How high is Youdu Mountain? Zhang Qingyuan didn't know.

Looking up, the top of the mountain was completely covered by the dark clouds of the underworld.

Now they were walking on the way to the middle of the mountain. Shen Tu led the way in front. Wherever he passed along the way, both ghosts and ghost messengers stopped to salute.

It can be seen that his status in Youdu is very high.

Zhao Jin was numb... Where is my Zhao family's ancestor? It's really disappointing.

He fell into deep self-doubt, mainly because he was stimulated by the complacent Zhang Qingyuan next to him.

My last name is Zhang, the Zhang of the Jade Emperor

"Last time it was Zhang Jiao, this time it was... Shen Tu actually believed it?"

""Senior, what's wrong with you? You look like a stubborn old man since you came out?" Zhang Qingyuan came over and asked. Zhao

Jin glanced at him... It felt like every hair on this kid's body, from head to toe, was laughing triumphantly.

"Jade Emperor... Are you really good at flattering others? Aren't you afraid of getting into big trouble?" He complained in a strange tone.

Zhang Qingyuan was not worried at all:"What are you afraid of? There are wrong moves. Didn't Shen Tu believe it? Doesn't this prove our previous speculation that she has indeed contacted the Heavenly Court? Maybe the demise of Youdu is related to her."

"Besides, do you think she dares to go and ask the great celestial being who sits high in the golden palace of Yujing for confirmation?"

Zhao Jin thought about it and it seemed to make some sense. Now there was no other way but to do it this way, and go all the way to the end.

After a while, a huge official residence appeared on the mountainside. It was the ancient underworld, and the architecture was relatively rough, which was very different from Fengdu. There were four characters written in complicated ancient Yin characters on the door, which Zhang Qingyuan did not recognize.

Zhao Jin next to him whispered,"Soul-crossing priest!"

It should be Shen Tu's official position in Youdu, but he did not know what level she was at. But seeing that she could command the law enforcement ghosts, her status must be not low.

Following Shen Tu all the way to the inner courtyard of the official residence without any obstruction, Shen Tu turned around and looked at the two of them with purple pupils. Zhao Jin was a little nervous, but Zhang Qingyuan was very calm. Things had developed to this point, and it was useless to worry about other things.

""Were you sent by the Great Celestial Lord?" Shen Tu asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Qingyuan smiled slightly and said,"What do you think, Lord Shen Tu?"

"There is no need to be mysterious. Since I have already agreed to the request of Heaven, I will not have any second thoughts. You two are here because Heaven is worried about me?"

Zhang Qingyuan was delighted... As expected, he guessed correctly. Shen Tu was the traitor of Heaven.

"Since Lord Shen Tu thinks so, why worry about the Great Lord being suspicious of you? Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent two of us who are not much stronger than ordinary ghosts?" Zhang Qingyuan was still trying to smooth things over, worried that he might have said something wrong.

Shen Tu sat heavily on the chair, with a look of deep confusion on her charming face. She really couldn't figure out the identities of the two people. She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't explain it clearly.

Moreover, since the Great Lord was involved, she didn't dare to act rashly.

Zhao Jin listened to the conversation between the two people and felt that he had lived a dog's life. He was not as smart as a boy in his twenties.

Zhang Qingyuan: When I was an orphan, did I suffer the beatings in vain?

"What is the purpose of those two revealing their identities to me?"

"Very simple! If Lord Shen Tu doesn't mind, let the two of us stay in your house and wait for the right time."

Shen Tu did not refuse this request, and it was exactly what she wanted. Keeping the two of them under her nose would make it easier to figure out their identities.


"Boy, you should have asked her to let us go. If we stay here, won't we be at her mercy?" Zhao Jin said impatiently.

"Senior, we two can't leave Youdu, so we are at her mercy wherever we go. And do you really think she believes us? Staying under her nose is a retreat, and we bet that she can't find anything."

On the other side, after Shen Tu arranged for the two of them, he hurried out the door and headed to another official residence.

"Yu Lei, something happened.……"

Shen Tu briefly recounted what had just happened to Yu Lei.

Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin obviously could not have imagined that Yu Lei, one of the Five Ghost Emperors, was actually from Youdu.

Yu Lei was wearing a coat made of the fur of an unknown creature, with a rough face, and he was the type of person who looked like a brain with muscles, but Shen Tu knew that this colleague was the one with deep thoughts.

She was also dragged into the water by the other party, and only then did she get in touch with the Heavenly Court.

"What do you think of the identities of these two people? The plan is about to start. What does it mean that the Heavenly Court suddenly sent someone here at this time?"

Yu Lei lowered his eyebrows and thought for a while, then said,"Sister, you are still too suspicious. This matter is originally led by the Heavenly Court, and you and I are the assistants. No matter what the plan is, why do we need to figure it out so clearly? Just do our own thing."


"I am worried that I will be abandoned by Heaven in the end. You can rest assured about this. It has only been a few years since the Conferred God Tribulation ended. The gods in Heaven have returned to their positions and the current situation has emerged. However, they are short of manpower in the underworld. They still need people like you and me."

"After all... once the plan succeeds, the underworld will inevitably be in chaos, and someone is needed to help the Heavenly Court stabilize it as soon as possible. The role of you and me is not only now, but also in the future."

After hearing this, Shen Tu felt relieved, but still not reassured.

Yu Lei saw her worry and said with a smile:"If you are worried, sister, Tu Bo will devour new ghosts tonight and send them to reincarnation. He will have no time to take care of other things then, and I can take the opportunity to contact the Heavenly Court and ask clearly."

Shen Tu nodded:"Then I will bring them here and let the Heavenly Court identify them. If there is any problem, we will deal with it on the spot, so that you don't have to worry about it."



Zhang Qingyuan didn't know the two ghost emperors' plan at this moment, and he didn't know that they could actually contact the heaven.

Looking at this ancestral house with a simple architectural style but very exquisite interior, with candlesticks, red coffins and various furniture, he suddenly felt sad.

"Damn it... When I was alive, I lived in a shared apartment of 10 square meters with only one bed. After I died, my house was bare in the underworld, without even a bed, just a broken wooden board.……"

"When I escape and return to Fengdu, I will definitely buy a big cemetery... I don't know if Wang Zhengyang has received the money. If you dare to cheat me, I will be Voldemort under your bed."

He took out his mobile phone, but the signal was still very poor. The private message was still at the state when he received it from Zhao Lingshan.

In addition to her message, just like last time, many netizens and anchors also contacted him privately.

"You’re really not afraid of ghosts… You want to connect with me via mic every day?"

"It would be great if so many young lady anchors contacted me to catch ghosts in their beds when I was alive... Now the only one who suits me is Nie Xiaoqian"

"Damn it, who called the dog bold? I will definitely go to your house when I get back. Men will lie under the bed and women will get under the quilt!!"

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