. We must be careful next time and not act rashly.……"

Before he could finish his words, the door of the Yinzhai opposite opened and a middle-aged man walked out. The moment he saw the eyeball, he collapsed on the ground and muttered,"It's over, it's over!"……"

What's going on?

The two looked at each other, both puzzled... It seems that this eyeball is not as simple as imagined.

As if hearing the noise outside, the doors of the surrounding rooms opened one after another. However, when the ghosts saw the eyeball in the sky, they all looked as if they had lost their parents. Some even sat on the ground and cried loudly.

"I don't want to be reincarnated..."

"My wife and I have agreed to renew our relationship in Youdu, and I don’t want to be reincarnated!"

"Why are you targeting us?"

"It must be because of what happened today!"


What is going on? What reincarnation?

The two were confused, but at this time, just in case, it was not easy to ask anyone. After all, it seemed that everyone knew what was going on with the eyeball, and it would be very abrupt if they didn't know.

Zhang Qingyuan walked out of the tomb and looked around along the alley. Some people were crying on the ground, some were silent, and some were self-destructive and smashed their own things in the tomb... When they walked to the end of the alley, they saw a blood-red light curtain blocking the way ahead. It was created by the mysterious eyeball in the sky.

Outside the light curtain, many ghosts had gathered and were pointing and talking inside.

"The unlucky guy in this area was selected"

"Luckily, I live in the next street, and the Emperor's Eye doesn't cover our area."

"It's only a matter of time. The world of the living is in chaos, with so many ghosts and evil grudges accumulating every day. The underworld is also extremely dangerous. They all want to flock to the Netherworld, but no matter how big the Netherworld is, it is impossible to accommodate all the ghosts. Sooner or later, they will be swallowed up by Tubo and reincarnate.……"

Someone in the crowd was so eager to teach and revealed the key information.

Zhang Qingyuan's heart skipped a beat... Being swallowed by Tu Bo and reincarnated?

He guessed a possibility and turned around and ran back. He saw Zhao Jin chatting with the ghost at the door, probably trying to get him to talk.

Seeing him hurriedly return, Zhao Jin was about to ask, but Zhang Qingyuan winked at him and then flashed into the Yin house.

"Boy, what's going on? What did you find out?" Zhao Jin followed in and asked impatiently. Zhang Qingyuan looked unhappy and asked,"Senior, you said before that Youdu was the place where Tubo of the underworld lived in ancient times?"

"Yes, that's what the ancestor wrote. What's wrong with that?"

Zhang Qingyuan didn't answer directly, and continued to ask:"Did the ancestor write about how the ghosts were reincarnated in ancient times?"

Zhao Jin thought for a while and said,"No, the ancestor didn't say... Isn't it the six reincarnations? What's there to ask?"

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head, and then slowly told the conversation he had just heard.

"What do you mean? The way for the soul to be reincarnated is to be devoured by Tu Bo?" Zhao Jin asked in disbelief.

"This is impossible! How can it be possible to reincarnate after being swallowed? Wouldn't it be directly digested by Tu Bo?"Zhao Jin didn't believe this at all.

"Do you remember the ancient myths that mentioned……"Zhang Qingyuan looked at him and said word by word

"Hou Tu turned into the Six Paths!"

Zhao Jin was struck by lightning, and it took him a long time to recover. He said tremblingly:"You...what do you mean? Before Hou Tu Niangniang turned into the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the way for the creatures of heaven and earth to reincarnate was to be swallowed by Tu Bo?"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded:"This is the only explanation, and judging from the reactions of those ghosts outside, although it is not right, it is not far off."


Zhao Jin slumped straight in the chair.

Zhang Qingyuan pushed him and said:"Senior, senior...don't think too much, it doesn't matter if you die again when you are old, but I'm only in my twenties and I haven't lived enough!"

Zhao Jin jumped up and reached behind his back to draw the sword, but he had hidden it and didn't pull it out. He picked up the chair and cursed:"Today I must kill you.……"

Ding, ding, ding...

There were sounds of smashing and destroying things in the house, but now there were ghosts everywhere who were emotionally broken and smashing things to vent, so it would not attract other people's attention.

After a while, the house became quiet.

Zhang Qingyuan sat on the wooden bed like nothing had happened, and Zhao Jin sat on the chair panting, looking like nothing had happened.

"Ahem... Senior, we can't have an internal fight now. We have to find a way out."

"Humph! Brat, don't think you can read The Taiping Heavenly Book.》��I can't do anything to you after learning two moves, I just don't want to bother with you"

"Yes, yes, yes... Senior is amazing, so what should we do now?"

Zhao Jin calmed down and said in a deep voice:"Now that Youdu cannot leave for the time being, we can only leave this area first.……"

"This... shouldn't work. There's an eyeball hanging in the sky, staring at this place all the time, and there's a light curtain blocking it. Not to mention whether you can get out, even if you go out, you'll probably be discovered." Zhang Qingyuan had thought about this a long time ago, but seeing that the ghosts around were all well behaved and had no intention of escaping, he roughly guessed what was going on.

Zhao Jin continued,"I see that these ghosts are also very impatient. I think some of them must want to escape. Let's try the water first and see how it goes. If it doesn't work, then think of another way."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan hesitated for a moment and asked,"Senior, at this time, shouldn't we ask the ancestor to possess us?"

Zhao Jin was so angry that he laughed and said,"What are you thinking about? The ancestor is so easy to invite, and I didn't bring anything to set up the altar."

"But when I saw you escaping from the evil Buddha, you used swords and golden mantras. You don't need to set up an altar, and you are much better than Zhao Yuanshan. Can't you just invite him directly?" Zhang Qingyuan flattered him lightly.

"You don't understand. The reason why Yuanshan needs the altar is because the emperor Zhuanxu has a connection with the earth and heaven. Without the altar, it is difficult to communicate with the spirit. Even if I want to use most of my methods in the world of the living, I need the altar. But the underworld is connected to the heaven, so I can naturally avoid this trouble."

"Then you just said……"

Zhao Jin interrupted him and explained,"Inviting the ancestor master is an exception. I need to burn incense, change clothes, go to the altar and perform rituals. I will first submit the memorial to the ancestor master. He will reply after seeing it. You thought it was a dinner party, and you wanted him to come whenever you wanted. Are you really afraid that the ancestor master will not come, but will be struck by lightning when he comes?"

"So that's it……"

Zhang Qingyuan fell into deep thought, vaguely grasping some clues, but couldn't figure it out for the time being.

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