"Huh? Why is it foggy?"

"Look, there are still people in Chunjiang Community who haven't moved out. The lights are on on the sixth floor of Building 7."

"Is this true? There are still people who dare to live here."

A host operating a drone suddenly shouted, attracting the attention of people around him.

People nearby came forward and looked at the images from the drone from high in the sky. They could indeed see a layer of mist covering the community. The lower places were no longer clear.

But the location with the lights on was very clear.

Following the host's operation, the drone focused on the lighted window and zoomed in to see which brave person was still staying inside.

"It seems like no one is moving... Wait, was that a person just passing by?" Someone suddenly shouted, startling the audience around him.

"Damn it, people scare people to death without knowing it, stop yelling and screaming"

"Was there anyone there just now? Didn't you see me?"

"I think I saw it, but I'm not sure. Maybe I'm dazzled."

"There must be someone there, I saw it, there really is someone there!���The person who called said very confidently

"Stop making noise, I'll rewind and slow down the video and you'll know." said the anchor operating the drone.

Upon hearing this, the others came over, staring at the screen with wide eyes, and some small anchors also raised their phones.

Following the operation of the drone anchor, the video went back thirty seconds and then slowed down to three times the speed.

The camera slowly zoomed in and focused on the lighted window. Because there were no curtains drawn, some furniture in the house could be seen. It was just a normal family, nothing special.

At this moment, a pair of feet wearing red embroidered shoes and a wisp of pink skirt suddenly flashed across the screen. It only lasted less than a second, but because of the slow motion, everyone could see it very clearly.

Because of the angle problem and the limitation of the window, the owner of the foot was blocked by the upper edge of the window, and other parts could not be seen, so only the foot position was seen.

No one present spoke, and even the sound of breathing was reduced a lot.

The drone anchor clicked on the rewind, and the time went back to three seconds ago, and the picture froze when the foot just appeared.

"Embroidered shoes……"

"Who wears embroidered shoes in this era?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on the pair of feet wearing ancient embroidered shoes, and the same question popped up in their minds.

Suddenly, it seemed that the wind blowing by had become a little cold.

"Damn it, who is breathing behind my neck?"A young man suddenly cursed, turning his head to look at the person behind him and glaring at him.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't notice I was so close"

"Stop arguing!"Someone shouted, interrupting the quarrel between the two.

"It shouldn't be a big deal. Maybe the owner of the house likes COSPIAY?"

Everyone looked at the person who was speaking. His eyes seemed to say...COSPIAY? Ask if anyone believes this is COSPIAY?

""Fuck, this is really a ghost!" A host who was staring at the screen suddenly stumbled back a few steps holding up his phone, his face pale, cold sweat on his forehead, and said in horror:"No... no shadow."

Everyone looked at the screen again. For a moment, the wind in the night sky became colder, and cold sweat took away the heat from their bodies. A cold feeling emerged.

"Really, really, really...there is really no shadow!"

"I...I suddenly remembered that my mother just called me home for dinner."

"Well, I should go home too, my girlfriend is going to lock the door"

"Bold, has Zhang Bold started live streaming?"


Some of the timid ones had already found excuses to escape, and some even remembered Zhang Qingyuan and asked him if he had a live broadcast, as if they had grabbed a life-saving straw.

But there were also a few brave ones who stayed, but the atmosphere was a little colder than before.

"Baby, babies... I'm a little scared, why don't you go back to dance?" The female anchor named Xixi was about to cry and begged to the live studio

【Don't leave, continue live streaming, I'll give you a reward. 】

As soon as the comment appeared, a sports car whizzed by

【Don't be afraid, honey. I'm on my way to protect you.

The guy who posted this comment has an IP address, GD City, thousands of kilometers away from here.

【You can watch dancing every day. No one has ever broadcast a live show of encountering ghosts except Zhang Dabing. Xixi, keep going. You may be the next Zhang Dabing.】

【Wife, I love you. May Amitabha bless you.……】

A group of netizens who were not afraid of trouble encouraged the female anchor to stay in the live broadcast room.

Xixi was already scared to death, but today her fans were not online, and they didn't even want to watch her shaking her butt in a black short skirt. In order to make her stay, several fans who were usually stingy and always freeloaded their money to give her tips.

"Let's lower the drone and shoot it out the window."Someone urged.

"Yes, let's go down, the angle just now is not good."

The people who stayed behind were all braver, and curiosity had overwhelmed fear.

The drone anchor swallowed his saliva and began to control the drone to descend, slowly approaching the lighted window.


The picture began to shake and blur, the light in the window had been stretched into a diagonal line, and a flowery screen appeared.

"Influenced by ghosts?"

"It shouldn't be, right? Dog boldly broadcasts live every day and is not affected"

"It may be because of the brand of the phone, Zhang Dadan's phone is far ahead."

After the picture stabilized a little, the drone continued to descend and soon arrived at the tenth floor, very close to the lighted window.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the drone shook a bit, and in the picture, the two curtains of the lighted window were blown out, flying in the dark, like the tentacles of a monster.



The crowd suddenly screamed and scattered around in an instant.

The drone anchor froze in place, his body trembling slightly, his face had long lost its color, and fine cold sweat slid down his forehead and dripped onto the control panel. At this moment, the picture from the drone camera was extremely clear. A figure wearing a costume and painted with a Huadan face suddenly appeared in the window, with red eyes silently staring at the drone in the sky.

That face, without any expression, those eyes, extremely cold, revealing a strong resentment, can make people uncomfortable even through the screen.

The light from the window turned green at some point, and the yin energy surged out of it. Faintly, you can see that there are still figures shaking in the house, as if it is another ghost.

"The blue sky is long, the sea of clouds is vast; the moon shines on the double shadows reflecting in the empty pond……"

The opera melody sounded, elegant and far-reaching, the lyrics and music were clear, and the silky female voice was transmitted to the control console through the drone.

For a moment, the scene fell into an eerie silence, and everyone looked over in the direction of the sound.

The opera continued……

"The vows were light, but the love was deep; the laughter and songs intoxicated my heart, but where is the tenderness of the past? Only resentment remains in my heart.……"

The emotions of the lyrics and music change, starting with love, continuing with resentment, and ending with hatred

"The love is broken, the fate is gone; the love and hate are intertwined and difficult to understand, the lovesickness is a disaster and there is no place to complain, only the hatred is endless……"


The voice gradually became sharper, and the word"hate" was spoken with blood foam as if gritting teeth. The endless hatred could be felt through the screen.

The drone control console fell to the ground, and the anchor collapsed to the ground in fear. A crack ran through the control screen, and the image was frozen on the window ghost, looking at the dark night sky, singing the lyrics of the opera with great resentment.

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