Back at Shen Tu's residence, the cold female ghost's attitude was obviously a little more respectful.

The title of the nephew of Master Xuan Du was much more useful than the relative of the Jade Emperor. Zhao

Jin came to a deserted place without saying a word and directly drew out his magic sword. The shiny sword body flashed with cold light.

"Boy, today I will enforce justice on behalf of the heavens and kill you, a traitor to your master and ancestors." Zhao Jin shouted with a murderous look on his face.

"Hey hey hey……"Zhang Qingyuan shrank back, pointed at the magic sword and said,"Senior, you have to think clearly. If you chop it down with this sword, you will be the one who betrays your master and ancestors. After all, I am now the nephew of Master Xuandu. In terms of seniority, there are few people in the whole Taoist sect who are higher than me."

"You dare to talk nonsense, damn it... You dare to take advantage of me, I must kill you today." Old people are stubborn, and Zhao Jin will not listen to any explanation now.

Zhang Qingyuan carefully moved his sword away with his fingers and said,"Isn't it just a matter of seniority? Senior, don't get excited. Let's talk about our own things. From now on, you call me the ancestor and I call you the senior, and no one will suffer."

Zhao Jin:"???"

Fuck you, let's talk about our own things!

Zhao Jin felt that his spirit had been greatly stimulated. If he didn't publish it, he would definitely not be able to sleep tonight.

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Qingyuan suddenly shouted,"I understand!"

Zhao Jin was stunned and asked subconsciously:"What do you understand?"

"I understand the guidance of Master Ge Xuan!"

"‘Only when you find the moment of transition between the beginning and the end and the reciprocation of time can you escape. 'Isn't this what Master Xuandu just said about escaping before he seals the Nether City?"

Zhao Jin fell into thought and successfully diverted his attention. Zhang Qingyuan quietly moved his sword aside.

"Now that you put it that way, it seems to be true!" After calming down, Zhao Jin also felt that it made sense.

Zhang Qingyuan took the opportunity to say:"Uncle Xuandu said that he wanted to seal Youdu into a time and space cycle. Perhaps this is the reason why we can't get out of Youdu!"

"How to explain it?"

As a person in the 21st century who has received nine years of compulsory education and understands various physical theories, it is not difficult for Zhang Qingyuan to understand the principle of time and space cycle mentioned by Master Xuandu.

"Now, the Youdu where we are is a circle in time and space. The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning. If I am not mistaken, once the timeline reaches a month, that is, the moment Youdu is sealed, the entire Youdu will return to a certain point in the past time, and start the cycle again from that point, and so on."

"This is also the reason why we can't leave Youdu, because once we leave Youdu, time will be reset to the moment we enter Youdu."

Zhao Jin said that his head was a little itchy and he needed to grow his brain.

But he couldn't admit that he didn't understand it, so he could only nod and say,"Well, to put it bluntly, it's Tai Chi. Yin is positive, and Yang is positive, and Yin is negative."

"Uh... Senior, it's fine if you insist on understanding it this way."The cycle in time and space is like the Moraus strip in three-dimensional space and the Klein bottle in four-dimensional space. It seems complicated, but it is actually very simple once you understand it.

"So, what you mean is that we just wait until a month later, when time restarts, which is what Master Ge Xuan said is the"moment of reciprocation"? How do we know when the opportunity will appear?"Zhao Jin continued to ask

"Senior, have you forgotten? If the current Netherworld is a fragment of a certain period of time in the ancient underworld, then Shentu and Yulei are naturally not the Five Ghost Emperors we know. They were able to live until the establishment of the underworld and become ghost emperors, which means that they successfully left Netherworld before the seal. We just need to follow them closely."

One hundred things are clear to Zhang Qingyuan, and he suddenly understood.

"I didn't expect my IQ to be so high. It was their loss that Peking University and Tsinghua University didn't admit me!" He couldn't help but sighed proudly.

Zhao Jin put away his sword with some dissatisfaction. For the sake of this kid's ability to solve the puzzle, he let him go for the time being.


Jiangnan University.

The last time she went to Zaoge Mountain, Zhao Lingshan successfully missed the freshmen enrollment. After she came back, the three slutty girls in the dormitory showed off to her every day about the fresh and tender junior students they got, which made her very angry.

"Hey, you guys are going too far! Especially you, Sijia, you actually secretly found a man behind my back." Zhao Lingshan frowned and coldly scolded a quiet girl next to her.

It was the southern girl who made her suspect that her throat was pierced by a file.

Zhuang Sijia replied softly:"I was bored, so I went for a walk and helped my junior to find the way."

"Humph, quibbling!"

At this moment, Tian Ling, who was playing on the computer at the next table, suddenly said in shock:"Did you see it? Someone on the forum broke the news that Lin Xuan and Huang Yiyi broke up."

"What's going on? Who broke up?"The dormitory door was pushed open, and a slim and energetic girl walked in.

Zhuang Sijia and Zeng Ling looked at the newcomer with a strange look on their faces.

""Wanwan, where did you go last night? You didn't come back all night." Zeng Ling asked.

Zeng Wan was a little shy and said,"Nothing, I just went out to play with a junior."

"Hmm? Shanshan, what do you mean by that? Why are you looking at me like that?" Zeng Wan hadn't even sat down when she saw Zhao Lingshan frowning and sizing her up.

Zhao Lingshan grabbed her hand, which was a little cold, not like a normal human body temperature:"Strange, did you run into something last night?"

Zeng Wan seemed to remember something, and suddenly became embarrassed, stammering:"Nothing... nothing."

"Nothing? You are very abnormal now!"

Zhao Lingshan said relentlessly... She already had a little bit of extraordinary power after entering the Taoist sect. From the moment Zeng Wan entered the sect, she noticed that there was a kind of power entangled with her.���The cold breath was exactly the same as the one felt from the evil spirit in Fengmen Village.

Facing the questioning, Zeng Wan suddenly became a little angry, shook off her hand, and said angrily:"Why are you asking so many questions? You will know when you have a boyfriend. If you are really curious, go find some small websites and small movies to watch."

Zhao Lingshan was hit directly in the knee by an arrow!

After that, she rushed out of the door and left the dormitory directly.

The remaining two looked at each other, not knowing why Zhao Lingshan suddenly asked such a thing, and didn't know why Zeng Wan reacted so much.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Zeng Ling took the initiative to say:"Forget it, forget it, let's talk about the big campus hunk. It was revealed on the forum that although he broke up with Huang Yiyi, he was in a good relationship with Yao Jiaqi. Someone took a picture of the two of them checking into a hotel before school started."

"Yao Jiaqi? She seems to be in the same dormitory with my bestie?" Zhuang Sijia immediately replied

"I heard from my best friend that it seems that Lin Xuan didn't admit it afterwards, and Yao Jiaqi had a fight with him for a while, so she has been hiding in the dormitory recently, as if she is a little depressed, making trouble in the dormitory every day, and the school has arranged a separate dormitory for her to live in."

"Wow, Sijia didn’t even tell us such a big secret, that’s too much!"

The two chatted back and forth, but Zhao Lingshan didn’t say a word. She sat on the chair with a frown, not knowing what she was thinking.

Zhuang Sijia poked her and asked,"Shanshan, what’s wrong with you? You are also concerned about Wanwan. Everything will be fine once she figures it out."

Zhao Lingshan shook her head,"It’s not because of this… By the way, do you feel that the school has been a little strange recently? I heard that someone encountered a ghost in dormitory building No. 7 a few days ago, and it was even revealed on the forum."

"Hey, you're talking about this matter. Didn't a girl bring her boyfriend to the dormitory to spend the night and make too much noise? Someone reported it and the guy was fired. What ghosts and gods are there? Don't scare yourself."Tian Ling said nonchalantly. Zhao

Lingshan said nothing... If Zeng Wan had just come in, she might not care, but the appearance of the evil spirit meant that the school seemed not so clean.

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