Beep, beep, beep... the sound of car horns rang out in the distance, but it sounded very abrupt and unusually harsh when it reached the vicinity of Chunjiang Community. In such a large community and long streets, you could hear a pin drop, and it was eerily quiet. The crowd watching the excitement nearby and the members of the law enforcement bureau who were directing the action all disappeared strangely.

A light gray fog spread out from the community, covering the street at the door. The eerie atmosphere was like the coldest wind in the coldest days of winter, with extreme chilliness, and the sanity value dropped wildly.

Splash... the sound of the tide rang out, and a projection of the Yin River appeared above the Chunjiang Community. A wobbly boat with a green lantern hung on it, and a ferryman wearing a straw raincoat paddled the boat across the Yin-Yang barrier and came to the present world.

Whoosh... two figures jumped off the boat and landed on the street. The projection of the Yin River in the sky quickly faded, and the ferry slowly rowed towards the depths of the Yin River.

"No one? Weren't there a bunch of people live streaming here just now?"Zhang Qingyuan looked at the quiet street with a confused look on his face. The street lights were on, but it looked a little dim in the fog.

Before coming here, he took the time to watch the video. There were many people watching and the anchors who were broadcasting. The law enforcement agency's car and the media's live broadcast car were parked in place. There were melon seeds, beer and coke bottles left by the people watching on the ground.

Zhao Jin shook his head and said with an expression that he was incorrigible:"After all, you are the inheritor of the Nanhua Patriarch's Taoist tradition. Can't you even tell the difference between ghosts and monsters? You are really ignorant."

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

From the moment he heard about the mission, Zhao Jin was very unhappy and found many reasons to criticize him on the way. A broken hand climbed onto Zhang Qingyuan's shoulder, turned left and right, and then pointed a finger at the community across the street.

Chunjiang Community... Four big characters were hung on the door, which was quite conspicuous.

"Look... not even as good as a hand. Is this the community you mentioned? It seems that the ghosts inside have expanded the ghost den from the community to the road. The people here must have been drawn into the ghost den and can't get out."

As a Taoist elder, Zhao Jin had dealt with these evil spirits many times in his life, and he immediately guessed what happened here.

"This is a huge ghost den, the creature inside must be very powerful, even if it is not at the level of a calamity level, it is still a very fierce existence among the disaster level ghosts, be careful."Zhao Jin said solemnly.

"Oh... then what should we do now, senior? Go into the community?" Zhang Qingyuan asked

"Nonsense, if we don't enter the community, are we here for tourism? To deal with this kind of ghost, we must go deep into the ghost cave and find the ghost's body to completely solve it. Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry in and learn more."

After saying that, Zhao Jin carried the magic sword on his back and walked towards the gate.

Zhang Qingyuan followed closely, and when he passed through the isolation zone of the law enforcement bureau, he glanced at the ground and stopped immediately.

"Senior, wait a minute!"

"What happened again?"

Zhang Qingyuan picked up a drone control panel from the ground. The screen on it was cracked, but the machine was not damaged. There was a picture frozen on the screen, which was the ghost image he had taken before.

""Senior, look, it seems someone has taken a picture of the ghost inside?"

Zhao Jin leaned over to take a look, frowned again, and asked in confusion:"What is this? A Western camera?"

As an old ghost who has been dead for decades, he has never seen modern scientific and technological equipment, and his understanding of the world of the living is limited to the era before Daxia.

Zhang Qingyuan explained while operating the machine:"This is much more advanced than the Western camera you mentioned. It can record videos. Let me see what's going on."

As he said, he clicked the play button, and the picture immediately went back to when the drone began to descend and focused on the lighted window.

The video time came to 10 minutes and 53 seconds, and the female ghost in costume suddenly appeared at the window. The eruption of Yin Qi rolled up the air flow and blew up the curtains.

Then the cool opera voice sounded, singing the sad lyrics, which was pleasant to the ears. At first, it was the woman's curled thoughts for her lover, but in the middle, she was resentful because of the unrequited love, and finally it was the hatred of being betrayed.


It was another sharp and long ending with a strong resentful tone, and Zhang Qingyuan got goose bumps all over his body.

"It's a female ghost! Isn't it just love... She has to play with life and death, gratitude and resentment, and she is incurable for love brain." Zhang Qingyuan complained. Zhao

Jin rubbed his forehead and said:"What is love in the world? It makes people promise to be together for life and death... After the woman dies, she turns evil and becomes a fierce ghost. Most of the ghosts I have seen are because of love."

"Since ancient times, women have had a miserable fate. In ancient times, most women's fates were not under their control. They were very likely to die with hatred, and they became the most ferocious ghosts. If you encounter such ghosts in the future, be careful. When they become ferocious, they are a bit like psychopaths."Zhao Jin also made a rare complaint.

Although it was biased, it was also a talk of experience.

"Okay, now that we have captured the ghost, it will be easy to deal with. Let's get rid of her as soon as possible. Maybe we can save a few more. If we delay for too long, the soul-binding ghosts will have to come here overtime after we capture the ghost."

"Wait for me!"

Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly chased after him, took out his mobile phone, turned on the live broadcast, and handed the phone to the broken hand, asking him to hold it.

"Ahem... Good evening, brothers. Where is this place?"

The severed hand was in sync with him and pointed the camera directly at the entrance of Chunjiang Community.

"That's right, this is the Chunjiang Community in XN City. On the way here from the underworld, I took the time to watch the video. At that time, there were many people watching and broadcasting here, but now there is no one."

As he said, the severed hand pointed the camera at the previous isolation zone. He could see traces of human activity, but now there was no one.

"I don't know what happened, but the ghost den covering the community suddenly expanded. If the anchor guessed correctly, the onlookers who were just outside the cordon are probably dead now. So brothers, don't eat melons randomly in the future, and don't bring melon seeds, peanuts, beer or drinks to watch the haunted scene."

【Bold! The anchor with the"flying perspective" just now caught a ghost during the live broadcast, and then a burst of fog suddenly broke out, and his live broadcast was interrupted.】

【Yes, I just watched it too. That damn female ghost was singing. My hands and feet are cold now.】

【Broadcaster, please save my wife Xixi. She also stopped broadcasting after the fog came out.]

Zhang Qingyuan saw the private message box jumping, and clicked it to see that a netizen had sent a live broadcast screen recording of a broadcaster named"Flying Perspective", who was the broadcaster who controlled the drone. The screen recording clearly showed the process of his drone taking pictures of the female ghost. At the end, the fog also broke out, the drone screen was interrupted, and his live broadcast was also directly interrupted.

"I've really been dragged into a den of evil. There are at least several hundred people, including those from the law enforcement bureau and the onlookers. This is a big trouble."

After watching the video, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. Hundreds of lives, who knows how many are still alive.

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