"All ghosts, come out of the tomb immediately and stand in front of your doors without delay!"

A shout came from outside the door.

Inside the tomb, Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin looked at each other, their faces solemn.

"Senior, you are older, so you should be reincarnated first!" Zhang Qingyuan said modestly.、

"Humph!" Zhao Jin flicked his sleeves. Today he was very calm. He opened the door and walked out directly:"You are so timid. You are worse than an old man like me."

Zhang Qingyuan sighed lightly and took out his mobile phone to see that Zhao Lingshan had not replied to the message. He didn't know what happened. What happened to the immortal pointing the way?

"I said that the gods are not effective... Especially the God of Wealth and Yue Lao."He complained and was about to put down his phone.

At this moment, a red dot appeared on the avatar of Northeast Cute Cat without any warning.

Zhang Qingyuan was shocked and couldn't wait to click on it.

【Master Ge Xuan said: Youdu is hidden, not in the boundary of heaven, earth and man; cause and effect are cut off, not under the jurisdiction of heaven and earth; time and space are independent, and it is difficult to escape from the cycle. If you enter it, you should seek help from noble people, find the opportunity of alternating the beginning and the end, and the moment of time going back and forth, so that you can escape.

My grandfather doesn't understand what it means, so let you understand it yourself!】

"Uh... I don't understand!"

Zhang Qingyuan was a little dumbfounded as his enthusiasm was extinguished.

When he arrived at the door, the black-robed law enforcement officers were already chasing people away. Today was the day when Tu Bo would devour them. No one dared to resist and could only be escorted forward obediently. At the entrance of the alley, Shen Tu and several powerful ghosts were watching.

"Senior, is there any news?" Zhang Qingyuan approached Zhao Jin and whispered

"What news? It's useless now.……"He suddenly realized what was happening, and asked with wide eyes,"Are you talking about Yuanshan?"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded and said,"Well... Zhao Lingshan just sent it to me. The Grandmaster said……"

He whispered to Zhao Jin about Master Ge Xuan's instructions, and the latter was also a little confused and couldn't figure out what it meant.

If he had come earlier, he might have thought about it carefully, but he came at this time, with a knife on his neck. You asked me to guess the riddle, isn't that a joke?

But giving up is impossible.

"Senior, I think the key points are in the last two sentences. One is to find a noble person, which means to cling to someone powerful.……"Zhang Qingyuan still said tentatively

"Well, then what? Where is the thigh?"Zhao Jin asked

""Ahem... I saw a thin and white one, it should be OK."

Zhao Jin followed his gaze and saw Shen Tu standing at the entrance of the alley... He couldn't understand why a ghost was so good-looking.

But in the underworld, good-looking ghosts are generally not simple, such as Yu Xuanji and Shen Tu in front of him.

"Damn it, if I didn't know what you meant, I would have thought that you had a yellow brain attack."

"So, senior, hurry up!" Zhang Qingyuan pushed him from behind.

Zhao Jin glared at him and cursed in a low voice:"Damn it, why don't you go up?"

"Senior, please don't misunderstand me. I am so young. As the saying goes, a young man with no hair on his lips cannot do things well. Of course, seniors have to take action on this crucial matter."

Zhao Jin glared at him fiercely again, then squeezed through the crowd and slowly approached the entrance of the alley. Zhang Qingyuan followed closely behind. At this time, basically all the ghosts would get as far as possible. The two of them went upstream and immediately became conspicuous. Not only Shen Tu, but also the law enforcement team next to him noticed him.

"What are you two doing? Want to escape?"

Swish, swish, swish...

There were bursts of sword-drawing sounds around, and a group of law enforcement officers immediately surrounded them.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? You are blind, how dare you draw your swords against us?"Zhang Qingyuan suddenly shouted loudly, arrogantly pointing at the law enforcement team who were blocking the way, and cursed:"Why don't you get out of here? What's wrong with holding a knife? If you dare, chop me. If I lose a hair today, I will make your soul fly away tomorrow. If you don't believe me, try it." The sudden burst of Aotian-style"kingly aura" really shocked all the Yincha.

"Boy, what are you doing? If you want to die, don't drag me with you?" Zhao Jin cursed anxiously through voice transmission. If there weren't so many people, he would probably draw his sword and chop people again.

Zhang Qingyuan whispered back:"Senior, we can't be timid at this time. We must attract Shen Tu's attention. I was an orphan and have been hanging around since I was a child. I can't be more familiar with this situation. If you want to bluff, just go forward. They will definitely not dare to chop you."

Zhao Jin glanced around and saw that all the ghosts present were stunned and stared at the two of them.

"I'll die if I want to. I'll believe you this time."

After saying that, Zhao Jin was already"very calm" carrying his sword on his back, and walked forward with a swagger. The law enforcement officer who was blocking him hesitated for a moment, but still pushed him aside silently with his knife in hand.

"You are Shentu from Youdu. I saw you here last time!" Zhao Jin came to Shentu and asked casually.

"Cough cough cough……"

Zhang Qingyuan coughed twice:"That's too much. You've gone too far. You dared to call Shen Tu a maid."

Although he was anxious, he definitely couldn't ruin Zhao Jin's show at this time.

"Oh? Who are you?"Shen Tu looked at Zhao Jin with her evil purple eyes.

She had noticed the two ghosts at the entrance of the alley the last time she came. They were different from the ghosts she usually saw, so she paid a little attention to them and sent someone to investigate secretly, but there was no clue. It was as if they appeared out of thin air.

"What should I do? What should I say?"Zhao Jin asked in a voice transmission.

"Grandmaster……"Zhang Qingyuan reminded him.

Zhao Jin understood instantly and replied calmly:"The……"

"Tianshi Mansion?" Shen Tu frowned slightly, she had never heard of this.

Zhao Jin clenched his hands behind his back, showing how nervous he was, but he couldn't show it on his face. He observed Shen Tu's reaction.

Unexpectedly, Shen Tu just pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said,"Interesting, you want to find a ray of hope from me, but unfortunately you have to make up a better reason, at least let me hear it."

After saying that, she thought she had seen through the tricks of the two people. First, they showed abnormality to let her notice, and then they bluffed today, which was also a bit of strategy.

"Take him and take him to the Reincarnation Palace." She waved her hand and didn't intend to say anything more to Zhao Jin.

"etc.……"Zhang Qingyuan suddenly shouted.

He puffed out his chest, walked past Zhao Jin and approached, looking directly into Shen Tu's eyes, and said confidently:"Since Lord Shen Tu has never heard of the Tianshi Mansion, then... aren't you curious about where I come from?"

Shen Tu was a little angry and laughed, saying:"You are just a little ghost, do I need to know?"

Zhang Qingyuan put his head close to the light and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:"My surname is Zhang, the Zhang of the Jade Emperor!"

"Now, does Lord Shen Tu think it is necessary to know?"

Shen Tu's face changed slightly, and her pupils trembled, but she immediately concealed it...

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