Following Zhao Jin into the community.

As ghosts, they were very sensitive to the strong yin energy lingering in the area. In addition to the yin energy, there was also a resentful energy that was even more frightening. If an ordinary ghost came here, it would probably be distracted by the resentment and turned into an evil spirit in a moment.

"Boy, what does it mean that your hand keeps floating in front of my eyes?" Zhao Jin asked, glancing at the severed hand that was holding the phone for Zhang Qingyuan.

"It's okay, it's fun to float." Zhang Qingyuan said casually.

【It's this old Taoist priest again. He has appeared in the live broadcast room of Goudadan several times.】

【This Taoist robe, this magic sword, this temperament... It's just like Uncle Nine in the world. 】

Cute Northeastern Cat: [Master uncle, this is my master uncle!】

【Wow, cute cat girl is online. Did you see the photo of my eight-pack abs I sent you last time? @东北萌喵】

【What does"Master Uncle" mean? Is the cute girl also a Taoist?】

【Kun Dao Ah... I am even more excited. 】

The community is very quiet. Because it is a low-end community, there is not much greenery in the community, and the buildings are very close to each other. The dense fog blocks the view, and the location of the room with the light on cannot be seen at all.

However, the video sent to Zhang Qingyuan by netizens mentioned that it seems to be the sixth floor of Building No. 7.

"Senior, let's go directly to the sixth floor of Building No. 7. The light in the video just now is there. The ghost is likely still lurking in that room."

Zhao Jin shook his head and said,"No hurry, let's first find out if the ordinary people affected are still alive. If I'm not here, it's fine. Since I'm already here, I should do my best to save their lives."

"How can we find it in such a large community? Wouldn't it be more convenient to just kill the ghost directly?" Zhang Qingyuan asked puzzledly.

"Humph, you are so confident, I can't guarantee that I can deal with the ghost. If I rush over and fail to get rid of the ghost, but get killed by it instead, then these ordinary people will really be dead."

"As a member of the Taoist sect, we should cultivate in peace in prosperous times and enter the world in troubled times. This has always been the principle of our generation. We should take the lives of people in the world as the most important thing."

Zhao Jin said it very seriously, it didn't sound like a lie, and there seemed to be a solemn sense of mission in his words.

Perhaps this is the secret of why the Taoist sect has been adhering to the principle of seclusion and being a wild man for thousands of years, but it is still popular today.

【This is a true practitioner, totally different from the monks and Taoists who eat more and get fatter than me.】

【As far as I know, during the turbulent times, many Taoist masters came down from the mountains. These now... hehe】

【Dog Dare, please help me ask the old Taoist priest if he accepts disciples? I have always felt that I am a genius in cultivation, but I just don’t have the opportunity to get started.】

【Stop reading those stupid online articles.】.

Zhao Jin took out a handful of little people cut out of yellow paper from his pocket and said with some pride,"Look, boy, this is the paper-cutting technique I made at Zaoge Mountain. It's perfect for doing odd jobs.""

"Paper-cutting into a human?"Zhang Qingyuan looked at the human-shaped yellow paper in his hand with curiosity.

The severed hand was also added to the camera in time to show it to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"That's right! Cutting paper into human form and giving it spirituality for a short time can help me find the location of ordinary people in every corner. Moreover, paper cutting is not a living person, so it will not attract attention in this ghost den. It is very useful."Zhao Jin's teacher attribute came online and explained to Zhang Qingyuan

"Awesome! It feels even better than the technique of turning beans into soldiers recorded in the Taiping Heavenly Book."Zhang Qingyuan flattered him. Zhao

Jin's face froze, and he cursed with an expression as if he had eaten a fly:"You are a good young man, but you have a stinky mouth. I gave you the broken talisman for free that day, don't be polite"


"Isn't this a compliment to you?" Zhang Qingyuan said innocently.

"Bullshit, turning beans into soldiers is a technique of the immortals, and you are comparing it with cutting paper into people, aren't you deliberately insulting me?" Zhao Jin cursed.

"Uh... don't get me wrong, senior. I don't know anything about this."

"Go, go, go... Stay aside, don't interfere with what I'm doing. I'm annoyed when I see you." Zhao Jin fanned his hands in disdain, asking him to move aside.

【Hahahaha...the dog was so bold and got scolded】

【To be honest, there is a reason why Taoist priests are called"Niubizi". 】

Netizens in the live broadcast room also looked gloating when they saw him being defeated.

On the other side, Zhao Jin spread the human-shaped paper-cuts on the ground, lined them up in a row, and then pinched the magic formula with his hands and muttered something.

""Without spirit, without root, without source, the mysterious supreme method, enlightened into spirit... stand up!"

With Zhao Jin's shout, the human-shaped paper-cut on the ground slid up and stood up straight, moving its feet, hands, and neck like a human, very vividly.

"Weird? It feels much smoother than before."

The spell was cast successfully, but Zhao Jin looked at the human-shaped paper-cut with a puzzled look on his face and muttered.

However, in this case, he did not think much about it. He once again formed a seal with one hand and said to the human-shaped paper-cut:"All soldiers listen to my order, search for living people in the ghost den, and report back quickly!"

Swish, swish, swish...

After the order was issued, the human-shaped paper-cuts quickly dispersed like lightning and rushed to every corner of Chunjiang Community.

【Awesome, this paper man, I want to learn】

【It looks so cool. I wonder if I can control the paper figures to go to the women's bathhouse or the goddess' bed after learning it.……】

【Get out of here, you said that. Why do I feel that this magic has suddenly become so evil? 】

The netizen is in the late stage of yellow brain disease. It is impossible for gods to save him. He actually thought of using a practical magic to voyeur.

Zhang Qingyuan... It's a good idea. Just tell me quietly next time.

Zhao Jin seemed to notice the change in his expression and asked with a squint:"Boy, what's the expression on your face? Do you look down on my magic?"

"How dare I? Senior, I���I was wondering if your magic can transmit images. If it can, it would be perfect. It is better than a hidden camera to spy on people taking a bath."

Zhao Jin was stunned for a moment, and then his face quickly turned the color of liver. He drew out the magic sword behind him and cursed,"You disrespectful and unfilial dog, I will kill you today."

"Don't... Senior, this is not what I said, it's a friend of mine……"Zhang Qingyuan quickly argued and brought up a friend


On the other side, the yellow paper figures were scattered in every corner of the community, like ghosts, and could pass through the cracks even if they encountered doors and windows.

In a dim room, the tense and suppressed breathing was very obvious in the silent darkness.

The yellow paper figure passing by the door seemed to have noticed the movement inside, and turned back and drilled in through the crack under the door.

"Ahhhh... Ghost!"

A deafening scream was heard throughout the community.

In another underground parking lot, a group of people were hiding there. When they heard the sudden scream, they became even more frightened and restless, desperately shrinking into the corner.

"Still no signal"

"It’s over, it’s over. I’m not going to die here, am I? I’m still a virgin."


"Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Jade Emperor… Monkey King, please bless us!"

Cries and prayers continued to ring out, and the atmosphere was extremely desperate.

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