
Zhao Yunshan looked at the tablets on his altar. Most of them were Taoist soldiers, but there was a special one with the words"Uncle Master Zhao Yuanshan" written on it.

He looked at Zhao Yuanshan's tablet and asked in confusion,"Where has Uncle Master gone these past two days? He has received no response from the daily offerings to him?"

"Nothing will go wrong, right?"

Zhao Yuanshan suddenly became nervous... He knew that Zhao Jin had become the evil suppressor, so he had to be careful not to capsize in the gutter.

He was still waiting to go to the underworld after he died.


As soon as he said this, he remembered that Zhao Lingshan had already started school and went to Jiangnan University two days ago.

"Forget it, it shouldn't be a problem. Uncle Shi has the strength to deal with ghosts and evil spirits. I'll talk about it if I can't contact him in two days." Zhao Yushan comforted himself, and then planned to go back to the yard to continue lying down.


The phone rang, Zhao Yuanshan took it out and saw that it was Zhao Lingshan calling.

"Grandpa is not well……"

"Bullshit, I'm fine, your grandpa!" Zhao Yuanshan cursed angrily.

"Oh, that's not what I meant. I meant that Zhang Qingyuan is not doing well. I've been praying to him for the past two days, but there's been no response. I've also been contacting him through Kuaishou and he's always offline. What's going on?" Zhao Lingshan asked anxiously.

"That guy can't be contacted either?" Zhao Yuanshan's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad feeling.

""Okay, girl, I'll call you back later."

After saying that, Zhao Yuanshan hung up the phone, and then impatiently put on his Taoist robe and came to the altar.

He took out five shiny Five Emperors copper coins and threw them into the porcelain bowl, then covered it with the Bagua mirror.

Zhao Yuanshan lit the candle with a serious face, then drew talismans, burned paper, and incense, then chanted something and began to perform the ritual.

"The way of heaven is constant, the way of man is unpredictable. The way of heaven is four-nine, the constant one is a leak.……"

The eight-diagram mirror was opened, and the copper coins inside fell on the table, making a crisp sound, and each fell to a place.

Zhao Yuanshan's face changed, and he blurted out:"Fate is unpredictable, cause and effect are chaotic... How is this possible?"

Then, he tried the six-line and plum blossom divination methods one after another, and the results he got were extremely confusing, with no concrete explanation at all.

"No, no, something must be wrong... Even if he died, or met with an accident in the underworld, fate and causality could give him some clues, unless……"

He thought of a possibility, raised his head suddenly, and said to himself:"Reincarnation... Only reincarnation can eliminate all results and all causes."

"Oh shit……"

Zhao Yuanshan suddenly became furious and raised the porcelain bowl to smash it, but suddenly stopped.

"I bought it for 80,000 yuan. It's not worth it to smash it for that dead cow's nose."

As he said that, he quickly walked to the table, picked up the kettle and smashed it to the ground, cursing:"You old fool, you said that you would take me to the underworld to eat and drink delicious food after I passed away, but you suddenly ran away to reincarnate." He cursed in the room with his hands behind his back. After a long time, Zhao Yunshan gradually calmed down.

"No, it's still not right. Even if they reincarnate, it's impossible for both of them to reincarnate."

As he said this, he summoned Liu Fuwei and asked him to ask Zhiyang God General to see if he could find out Zhang Qingyuan's current condition.

After a while, Liu Fuwei returned on a horse, stepping on a golden light.

"Old Master, I just asked, and Patriarch Zhiyang didn't come back to me, but a Heavenly Soldier brother helped me check, saying that Brother Zhang's Dao Seal is still there, and he has not reincarnated, and even if he wants to reincarnate, he must cancel his Dao Soldier identity with Zaoge Mountain, and it is impossible for him to reincarnate with this identity."

Zhao Yuanshan nodded. In fact, he had already thought of this before Liu Fuwei reported back. He was just overwhelmed by the sudden accident.

He took out his phone and called Zhao Lingshan, telling her to rest assured for the time being that nothing was wrong, and at the same time asked her to use that Kuaishou to contact Zhang Qingyuan more often recently, and to get back to him as soon as there was news.


Youdu, an unknown place in the underworld. Zhang Qingyuan, who was hiding in the Yin house, was bored.

Zhao Jin was not here. He squatted at the entrance of the alley, saying that he was waiting for a ghost to escape from this area to see what would happen.

Ding Dong... a crisp sound rang out, and Zhang Qingyuan was shocked. He quickly sat up from the wooden bed and took out his mobile phone.

He saw a bright red number 1 on the Kuaishou icon.

"Can I receive the message?"

He couldn't wait to open the private message on Kuaishou and saw a message on the avatar of Northeast Cute Cat.

【Zhang Qingyuan, where have you been? I haven't received any response from you these past two days?】

"Damn, I just received the message I sent the day before yesterday. What a broken signal.……"

While cursing, he replied: [Something unexpected happened. Senior Zhao Jin and I are trapped in Youdu and can’t get out.……】

He briefly described the situation, then clicked send, and then…it was sent, but it was spinning in circles.

"Damn it, I guess Tu Bo has already digested it by the time I send it out.

Ding Dong Ding Dong...

Several more messages popped up. In addition to Zhao Lingshan, there were also private messages from other netizens.

Before he could check, there was a sudden huge movement outside the house. The originally dark environment suddenly became a little brighter.

""What happened?"

Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly got up and ran out. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a white beam of light rising from the top of Youdu Mountain, going straight into the depths of the dark clouds, illuminating the entire mountain.

In that beam of light, dense ghosts filled the space, followed the white beam of light into the sky, and no one knew where they went.

"……It's over. This batch of reincarnated people has already left. It will be my turn in seven days."

The middle-aged ghost across the street slumped on the ground again. The ghost looked very decadent and a little desperate.

"Woo woo woo...it's our turn. Emperor Tubo will rest for seven days before swallowing us. I don't want to leave. My wife hasn't come down yet, and I haven't said goodbye to her yet."

""Forget it, just destroy it! I'll be reincarnated if I want, I'll still be a good man in the next life." Someone shouted pretending to be open-minded.

More mournful voices were heard, and those who heard them were sad and cried.

At this moment, a figure rushed out from the depths of the alley, and ran quickly towards the alley entrance, muttering as he ran:"No, I can't be reincarnated, I still have things to finish, I absolutely can't be reincarnated."

Here it comes!

The rabbit that Zhao Jin was waiting for is here!

Zhang Qingyuan's heart moved, looking at the ghost who was running wildly, he hurriedly followed. Even if this person couldn't get out smoothly, he could take the opportunity to see what the reaction of the eyeball in the sky would be, so as to respond.

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