Time passed day by day. Although Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin were trapped in Youdu, they lived a comfortable life with Shentu protecting them.

During this period, Zhao Lingshan sent a message to ask about his situation.

Zhang Qingyuan just asked her to wait a little longer.

Although the signal was poor and the speed was slow, fortunately there was enough time and he could always send it out every few days.

On this day, Zhao Jin put his hands in his pockets, ran over like a thief, and said,"Boy, I'm rich. Guess what I found?"

"What is this?"

Zhang Qingyuan has been busy studying the Taiping Heavenly Book these two days and has not paid attention to the old Taoist priest. He only knows that he runs out every day and does not know where he goes.

Zhao Jin took out a copper coin the size of a bottle cap from his pocket. It was golden and looked like it was made of gold. The style was similar to the Yin money, but the words on it were different.

"Yin money from the ancient underworld, a treasure that can lead to the underworld! This is a good thing!"Zhao Jin looked at the Yin money in his hand, his eyes shining, as if he saw a beautiful woman, and couldn't let it go.

"Isn't it just dirty money? What's so strange about it?"

Zhang Qingyuan was calm and composed. Now he can also imitate Ma and say: I am not interested in money!

"You know nothing! You can't recognize gold and jade." Zhao Jin said angrily:"Although they are both Yin money, this ancient Yin money is not the same as the Yin money circulating in the underworld now."

"The Yin Money in circulation now represents the flow of wealth in the world of the living. However, in ancient times, worshipping ancestors was a very solemn matter. Not only did it require a grand sacrificial ceremony and offering livestock, but it also required the entire tribe to be pious and use the fortune of the tribe to worship the ancestors. Therefore, this ancient Yin Money contains the fortune of the tribe, not just wealth."

"Hmm?" Zhang Qingyuan became interested and asked curiously,"Senior, what's the use of this luck?"

Zhao Jin explained with a teacher-like look,"You don't understand this, right? In my Taoist sect, we practice cultivation and pay attention to one fate, two luck, three feng shui, four accumulation of good deeds, and five reading. This luck is luck. It has the power of leaping over the dragon gate and changing one's fate. If you can have a lot of this thing, you can be protected by its luck."

"Boy, you are extremely unlucky. I advise you to get more of this stuff." Zhao Jin advised with a smile.

Zhang Qingyuan felt something was wrong... Why did he tell him about this good stuff instead of doing it secretly?

He shook his head and said,"Forget it, I don't believe it. Even the gods don't work, let alone this bullshit luck."

Zhao Jin suddenly became anxious and said quickly,"You don't understand. The gods are human. Whether it works depends on their mood, but this luck is different. As long as it exists, it will definitely work."

"Senior, do you want to ask me for something?" Zhang Qingyuan heard something.

"Ahem... I can't say I'm begging for it, it's mutually beneficial." Zhao Jin's old face flushed slightly:"Shen Tu and Yu Lei are in high positions in Youdu, they must have a lot of these things in their hands, you can ask them to get some."

""Why don't you go find it yourself?" Zhang Qingyuan asked suspiciously.

"That... I am over a hundred years old, I know my fate, this thing is useless, so I remind you." He said calmly:"Of course, if you can get it, just give me some." Of course he would not tell Zhang Qingyuan, he had already looked for it, but hit a soft nail, Shen Tu and Yu Lei treated Zhang Qingyuan and him completely differently.

Humph... two snobbish dogs, what the nephew of the great master Xuandu, you also believe it, this old man... He was so angry that his teeth itched, but there was nothing he could do, he could only come to Zhang Qingyuan.

Zhang Qingyuan understood and remembered the Nine Yin Soul Lotus last time. This old Taoist priest is a wise man, he will not do anything without profit. It must be a good thing to make him pay so much attention to it.


Half an hour later, Zhang Qingyuan walked out of Shentu's study, and there was an old ghost in his fifties leading the way. He said respectfully,"The Lord Priest has ordered that the young master will go to the secret library in a while. Just choose whatever you want. The money for the underworld is also piled up in the warehouse, and it is not very useful on weekdays."

Zhang Qingyuan was"moved" to tears... Who said that soft rice is not delicious? It is obviously very fragrant. No wonder so many college students lined up to become sons-in-law in the Jiangnan area before they died. It was simply a shortcut to the peak of life.

When they came to the secret library in the backyard, a huge iron gate was embedded in the mountain. There was a yard around it. The black rocks formed a weird rockery. There were also several crooked trees from the underworld planted on the open space. On one of the branches, there was a palm-sized butterfly. The whole body was black and white, much uglier than the one in the world of the living, like a species born in the underworld.

The old ghost housekeeper opened the door embedded in the mountain, and the rich and pure Yin Qi rushed towards him, and the pores all over his body expanded rapidly, feeling extremely comfortable. As soon as he entered the door, he saw boxes of ancient Yin money piled up in the corner. Zhang Qingyuan was dumbfounded and suddenly felt that he was poor again.

"Every year, many ghosts give gifts to the priest, and he can't refuse, so he piles them all here."The housekeeper explained.

As expected, power equals money... I just don't know how much money the ghost gods in Fengdu have embezzled.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingyuan felt that he needed to be more low-key in the future. Jack Ma's famous saying will be said after harvesting a few more bosses in the live broadcast room.

"In addition to the money from the underworld, there are also some spiritual objects produced in the underworld, but most of them are not used by the priests, so they are placed here to be rewarded to the people below."

The housekeeper, the old ghost, introduced them, and then withdrew, saying,"Young master, just take whatever you want."

"Ahem...how can this be so embarrassing?"As he spoke, Zhang Qingyuan took off his right shoe, and saw a bronze ring on his toe, which was just the right size.

He took off the Xumi Ring and put it back on his finger. Everything inside was there, and the most eye-catching one was the Nine Yin Soul Lotus. If it weren't for this thing, he wouldn't have been hunted down by the evil Buddha and run away to this ghost city.

He moved the things inside aside, and then couldn't wait to start the action. He first collected two boxes of Yin money. As Zhao Jin said, a large amount of ancient Yin money gathered, and the luck it exuded condensed into a force, which made him feel relaxed and happy.

In addition to the ancient Yin money, there were a lot of things piled on the shelf. Anyway, he didn't know them, so Zhang Qingyuan was not polite at all and filled the ring directly without leaving any space.

After doing all this, he saw that the door of the secret library had been closed, so he took out the Nine Yin Soul Lotus immediately and took the opportunity to refine it here, so as to avoid being discovered by Zhao Jin and asking for it again. It's not that I'm afraid of thieves stealing, but I'm afraid of thieves thinking about it.

"According to what the old ghost said, just put it directly into the soul core and carry the true soul light.……"As he spoke, he lifted up the lotus platform, and guided the soul spirit into his body, entering the sea of consciousness of the spiritual body.

At this time, he did not notice that the black and white butterfly he had just seen on the shelf in the corner had somehow also come in, and was landing on the top of the shelf, silently looking at him.

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